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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 11/30/07
12/6/2007 3:09:43 AM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] person231 yo bungie dont worry about these dumb people talking about how the price is bad and a couple people also being dumb because u said one of the maps makes a good mario kart. seriously bungie is the best and if they made mario kart it would be better than nintenos dumb game. about the price and all those people saying its too much. i dont think that at all, its only like 10 dollars which isnt much and if your mad about that ur dumb. goooooooooooooooooooooo bungie. also about the beat down thing, i dont really care if i die from a battle of beat down ass long as the other guy doesnt kill me wen i have full health and he has no shield. wan to play foundry on forge sooo bad right now so i can make a map for paintballand and a good maze map[/quote] Wow....well, there's nothing really that can be said about this one.

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