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7/28/2007 1:04:33 AM

Bungie Weekly Update: 7/27/07

It's the end of July and you know what that means? Yeah, it's not September yet. Sorry. Not even August. [url=/news/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=12680] click for full story [/url]

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  • I'm a little behind the times with a new baby daughter in the house. I just read the update. The plasma pistol looks likes total crap... the Plasma Rifle on the other hand... looks freaking sweet! I said "Holy S**t!" here at work just as someone walked by my door and gave me a funny look. :P Very, very nice looking. Man, I want to play me some Haloz. I haven't had a chance to get online really, since my daughter was born, but I am totally going to try to schedule some time when my pre-order arrives in the mail after Sept. 25th! Aww, hellz yeah! (or something to that effect. Perhaps some other 'hip' and/or 'cool' expressions of extreme joy that an urban dwelling adolescent might profess. Your choice.)

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  • Yeah way to fail bungie

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  • Wow. . .that Plasma Rifle looks amazing. Any chance of making a rocket launcher/missile pod? Only kidding, of course. I must say, I've grown somewhat dependant on these weekly updates. I can't help but be a little disappointed when they don't have much information on the game, but I've realized that when they [i]do[/i] include it, my patience for its release thins considerably. Keep doing what you're doing guys. [Edited on 07.31.2007 2:03 PM PDT]

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  • 7th Page... Yay? Anyways, Laser Tag FTW! You guys are combining two of my favorite things, It... Uh... Rocks, So much. I'll be buying it all...

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  • Sooo... Use an airsoft gun and a couple airsoft grenades! [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GearsofDeadHalo It would have been better as a paintball gun but still rocking. Im planning to make myself a Master chief costume out of some bexes and stuff for the release of Halo 3, i know, weird, that weapon would be perfect, but it will be relsed to late, oh well Box Battle Rifle and Box grenades work to...[/quote]

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  • omg finally somobe makes some HALO WEAPON TOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • It lived up to the title. Though, saying that, it's nice you made one so we don't feel like we're losing you. ;)

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  • Cool, I would buy the guns just to have a Plasma Rifle

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  • It would have been better as a paintball gun but still rocking. Im planning to make myself a Master chief costume out of some bexes and stuff for the release of Halo 3, i know, weird, that weapon would be perfect, but it will be relsed to late, oh well Box Battle Rifle and Box grenades work to...

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  • The update was nice and all, but this was cooler

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  • Also for everyone I accidentaly made 2 accounts. my other is Elite 12. so practically if you see elite12 or eagle 12 its the same person which is me

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  • The Mister Chief / Comic book guy was right Worst update ever!

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  • If someone hasn't stated it already... Mature Rated game and Kids toys? I can understand action figures, since IMO you can be any age for them... but Lazer tag. Good sh-t but Kids toys.

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  • What is infinite win!? I don't understand! Someone please help me.

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  • the repilcas look like the game's wepons i think that the carbine and needler should be put with those also

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  • Brand Of Honor, you got told by Bungie's army. Bigtime. Like that was the most I've seen anyone on here chewed out ever. If you want Bungie to make a game, they can't be caught up telling Frankie or Lukems what they want them to put in the update, they have a job to do, and they're not going to take time to write one themselves. Frankie and Lukems try to spice it up a little so we're not just reading a bunch of technical jargin. I feel that some analogies are merely ways to make the update seem longer, but who really cares, oh, scuse me, YOU do. Well, how bout Bungie just tells us everything about the game like Halo 2 so that we get overexcited and then aren't as satisfied with Halo 3. They will give us enough to keep us biting, but not enough to fill us up and make us retire to our rooms like a man who had more than one bowl at a Mongolian BBQ. Did you like that analogy Honor? =) [b]HOWEVER[/B] I'm not mad at Honor, it was just funny to see everyone get so defensive for Frankie and Lukems, I'm sure they are saying thank you to their loyal fans. And everyone--including me-- we should kinda leave Honor alone, he has the right to present his own take on each update like the rest of us. I just couldn't help but join in the shark feeding frenzy on this page. Maybe suddenly everyone will turn on me, that would be interesting to see people telling me to stop defending Bungie and the guy making remarks about them. Very interesting indeed, just like that time at running camp. Those bears, you ever see a bears eyes? like a dolls eyes, eyarrgh... [Edited on 07.29.2007 9:00 PM PDT]

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  • Maybe the level we didn't expect is that you get to go back to earth 100,000 years ago and you have to use a spear to kill something. Seriously though to me it has to be 1 fo 2 things. Either you go back in time to before they had all these glorious weapons of the future or You get to fly a ship through a level or in a space battle.

