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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 11/30/07
12/3/2007 9:51:59 AM
That was the best update I could hope to read. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie Right now a significant amount of work, time and research is going into things to make the game play and perform better than it already does. We don’t consider Halo 3 to be “perfect” and we will continually investigate ways to improve the gameplay and performance. When we see issues, whether it be something as simple as a matchmaking inconsistency, or something as serious as a control problem, we’ll consider the pros and cons of fixing those issues and where possible and prudent, we’ll fix them. [/quote] Thankyou bungie. I mean it sincerely. I believe Halo 3's potential to be near-infinite, so the ongoing attention to the game is a worthwhile investment. There are a few things here and there that could use looking into, and your commitment to do this makes me proud to be a fan of halo and am very glad that I bought, play, and will continue to play this game for the forseeable future.

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