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8/29/2007 6:20:04 PM

Halo's Gone Gold!

Before we can ship it, someone's gotta manufacture it. And as of right now, Halo 3 is being manufactured. Golden! [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12737] click for full story [/url]

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  • Well done Bungie. People will sing songs of your exploits for years to come.

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  • First I would like to thank Bungie for thier 3 years of hard work to bring the sequel to the best game of the year and many more years after that. Next is Microsoft for thier hard work and contribution to Halo 3 and the 360 itself. For without Microsoft and Bill Gates I would be stuck with the costly PS3. I would like to thank Bungie agian for buying out Halo and making it a way better game, Halo: Combat evolved. That made the xbox the xbox and showed sony that Microsoft is a force to reckon with. Then Halo 2 made the xbox the top gaming system and redefined gaming for all hard-core gamers. Now with Halo 3, Sony is gonna get another slap in the face as the 360 becomes even a greater console. I cannot wait for Halo 3 and yes I have my pre-order and Bungie's or whoevers $59.99 well worth it for the best game yet. Now one question remains, What does Bungie have next? What could out sell the Halo franchise? Another action packed alien fighting game? It better be damn good to outsell Halo 3 but I am quite sure Bungie will continue to do its work and keep redifining the gamer world. Thanks agian Bungie and Microsoft. I can't wait for the end of the story and the start of the best experience ever. 27 days and I shall keep counting them down. [Edited on 08.30.2007 5:17 AM PDT]

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  • Awesome! Best news of the day. Thanks Bungie, you guys are the best. Seriously. I hope you'll forgmive me because as soon as the game comes out I'll be not here until I finish every last point of the plot. Then I'll be back here to happily and eagerly discuss. *runs to gamestop to preorder NOW!!!*

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  • ooh it is so unfair. Halo 3 will be release at 26 over here. NOT the 25th... AAARGH The 25th I will not be on the internet, not a single moment. Keeping myself spoiler free hehe. Bungie = WIN

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  • Bungie, I absolutely love you guys and gals!! Cannot wait to sit down and play Halo 3, I know its gonna be the best game experience ever.

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  • As in the words of Spongebob SquarePants; [i] " I'm Ready! I'm Ready! I'm Ready! " [/i]

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  • Holy -blam!- this is going to be the longest 27 days of my life!!! Everyday I wake up im gona be like ok only'....'days to go!! lol

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  • 0
    YAY!!! I'd better start organising my H3 game with my friends :D Great work guys :D Now to start planning my forge gametypes...

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  • YYYEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! THANK YOU BUNGIE PEOPLES!!!!!!! Mega shweetness. Now all I need is to survive for the next 26 days (according to my watch 25/09/07) and get that H3 limited edition 360 console somehow....

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  • [quote]We Finished our Fight. Your fight begins in 27 days. Are you ready?[/quote] Hell yes!

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  • Thanks Bungie, this game is going to be the best. Your hard work will pay off I love You Bungie : ) ][-3-][ [Edited on 08.30.2007 3:10 AM PDT]

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  • God I love you wonderful people! God bless you, seriously. I am foaming at the mouth similar to how a rabid animal might who was waiting for Halo 3 for about 4 hours on September the 24th at his local Gamestop... Rock on guys! P.S. What in Babalon's ghost are you working on next? I must know. Its ok you can PM me with the answer. I swear I wont tell... (thats a lie) :(

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  • No wait i'm not finished I reapeat Halo 3 is the game of age. No-one absolutely no-one will ever match up to you guys at bungie. I thank you guys with all my mind. You guys are holy they should make a book in the bible according to the bungie gods! People----------25th of september ------- IS GONNA BE THE GAME THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD! Gears of war won't be able to catch up with Gears of wars the 1000 version Ahahaha

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  • i cried a little... :) THIS IS GONNA ROCK!!

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  • Thank you bungie!! I can´t wait any longer for my legendary edition :D

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  • *(bowing, hailing bungie and the master chief)*

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  • Guys at bungie, O my god thank you so much for everthing halo has been mad! no theres no word in any language that can desicribe the brilliance of you guys thanks you so so much. You guys have made a masterpeice. Two last words YOU LEGENDS!

