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originally posted in: Love is in the Air
7/14/2008 11:01:50 AM
I have friends from all over the country on halo 3 from the east to the west coasts.... I just met a girl on halo 3 a few days ago and we have a lot in common, I think I might like her a lot... But the biggest thing that Halo 3 has given me is this, I found out from playing halo 3 that the world will never [b]NEVER[/b] be able to get a long completely because of the difference in the way that everyone thinks, do this for me, next time you go onto Halo 3 and find someone without your opinion say to yourself, hmm thats ok, I can live with the fact that this person doesnt share my personal views and objections. If everyone acted like that on a daily bases [b]THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE[/b]

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