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originally posted in: The flood are spreading
12/21/2004 1:30:34 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Kingcream I was walking home from school with my friends, all a glow with christmas spirit, when 20 infection forms dashed around the corner in front of us. We tried to run, hoping that jumping over the creek would save us from this madness. My friend Morris tried to clear the icy waters, but slipped and fell. I watched as the flood devoured him mercilessly. I have just arrived home now, and as I sit, huddled in a dark basement room, telling you this, I can hear the screams of my neighbors meeting the same fate. Beware, the flood are coming!!! And on christmas Eve, when you see santas sleigh floating across the sky, stay away!!!! Gravemind is just using it to spread the flood, like in amber clad.[/quote] You saw them too? Well let me tell you [i]my[/i] tale... I was riding the bus to school, talking about trivial matters like whether or not I could make it to the movies on friday, when suddenly the bus driver slammed on the brakes, and turned the bus to the side. The bus rolled over onto its sides, tossing its passengers around like rag dolls. Once all settled down, and I wiped the blood from my eyes, I saw them. Infection forms attempting to enter the bus through the windshield. I quickly got on my feet and pulled myself to the back of the bus. The infection forms peeled away the metal like it was foil, and quickly began to devour my classmates. I grabbed the handle of the emergancy door, tugged on it untill it opened, then crawled out. On the side of the road I found a sturdt branch which I picked up as I sprinted away. As I looked back I could see the infection forms devouring other unlucky pedistreans. I kicked out the window to a Ford Taurus and unlocked the door. As I stepped in I was overjoyed to see the keys sitting in the car. I started it up and floored it home. I, too, am sitting in my basement, armed with only my paintball gun and this trusty stick. I know they are in the house- the stench is almost suffocating me. The day of rekoning is upon us- repent... [Edited on 12/20/2004 5:32:24 PM]

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