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  • Awesome, here in the UK we cant wait for it (we have to tho) to be released. The sad thing about it tho is, is this the end of Halo (best game series ever, take that SONY and NINTENDO) and if yes, what do you have planned next Bungie (greatest game designers on earth). Hope you get world domination, if your looking for recruits PM me!!!!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GWarrior5595 yes i am ready for the fight.............. man this is ganna be sweet!! i bet i am ganna get grounded couple of times for playing too much lol =D but it will be worth it lol …………………………………._„„„„„„„_…………………….„/“……..“*~–„_……….„/“*~„ …………………..._„~”*~~~~**”;;;;;;;;”\„”\„………………...„/“……………..”~„….. .„/“...„/“ …………………..|‚~*;;*~~***””;;;;;;;;;;;;;;”~„……………..„/“……„~””~„….. .„/”.._„/”……”~„ ………………......|;;;;;;;;~*””””””””””””””*\„;;;;”|………….„‹”…….„/”… ….”~*”….(”…………”~„ …………………...”–„;;”…………………..);;|………..„/“…….‹;_……………..„/…………….”~„ ……………………...}……………………‚{;;}……...„/’„~~„”””*…/”…………..„/…….../”*„ ……...) ………………………|……………………[~‹„„…„–”*¯...„-„¯…/„…………..‹*”……. ./”….”\„…„-” …………...„~*~--„_.{”\„_„/”¯¯¯¯”\--~**”¯ ; ; ;..\(„„)/”¯”-„_~~-¯”~/~-²…………„/…….../„_…….”` ………..„-”¯……....\.|.¯”*~„___„„~”¯;;_„„-~}./”……. ¯*~„~-„.”\‚…………..‚/….;„~-/.../” ……..„-”¯……¯”-„....”¯\„;;:‚|…::;;|‚::”-„{_„-~‚/ ”………„-~/;;~-„.”\‚………..‚/…../;\„‚/”;/” …...„/*”¯....¯”*~~-„”*-„..¯”-„|…::;;|‚::;;;_„-~ {-„_…..„-”../”;;;;_„_¯}‚…….„-”¯._„…./”_/ …„/”……….__….¯’›;;’|;;:;;¯’\___„‚-~*”„-”*¯”-„*-„ -”„„-”;;;;;„/”..”*-”……‚/”„~”¯”~”¯¯¯} …‚|;;::.._„-*¯”””¯”*~”...|‚……;;;;‚;;;;_„-”¯……-„ ”--/”¯;;;_„-”…..„-”…...‚/”/”..~-”-„~*”¯¯\‚ ….|;;:::.|”/’…..¯”-„……/}„…..._„-~””…._„/”„-*”¯\„;;; _„-”…..„-”¯…...../„;\….”\‚..”~*\„_¯\‚ ….|;;;:::|/’………¯”…..’\_„~*”¯……„~”’„-*¯……\-*”…. .„-”¯…………’›;‚\_„-”……...¯”/’ ….’\„-~””…………._„-*”¯…..”-~*”¯”*”¯…….„-”¯… .„-”¯…………„-”¯;;;;;;;…..„/’;;;;„-” …..{;\‚::;;;;;…..._„-”„/”………”~--------„_:::„-”¯…..„-”~„… ……...„/”………....„/’;;;„-” ….|”;;;”-„„‚-„_..„/’‚-’/’………::::::¯”¯:::;;;„-”¯ ; ; ;\…..„-”\‚…..”-„……..{;;;;:::……„-”;;„-”¯ ….|…..;;;;³”\…….|’………:::::::::::;;;„-”¯”\_‚¯”* ”.\„_\……\„…._„-”-„;;;::...„-”;„-” .....|……;;;;;;”-„…|…„„_„-~~~~~~*”„-~*”¯¯”*~-„„„_”\„ …..\_„-”„-”...”-„;;„-”;;„/} …..\……::::::::”-‚_}*”¯::::;;;;;;;;;„-*”¯~”*-‚/„_;;; ;;;;…”*\.’*”¯/..„-”…::;;;;”-„„~”./’ …...}”-„_………../…..;;;;;„-~*”¯-”¯¯”~„…„¯”* ~--„„__\\„.|…..”›…:::::;;;;;;;„/ …...|;;;;;¯”*~~**”¯”-~”¯¯’¯..„/’ ;¯\;;;;;;:...;;;¯¯””*~--„„„_’\|…./”::::::::_: :;;;„/ …...|;;;;;;_„„„__„-”¯………/”\…„-”………;:::::::::::::::::::’/ }:::::”---””¯¯”*-‚/ …...|;;„-”¯„„„-”……„-”…;;;/”¯..¯’*-‚;;;;;;::::: ::::::::::::::::::::‚|;;;„-”¯;;;;;;;;;„-” …...|„/…„/”…..„-*”¯…;;„-”………/‚;;:::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::|~-”;;;;;;;;;;;„-” …../”..„-”…„-~”……..;;‚/………..|;;;;;::::::::„-~-„„_::::::::;;;; ;;;;;;;;„~” .....{„/”…„-”…………./”……:::::„-”„.\„….„-”;;;;;;;¯\;;;;;;;/ ”`\„__„--’¯ ….|/…„-”………:::::;‚/……„-~„/”;;;”\‚.”--”;;;;;;;;;;;;;|;„-”¯ ; ; ; .....|„-”¯……………‚|’…„-’¯„-”;;;;;;;„”-„_”~-„__„/”./”. ./’ ….‚|’…………::::::::‚|…::\‚-”…:::::::;”-„_¯”*~-„„_„/’../’ …..|::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;|:::„-”…::::::::;;;;;;;;¯”*~ -„„-”…/’”\‚ .....‚\::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/..„/……:::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;../’….”-„ …...\„::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;‚/.„/”…::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;../”-„…..”-„ …….”-„;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;‚/.„/…:::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ./”-„;”-„…..””*\ ……….”~„„__;;;;;/.„/::::……:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.‚/’;;;;”-„ ;”~--„„..”-„ ……………..¯”’~/.„/:::……:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;‚|;;;;;… .”’*~-„¯’\..”\ ………………..„/:„/::::……::;;;;;;;__;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;‚|;;;;;;;;;…… ;”-„”\‚.”\‚ ………………..{„/”::::………„-*”¯„„¯¯””*~-‚_..|;;;;;;;; ;;;;;…….”\‚”\„.”\‚ ………………..//::;;:::…„-~”¯„-~”¯~--„_”*~„...|;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;.........’\‚;’\„.’\‚ ………………„/::/„”-„_„„„-~*„¯-”¯;;;;;;;;;;¯”\:‚\;|; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::…..”\‚”\‚.’\‚ ………………/:/’..\;;;¯;;;;;„-”¯¯¯¯””””**~ --„’\„\‚|;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;::::......’\‚’\..’\‚ …………….‚/-”¯”*-\;;;;„-”¯…………..:::::::::…‚„-””¯. ¯¯¯””’*~„_;.....„]/’…’\‚ ………….....’\;;;;;;„„~”¯/¯/:::::;;;;;;;;;;;……...„-” ;………...„__.¯”\„-”¯::::….’\‚ ………………};„-”¯..‚/”;[’¯:::::::;;;;;„-””¯¯ ;‚-”;;;::……….„/¯:::¯”*\.’\‚;;;;::::….’\„ …………….„/”„/’…„/’;;‚}.„-~**””¯‹~„;;;„--”¯;;;;;;:::…… ..‚/;;;;;;;;;;;;\..\„;;;;;:::..„„‚”\-~””-„ ……………{”„/’…‚/’;„-’‚-’¯;;;;‚/…….’-’¯;;;;;;;;;;;;:::: ::::::;;;;;;;„„-~”¯_„\„„-~*”¯¯……..”\‚ ……………|„/….”.‚/”.‚/”;;;;;;„/………|;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::::::„/;;;; ;_„„„-~*”¯¯::::::::::::……….’\‚ ………….../”….„-”…’|;;;;;;;‚/……….|;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::_„-„„-~*” ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: …………..{…„-”……|;;;;;;;”…….....|;;_„„„--~~*”¯::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.......:: …………../.„-”……../’;;;;_„-”¯””*~-*¯¯¯:::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: All Hail The Chief[/quote] lol, Nice

