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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 02/06/09
2/7/2009 1:45:01 AM
My Xbox360 hungrily awaits the Mythic Map Pack. Besides how swoll sandbox will be, I'm looking forward to Assembly (finally another covenant themed map besides the_____that is snowbound) and Orbital. I'm excited for Sandbox with the fresh pallete of objects, larger area to forge, and the general awesome surrounding it. That said, however, this secondary budget leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I'm left here contemplating why? Was it faulty code that just couldn't be fixed? Or was it bungie's intentions to fight the budget glitch, which wasn't a huge deal anyways. Or is it something that happened? Was it intentionally designed that way? If it wasn't why isn't it fixed? There's still time, although I'm probably just wishfully thinking. I don't want to sound harsh, but from a forgers perspective (one who enjoys forging and takes it more as a hobby rather than an afternoon of fun) this is to me the dumbest limit ever placed on creativity. Maybe it isn't such a big deal, but it is limiting. Now players must keep track of default objects so they can make the most out of the budget but not the most out of their maps.Foundry and all other maps have object limit, but none like what's been implemented in Sandbox. Even budget glitches can't prevent a map from having more than the object limit. Like seriously Bungie? Unless I'm missing something, I see no sound reasoning for this. That's a dissapointment, but I'll live with it. *sort of happy face*

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