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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 01/16/09
1/17/2009 11:09:23 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Malice514 Man you guys really now how to milk your audience. It's ridiculous that you would only include maps for Halo 3 on another separate project, Halo Wars (and of course it's the more expensive Limited Edition that you have to buy). I am starting to think you guys don't care about making games at all anymore, since all you do is capitalize on recent renditions of Halo, and let marketing dictate the gameplay (READ: make a solid game with all the maps it should need or make another game. Don't keep pedaling out maps and features that should have been included in original release or you guys look like con-artists and money grubbing clowns, which you do... Either make the releases for the game we already paid for FREE, or relegate yourselves to being the "greatest creators" of a marketing gimmick that you just made all your games out to be. I guess I shouldn't be so mean. Looking at it from your perspective, you'll make plenty of money of us, right? "How much is it again for the Halo CE download, the new maps, or how about that Halo 3 Xbox background, I really need that...." ....Far is your fall from Grace.[/quote] *starts pimp striding to Malice514's hous to kill him*

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