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8/20/2007 10:22:45 PM

Halo 3 iMAX Preview Event: August 21, 2007

Tuesday, August 21 2007, at 10p.m. at the Pacific Science Center IMAX in Seattle: The public sees Halo 3's Campaign. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12720] click for full story [/url]

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  • Too bad I live in Norway :(

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Bazuka T See.... this event hits me as being incredibly pointless. What is the point from a marketing standing for this show? To demonstrate the finer points of Halo 3 with a random group of lucky locals? Seeing as Halo is a hugely popular and globally distributed property I doubt showing it off like this aids the company in anyway, well at least if you take this news post at face value... [/quote] Even beyond face value, this is definitely the most retarded thing Bungie has done yet. Yeah. Worse than Tombstone, Backwash, and Derelict. Combined.

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  • i moved up to seattle 7 weeks ago! hotcha!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MRAZININO [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Masturfader I remember before H@ came out. [/quote] By H@ do you mean hat? Because that doesn't really make much sense.[/quote] He meant to type H2, but evidently he didn't let go of Shift before hitting the "2". -FW [Edited on 08.20.2007 3:44 PM PDT]

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  • please say your doing one in the uk, please, as i don't know if i can make it to seatlle

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  • See.... this event hits me as being incredibly pointless. What is the point from a marketing standing for this show? To demonstrate the finer points of Halo 3 with a random group of lucky locals? Seeing as Halo is a hugely popular and globally distributed property I doubt showing it off like this aids the company in anyway, well at least if you take this news post at face value... Its funny that Bungie choose to tease the entire world like this with only the lucky follows who queue up outside the Imax for hours/days before hand gaining access. Nice how Bungie keeps the interested in the loop.... the same people who I don't know... might find a way to leak a few video, audio or picture files onto the internetz and so sparking yet another media buzz over new Halo 3 stuff, now that'd be some good Marketing!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Masturfader I remember before H@ came out. [/quote] By H@ do you mean hat? Because that doesn't really make much sense.

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  • This better be on the Internet

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  • I RSVP'd and I would be driving from Vancouver, Canada. PLEASE BUNGIE!! 200+ miles!!! PLZ!!!! allow me!!

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  • Sweet Christ, I knew there was a reason I moved to Portland. I would love to attend this event. Fingers crossed, it'll work out and I can make it up there tomorrow. Even if I have to crash at some dumpy hotel, this is something I definitely don't want to miss. -FW

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  • Also , its happening in seattle b/c bungie's HQ is literally 20 minutes away from the event. I remember before H2 came out . Bungie had a huge partyat the Seattle Experience Music Project. They had big screens showing people play MP, giveaways and there were letting people play and giving out free snacks. Bungie , Where is the next one!!! [Edited on 08.20.2007 3:47 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CP0 Fraser Come to canada! were the country that [i]Invented[/i] Imax theaters[/quote] Yes, but is Canada showing Halo 3 footage on said iMAX screens? [Edited on 08.20.2007 3:34 PM PDT]

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  • I live in seattle and just tried to RSVP . Hopefully I will get a confirmation soon! I really want to see the flamethrower , and fireball grenade type in action. I want to see the liquidey firey goodness . Im pretty sure epsilon did not have either.

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  • Only in Seattle.... only the good things and the best of things happen in Seattle....

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  • awww. horses a$$. hey, i know you wont but its worth a shot, come to arizona, everybody from california is coming here and we have something better than imax, we have the peoria sports complex.they have a screen 30 times the size of imax. no joke, and you could charge emmision fees. it would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CP0 Fraser Come to canada! were the country that [i]Invented[/i] Imax theaters[/quote] w00t! Canada kicks A$$ Bi7ches!

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  • Will this be released on the Bungie site afterwards for DL?

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  • Come to canada! were the country that [i]Invented[/i] Imax theaters

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  • lucky? Im freaking out..... I have wed-fri off and i work night shift for the great USAF... So i miss being able to see this thing by one day oh this is horrible.... i might as well live in florida

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  • Go me! I live in Maple Valley Washington! Celebrate good times come on!!!!!!!!!!! my gamer tag is (a 42oz slushie) [Edited on 08.20.2007 3:22 PM PDT]

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  • HAHAHAHA!!!!! Finally something that's in Seattle! I'm going! I live in Bellevue only 20 minutes away! WooHoo!!!!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Lygre Wish I was in Seattle tomorrow. Oslo is a bit far away =P Halo 3 on an IMAX screen. My god. Is there anything better?[/quote] so is stockholm :P

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  • I thought chicago was supposed to be the Halo 3 launch capital?

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  • I would have gone, but the one day notice sucks. Where you live is no object, I live on the east coast, but I could have hopped on a plane in a second if I had had 1-2 weeks notice. Oh well.

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  • most of us wont be able to go

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  • Wow, 3 pages filled already? Anyway, sounds neato, hopefully someone they'll reveal footage because they aren't letting people take pictures or video... EDIT: lol, think I could make it in less than 28 hours from NH to Seattle? [Edited on 08.20.2007 3:20 PM PDT]

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