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originally posted in: Heroic Map Pack Announced for Halo 3
11/23/2007 10:08:00 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ACRaven [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheNewATeam Why couldn't you make the pelican flyable bungie? WHYYYYYYYYY[/quote] That's actually a good question. Seeing how this is supposed to be the [i]last[/i] Halo type game(Though for those of you who have beaten Halo 3 on Legendary know this is not the case), why have you (Bungie) not let us pilot the Pelican, Phantom, Longsword, or even a Scarab? Though this might seem a little off topic, you have placed a Pelican on one of the new levels(which I'm guessing you can reach without the -blam!-ing Guardians killing you if you try to go to it like in the Pit!), so I'm pretty sure [i][b][u]everyone[/i][/b][/u] wants to know the reason(s) behind this.[/quote] ya that would be awsome if we could use some of the gigantic vehicles even if it was in campaign. Also why do u guys keep putting stuff in we cant use like the A-A wraith from campaign u guys even patched the glitch on campaign. U guys could just make it so u have to be in forge to use it, and not put it default oon the multiplayer maps

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