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9/27/2012 8:35:24 PM

40k vs Halo

There hasn't been a good Vs thread here, so here we go. All factions are their peak, and all factions from the same universe work together. Who would win?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xd00999 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ROBERTO jh I have an idea. The Flood at their height is directly related to the Forerunners at their height. In this battle, both sides are at their height. [url][/url] We already know a lot about their raw firepower, but the shear industrial capacity of the Forerunners alone is overwhelming, nearly impossible to grasp. According to this, fleets of system-destroying warships could be produced within seconds, and lead by hyper intelligent beings with no souls (AIs). How would an AI interact with Chaos if it has no soul? Anyways, the Flood defeated these people. This is what I'm always talking about by the Flood being mathematically impossible to defeat after a certain point in their growth short of divine intervention or mass suicide. According to the OP, everyone is at their peak, which means this is the Flood as they were right before getting Halo'd, a galaxy-conquering, unstoppable swarm with full access to all of the resources the Forerunners had. Any race, other than the 'Crons, 'Nids and many of the Chaos types would be eatable. The extreme density with which the races of 40K live together--be them humans, or Orks--and especially in places such as hive worlds, would only accelerate the wild-fire spread of the Flood. At the height of their power, the Flood alone could possibly handle all of the non-'Nid organic races, shearly out of mathematical probability. And that is provided the 'Nids can't be infected. Where the Flood is concerned, the incredible size and power of 40K would backfire. Everything else is up to everyone else.[/quote] Chaos can, and has, corrupted machinery. A STC has no soul, not even a machine spirit, yet it was still corrupted by Chaos. It was also shown that a soul is not necesarilly required to earn the Gods' favour. While the Tau do have souls, they are incredibly weak. Even so, Khorne can still grant the power, such as in the case of Kias who was aided by Khorne. In addition, the STC in question was capable of producing a combat ready Man of Iron (think Terminators) every few seconds which in turn were corrupted by Chaos. The STC was buried deep underground with no obvious supplies yet it is still able to produce an army in minutes. The Imperium being at its height had thousands and thousands of these STCs. Actually, compared to other worlds, Hive Worlds are not the standard world. For every trillions strong hive world, there is a few agri-worlds populated by a few million lonely farmers. In addition the stronger the Flood gets the stronger Chaos becomes too. Every Flood form we have seen was in a state of decay and the Flood itself is a plague. Nurgle feeds off the Flood. The likelyhood of the Flood taking all other races is debatable because they can go where the Flood can not. Can the Flood enter the Webway? Can the Flood navigate the warp? [/quote] I'll answer this quickly cause I cba to get into a big debate again, fighting the flood is essentially fighting yourself, they absorb the memories of those they assimilate. They can use everyhting their hosts can use and for every organic opponent they kill they gain a new soldier. They are the pinnacle of evolution, designed to wipe out organic life. No organic race could stop them at full power through combat alone. How they would fare against non-organics however, is aother matter...

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