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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update!!!
8/4/2004 2:50:20 AM
For Diablo: No, we're positive it was bungie, because of the link from the Halo 2 Movie trailer (no hacker could do that to a national movie trailer and bungie would miss it) and some of the texts written on Ilovebees. Por ejemplo: some of the random writing in the background is written like a script with one of the characters being an ONI officer/technician. If you read the books, ONI is the Office of Naval Intelligence (methinks), and the title of a bungie game, so the idea of ilovebees not being bungie is pretty much out of question. As for the countdown? Who knows, we do know it is not an early release, that would just be bad marketing, and then Peter Moore would have gotten his tattoo for nothing. The theory about a singleplayer demo makes sense to me though. One thing I haven't heard anyone mention, however, is EGM. Their issues usually arriver at their subscribers homes (i.e. me) around the 24th of the month, and they've been buzzing about their "top secret cover story" coming up next month. Related? Eh, maybe, maybe not, but the idea of a Single Player Demo of Halo 2 coming with my next issue of EGM puts a permanent smile on my face. See look, here it is: :) Edit: Sigh, that's what i get for being ignorant and not reading the rest of the pages, Frankie already bashed on the Halo 2 Demo idea, but hey, the top secret EGM (Not OXM) cover story still holds weight . [Edited on 8/3/2004 7:01:54 PM]

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