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  • Wow, this is great news! Congratulation Bungie on finishing this epic conclusion to a really excellent video game series, as I have said many times before, I can't wait to play Halo 3 and to see all the immense hard work and talent the Bungie team has put into this game and to share all the awesome campaign moments and easter egg findings with the community as well as playing online ( when I do finally get round to getting Xbox live lol) I think I’m going to have to keep away from a few game sites and forum threads in the run up to halo 3's relies because I just know someone’s going to spill the beans on something big in the plot. Anyway a Big well done to all the people and Bungie Studios! You are with out doubt One the most creative developers in the industry! And so fight begins in 27 days! Are we ready?....HELL YEAH !

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  • That is AWSOME! I Been Waiting for that game for 1 year 6 mouth and 11 days! that how long i Been waiting every single day since the annoucment! for the mean time i just played HALO COMBAT EVOLVE, and HALO 2 like a million time, and watching all of your VIDOC, Trailer, EVERYTHING That have to do with HALO 3, also i have bought the 12in Halo 3 Master Chief Statue!!!! And to top of that i bought of course the halo 3 Lengendary Edition, Thanks Bugie Staff for making the BEST game ever Created!

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  • I'M READY!!!! WE LOVE YOU BUNGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • the only reason i got a xbox 360 was to play halo 3 [u][b]THANKYOU BUNGIE!!!!!![/b][/u] [Edited on 08.30.2007 2:04 AM PDT]

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  • The biggest fight we have to finish is waiting for Halo 3, the rest will be piece of cake :D bring it on!

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  • It's almost here. less than 4 weeks.. almost...

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