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  • the PP isnt really the right colors but the PR is way to awesome

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  • that almost makes too much sense. lol. It would be great if they made the spartan laser

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Chunkscout24 Mmmm... I sorta agree with the first part a lot. I mean I like your sense of humor and all but... most people coming to this site want halo 3 info. How many people that read these updates would actualy buy some toy gun?(hopefully not many) I mean you can include this info... but idk I think it needs to be a little clearer as to what will have to do with halo 3, and what is meant for elementry schoolers. [/quote] I can see where you're coming from with the lack of halo 3 info, but just because it's a toy doesn't mean it's only for elementary schoolers. I'd buy one for the sake of displaying...not necessarily playing. My oldest brother (he's 36) has damn near the biggest collection of models, action figures, and toys from various movies and tv series' ranging from knight rider to voltron, as well as the matrix trilogy, alien quadrilogy, and the likes...different hobbies for different people I suppose. all I know, is that I can't wait to get a 360, I mean I already pre-ordered H3 legendary, but what good is it without a 360?...well, aside from the helmet and what not. any xbox-livers hit me up whenever I'm on GT: your local emo

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  • It was and OK update.... Better than nothing!!! Bungie hurry up with the e3 2007 multiplayer saved film upload to the websight!!! HALO 3 ROCKS!!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] triniluv57 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] hylander [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Brand of Honor Ok. I don't care who wrote this, lukems or frankie. All of this "infinte win" and "Halo-3 related awesome" is really annoying. I mean, you're speaking like a 16 year old who is trying to "be cool" on the internet. And enough with the retarded analogies already.. I read these updates just to hear more halo 3 information but I wish it would be brought forth more professionally. What a shame, b/c this is bungie's "public face". We don't read or hear what the rest of bungie thinks or how they speak. For example, the programmers, project leaders, etc. Nope, just frankie, lukems, and whoever else creates these "updates". They speak on behalf of everyone at bungie and therefore people will associate the feelings they experience while readings these updates with bungie. Fortunately, for the creators of these "updates", they do not necessarily have to consistently rely upon weekly readers, due to the fact that there is no advertising of any sort in the updates, except for bungie-related products themselves. Which means they can pretty much say whatever they want and get away with it. I'm just saying, if I ran the updates, there would be no "infinite win" and overly exaggerated analogies that make oneself nauseous when read. "loosened my ability to control pee"? Seriously, get a life. Whatever.[/quote] lol, well aren’t we a jolly little soul. To be honest I kind of fail to see why it gets on your nerves. lol believe it or not I’ve actually picked up these Bungie analogies and have used them in conversation (or silly banter) so they are slowly creeping into my vocabulary, simply because I’m always reading and picking them up in the updates, so Frankie and Luke have effectively engraved there crazy talk into my psyche. Although I can say in full confidence that nothing will ever loosen my ability to control pee, even video game hype… so err yeah. At the end of the day there just having a laugh and trying to add a bit of fun to it, I still think for the most part they deliver professional updates for us fans even with the quirky little analogies thay throw into them, and lets be honest not many game developers bother to do these sort of updates on such a regular basis, if at all. [/quote] couldn't have said it any better, lol that plasma cannon does look pretty hott though, now they just need to make a real one, like what they did with the hog, I'd totally buy one, kill and cook your venison at the same time!![/quote] Mmmm... I sorta agree with the first part a lot. I mean I like your sense of humor and all but... most people coming to this site want halo 3 info. How many people that read these updates would actualy buy some toy gun?(hopefully not many) I mean you can include this info... but idk I think it needs to be a little clearer as to what will have to do with halo 3, and what is meant for elementry schoolers.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SpAmMer Aside from the weapon replicas, this update was weak sauce. Sorry Bungie.[/quote] Yes, this was very weak.. cmon you can do better :-) throw another update out asap. Btw september 25th isnt getting Any closer... :-(

