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11/5/2012 8:37:58 AM

Bec Rizk ❤️ old

Halo 2 using Halo: Combat Evolved's engine?

[b]EDIT: a few users such as joe campbell and banj0 didn't know why i suggested this idea: i though after the criticism Halo 2 received for it's weapon sandbox, pistol, aim assist and glitches players (especially those attached to Halo: Combat Evolved) would satisfied be exploring the world of Halo 2 using it's younger brothers engine no this isn't a remake it's a demake so don't bother pointing out dual wielding, vehicle jacking or any other obvious feature from Halo 2 because they won't return ofcourse some changes would have to be made for the new enemies and vehicles[/b] would you like a demake of Halo 2 using Halo: Combat Evolved's engine + being able to cycle between Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2 graphics? [Edited on 11.18.2012 3:10 AM PST]
#Halo #Halo2

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dark Hunter 2100 Promethian Crawlers and Watchers aren't lethal, just annoying and good shield poppers for the Knights. Most of the time they are just scripted to just surround you in numbers. Suppressors can sometimes be surprisingly lethal though. Promethian Knights finally offer something fresh, I believe. Aside from teleporting in front of face and killing you, fighting them is new and enjoyable.[/quote]Yep, even on Legendary, it takes them a while to lower Chief's shield. Surprisingly, I find myself dying more often on Normal and Easy... as long as you don't rush them too often, they're easily dispatched. Yeah I hate Suppressor Crawlers! Without support, Knights are pretty easy to beat not to mention passive (they rarely charge or compromise your position like the Elites) but I don't care because they patrol, they're huge and badass, they're numerous, they have an awesome death, they can be revived so we can fight them again, and we can assassinate them with their own blade. Believe it or not, I rarely notice the teleporting to attack. And I simply love it when the Battlewagons jump at me!!! :D My main disappointment was the Didact. He makes the Prometheans look like Forerunners. The way he was defeated, very shameful. A statis field is OP and pretty much killed any hope of a boss battle. I'd have liked it if Chief had found a way to neutralize that (like with the grenade he planted) so we could fight him with the guns we recovered from the previous fights (that's the whole point of throwing in so many Knight variants at once!!). A QTE boss battle is absolutely stupid. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dark Hunter 2100 -Grunts feel like Reach grunts, but with a longer if not infinite kamikaze attack. They can supercombine now too. Same good grunts. -I assume at some point 343 is going to mention that jackals are rapidly evolving or something, because they look like plastic surgery gone wrong in the face. Anyway, shoot their hand. Shoot their face. The Jackal snipers have a new alley. They play just like Reach and H3. -The Elites are a little underwhelming this time around. Every single Elite in Legendary Reach was a severe threat. In H4, they feel more like an obstacle. Fewer had swords than I had hoped. Yes, the elites are derpy in a funny way. A sword EVA was trying to get on the platform I was on, and he would fall and then try again, over and over. -I am most disappointed with Hunters. They just aren't the threat they used to be. Their shots are slow and predictable, and those who were good at hunter wrestling in Reach will find Legendary Hunters to be child's play. I think we need to get the gold hunters from ODST to teach those noobies a few lessons.[/quote]-really?! I think it's still the same as Reach, they still blow themselves up if they can't reach you. :/ I liked Halo 3 kamikaze Grunts better, they could follow you so far and maintain it for so long, it was great! I had one jumping in the same spot with me right behind it for 8 minutes! Also, there was a time where I got out of Sierra 117 and sniped a Brute and a Grunt was kamikaze until the Pelican arrived. I find that to be a major grievance on Easy (on Legendary, you really have to kill them so there's really no gripes there). I used to love collecting enemy Grunts. Due to the supercombine being EMP, I now have to kill the Needler wielders. Oh and have you noticed they jump with their methane tanks? I think it's a lot better than that stupid jetpacking occurrence in Reach. Glad they got rid of it. -They should have been more fearsome than the same old campers. I bet they just forgot to take their Halloween masks off... 343 sure know how to balance their game. Throwing 15+ fuel rod gun Grunts is just insane. I also hear that in Spartan Ops, it's just a lot of the clustered enemies with power weapons. Ok, who the -blam!- thought it'd be a good idea to turn potentially interesting encounters into an arcade fest? Firefight Arcade was major fail and not one bit of it should be brought to remembrance. I didn't have a problem with the Jackal snipers (their aiming is horrific even on Legendary), I anticipated most of the hidden ones [b]on my first try[/b]! But those fuel rod gun Grunts are just sinister. -Yep, the Elites were a dead disappointment. But at least they're harder to beat in close range (excluding fuel rod Elites who are just pushovers up close). In Reach, once you closed the distance, if you survived the first whack, you could dance around an Elite for 5 minutes (as long as you kept touching his back)!! That Elite you mentioned is likely the one I've been talking about. Yes he does seem to have a delay on getting on there. Also, he tends to go through the doorways a lot not to mention he can't jump up crates (I know I asked for Elites to stop with their crate climbing but I'm pretty sure I asked for them to jump...). -Yep, they're a lot easier to beat.

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