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2/17/2005 3:10:52 AM

Had a Seizure...

I had a seizure so now i can't play Halo 2 till next week! this SUCKS SO BAD!!!
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] un gato [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kroenen [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GruntHaven [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] un gato [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kroenen [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] un gato I feel pretty pathetic right now. I've never broken anything, sprained anything, lost conciousness (excluding sleep, of course) or had to go to the hospital since I was 3. Does this mean I'm intelligent in keeping myself safe or too lazy to actually get out and do anything?[/quote] time I broke my thumb by running and slamming it into an ironing board indoors. I used to play baseball too...about 3 years ago I missed a pop fly and broke my nose.[/quote] I've been hit by several missed pop flies and the like. Once I took a line drive in the face. I didn't even get a nose bleed. Now that I think about it, I can't even remember the last time I got a [i]nose bleed[/i].[/quote] Either you live a very sheltered life or you are like that unbreakable guy from that movie, it starred Bruce Willis, I can't remember its know the one.[/quote] Oh crap...the movie with the unbreakable guy...damnit I can't remember![/quote] I do live a sadly sheltered life. Despite that, I have fallen out of trees, been hit by various objects, and...well, I can't think of an and, which isn't a good sign. Anyway, is that just luck, or what? I have never gotten into a real fight, though I'm not sure if I'm a coward or if I'm wise. I was once nearly mugged (I was only about ten, and was going around my neighborhood for a [i]cub scout fundraiser[/i]) but managed to escape. I just don't know.[/quote] Well I have never had to fight anyone either but that is because I am big an mean looking, in fact while in high school no-one had the guts to fight me, even the guys bigger then me didn't want to go me but that's probably because when I did get pissed off I went a little psycho. I don't think you are a coward, fighting is not worth it so I would say you are wise then anything else. Perhaps you need to take a few more risks if you feel like you are to sheltered but you do what you want to do. Oh and whoever said chicks dig scars is full of -blam!-.

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