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originally posted in: Forerunner and a Prophet
1/9/2005 6:36:18 PM
Well I dont exactly know what the occult is, I'm not a very knowledgeable person so I'm not entirely sure if you mean the religious occult or some obscure halo worshipping occult or whatever. All I have to say is that everything I've found here is amazing, esppecially the clip taken from the arbiter scene. I do have to say however that I highly doubt that the "Arbiter Prayer" could have any reference to gravemind or be spoken by gravemind (Trust me I dont mean to flame) but it would seem odd that Gravemind would have any regret for ANYTHING he does, and that he would have any prescence on High Charity at all. I may have misread but I can see no way to link him to the aforementioned "Arbiter Prayer" for the reason that if he felt any regret for anything he ever did, he wouldnt have been such the end of the game and raided high charity in the first place. Anyway those are my musings, toodles all.

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