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] hylander [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Brand of Honor Ok. I don't care who wrote this, lukems or frankie. All of this "infinte win" and "Halo-3 related awesome" is really annoying. I mean, you're speaking like a 16 year old who is trying to "be cool" on the internet. And enough with the retarded analogies already.. I read these updates just to hear more halo 3 information but I wish it would be brought forth more professionally. What a shame, b/c this is bungie's "public face". We don't read or hear what the rest of bungie thinks or how they speak. For example, the programmers, project leaders, etc. Nope, just frankie, lukems, and whoever else creates these "updates". They speak on behalf of everyone at bungie and therefore people will associate the feelings they experience while readings these updates with bungie. Fortunately, for the creators of these "updates", they do not necessarily have to consistently rely upon weekly readers, due to the fact that there is no advertising of any sort in the updates, except for bungie-related products themselves. Which means they can pretty much say whatever they want and get away with it. I'm just saying, if I ran the updates, there would be no "infinite win" and overly exaggerated analogies that make oneself nauseous when read. "loosened my ability to control pee"? Seriously, get a life. Whatever.[/quote] lol, well aren’t we a jolly little soul. To be honest I kind of fail to see why it gets on your nerves. lol believe it or not I’ve actually picked up these Bungie analogies and have used them in conversation (or silly banter) so they are slowly creeping into my vocabulary, simply because I’m always reading and picking them up in the updates, so Frankie and Luke have effectively engraved there crazy talk into my psyche. Although I can say in full confidence that nothing will ever loosen my ability to control pee, even video game hype… so err yeah. At the end of the day there just having a laugh and trying to add a bit of fun to it, I still think for the most part they deliver professional updates for us fans even with the quirky little analogies thay throw into them, and lets be honest not many game developers bother to do these sort of updates on such a regular basis, if at all. [/quote] couldn't have said it any better, lol that plasma cannon does look pretty hott though, now they just need to make a real one, like what they did with the hog, I'd totally buy one, kill and cook your venison at the same time!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Brand of Honor Ok. I don't care who wrote this, lukems or frankie. All of this "infinte win" and "Halo-3 related awesome" is really annoying. I mean, you're speaking like a 16 year old who is trying to "be cool" on the internet. And enough with the retarded analogies already.. I read these updates just to hear more halo 3 information but I wish it would be brought forth more professionally. What a shame, b/c this is bungie's "public face". We don't read or hear what the rest of bungie thinks or how they speak. For example, the programmers, project leaders, etc. Nope, just frankie, lukems, and whoever else creates these "updates". They speak on behalf of everyone at bungie and therefore people will associate the feelings they experience while readings these updates with bungie. Fortunately, for the creators of these "updates", they do not necessarily have to consistently rely upon weekly readers, due to the fact that there is no advertising of any sort in the updates, except for bungie-related products themselves. Which means they can pretty much say whatever they want and get away with it. I'm just saying, if I ran the updates, there would be no "infinite win" and overly exaggerated analogies that make oneself nauseous when read. "loosened my ability to control pee"? Seriously, get a life. Whatever.[/quote] Wow man, your a loser. Get over yourself, your on the site of a company that makes VIDEO GAMES... Most of the people that play these "Video Games" are younger folk, teenagers and such. It's entertaining to receive these weekly updates in the jokingly fashion they give them to us. If you want professional, go to some government forum, not a video game forum. Maybe Bungie doesn't enjoy boredom, nor do their fans. Get the hell over it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Brand of Honor Ok. I don't care who wrote this, lukems or frankie. All of this "infinte win" and "Halo-3 related awesome" is really annoying. I mean, you're speaking like a 16 year old who is trying to "be cool" on the internet. And enough with the retarded analogies already.. I read these updates just to hear more halo 3 information but I wish it would be brought forth more professionally. What a shame, b/c this is bungie's "public face". We don't read or hear what the rest of bungie thinks or how they speak. For example, the programmers, project leaders, etc. Nope, just frankie, lukems, and whoever else creates these "updates". They speak on behalf of everyone at bungie and therefore people will associate the feelings they experience while readings these updates with bungie. Fortunately, for the creators of these "updates", they do not necessarily have to consistently rely upon weekly readers, due to the fact that there is no advertising of any sort in the updates, except for bungie-related products themselves. Which means they can pretty much say whatever they want and get away with it. I'm just saying, if I ran the updates, there would be no "infinite win" and overly exaggerated analogies that make oneself nauseous when read. "loosened my ability to control pee"? Seriously, get a life. Whatever.[/quote] lol, well aren’t we a jolly little soul. To be honest I kind of fail to see why it gets on your nerves. lol believe it or not I’ve actually picked up these Bungie analogies and have used them in conversation (or silly banter) so they are slowly creeping into my vocabulary, simply because I’m always reading and picking them up in the updates, so Frankie and Luke have effectively engraved there crazy talk into my psyche. Although I can say in full confidence that nothing will ever loosen my ability to control pee, even video game hype… so err yeah. At the end of the day there just having a laugh and trying to add a bit of fun to it, I still think for the most part they deliver professional updates for us fans even with the quirky little analogies thay throw into them, and lets be honest not many game developers bother to do these sort of updates on such a regular basis, if at all. [Edited on 07.29.2007 10:18 AM PDT]

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