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8/20/2007 10:22:45 PM

Halo 3 iMAX Preview Event: August 21, 2007

Tuesday, August 21 2007, at 10p.m. at the Pacific Science Center IMAX in Seattle: The public sees Halo 3's Campaign. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12720] click for full story [/url]

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  • Well i do live in seattle and cant wait to go, think ill have to skip work to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! should be greeeeeaaaatttttttttttttt

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  • I envy the guys in Seattle. Hey Bungie, we got a lot of IMAX's in New York City, too!

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  • Awesome, if only I were in seattle.

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  • "Warning: Photography, video cameras and cell phone camera use are strictly prohibited." NUUUUUU!!! T^T

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  • So, Bungie, any plans to travel to other locations after this one?

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  • Not to sure I understand why its free to the public for anyone to come in and watch but you cant video tape it.

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  • All I can say is I wish I lived in Seattle.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xLK Cloud Strife It's not an invite, you just go! or do i have to RSVP? Tomorrow son![/quote] I'm pretty sure you were supposed to use the RSVP link at the bottom of the news post and then wait for a reply or something.

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  • hey slothboy, what did you include in your email to the RSVP???

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  • I live in Oregon so I RSVP'd. I could make it if I just take off from work a bit early. I hope they send out replies soon so I can plan around it.

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  • Maybe next one you can do it in Salt Lake. 2 Imax theaters within 20 minutes of eachother. You know, I'm wondering how much it would cost to rent out my school's auditorium for a few hours on the 25th.

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  • It's not an invite, you just go! or do i have to RSVP? Tomorrow son!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xLK Cloud Strife wait, don't they mean 17 or older? It even says on ESRB's website.. it better be! Please back this up with me guys so i can feel better when i go :][/quote] When you go? Have you received an invite already?

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  • I know you guys don't want others tapeing the showing but can you record it and poast it on you site for the rest of us who can't make the trip? Please Bungie gods be merciful.

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  • wait, don't they mean 17 or older? It even says on ESRB's website.. it better be! Please back this up with me guys so i can feel better when i go :]

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  • Louisville colorado?

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  • "Distance: 2,461 mi – about 1 day 11 hours" Looks like I won't be going... Free? You guys could totally make money off this gig!

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  • please someone film this and put it on youtube and tell me :)

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  • ffs if I had the money i'd be flying to seattle right now.

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  • if I had a plane ticket I'd go, and if I didn't have school the next day I'd go. DAMN IT! My friend's brother lives up there, I bet he's going to go see it.

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  • will bungie relese this on the website?

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  • YAY!!!!! W007!!!!!!...I live in WA and im going to imax tomorrow!!!!!!!!! :D

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  • Crap, crap,crappity crap, I live near Seattle but still I can't go for I work graveyard shift at a store undergoing a remodel and to them I am like their star player with out me nothing will get done tonight.

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  • Nice, but Bungie, please release the part you are going to play as an HD video on XBL Marketplace! That said, Imax sounds awesome. I'm thinking of getting some friends together when Halo 3 comes out and renting an Imax theater for 2 hours or so. It's $150/hour, so 15 people, $20/person

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] illblamyourcouch It is highly doubtful we will see anything different than what was shown in Australia and everywhere else they were just touring....and anything we get out of the local media is going to be some newspaper/tv coverage from someone who's last game they played was tetris...and it will be the same review we are reading everywhere else on the net. It is not going to provide any more interest in the upper northwest than Halo 3 already is. Its a lame idea with lame motives. Rocky[/quote] Be that as it may, I'm personally really looking forward to it. I see this as yet another instance of Bungie reaching out to their fans, regardless of how small a fraction actually stands to benefit. I mean, it [i]is[/i] a free event. That said, your reaction is understandable. I won't be surprised if Bungie takes the opportunity to release a couple new tidbits, though. They implied as much in the announcement for this thing. The best part is it's a safe bet that anything in the way of interesting news is sure to be recounted in detail by fans who attended. -FW

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