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originally posted in: Reverse Mail Sack.
9/20/2012 6:49:02 PM
[quote]The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Most of humanity has already fallen to the hordes of flesh-eaters. You have survived because of your ingenuity, cat-like reflexes, and dashing good looks. As you travel in search of food, you find a grizzled old man who offers to give you a powerful weapon. Now is your chance to make a difference in this battle against the undead. You can choose any one weapon, real or fictional. What do you choose and why?[/quote]Portal gun, shoot it off into space, then the other portal into a crowd of zombies. They get sucked out into space. It's the universes problem now. [quote]What do you think is missing from video games right now?[/quote]Rich and fulfilling co-op experience in an open sandbox world. [quote]How and when did you first fall in love with Halo?[/quote]The year was 2004, my bestfriend had gotten Halo 2. We would play co-op campaign for weekends in a row. Just replaying it. Exploring Outskirts, getting out of the map. Playing around with an energy sword elite. Making fun mini-games out of the campaign. (Due to a lack of live) [quote]Which movie would you most like to play as a video game? (please submit your answer in the form of link to an iconic image from that movie)[/quote][url=]Maybe It's because I love Denzel Washington, but this.[/url] [quote]Do you think the game community could be doing more to cut down on harassment or unsporting behavior in general?[/quote]Yes. But I wouldn't know where to start to correct that behavior. The anonymity of the internet provokes it. [quote]What is the most memorable positive experience you had with a stranger while gaming online?[/quote]Teaming up to do a vidmaster in Halo 3. I had already gotten Recon, but my friend didn't, so we went into a matchmaking lobby to find some people who wanted to get the achievement (The one with the ghosts). We ended up playing for a couple hours having a blast with these 2 other strangers. [quote]What's the best game in your opinion - in terms of value/dollars ratio as opposed to raw quality - that came out this year?[/quote]This year? 2012... I'd say Borderlands as of right now. It's the game I've put the most hours into, but Halo 4 will change that probably. [quote]If you could easily teach a thousand people one idea, what would it be?[/quote]Walking etiquette. How to walk properly. Don't walk slowly infront of people, move aside for people passing you, don't stop in the middle of a hallway or infront of a door, I hate you, stop it. [quote]Is there one game (other than Halo) that you can point to that really hooked you and turned you into a gamer? What was it and why?[/quote]There are many, I grew up with the NES, so a number of titles got me hooked. Mario, Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda. But I'm going to go with Battletoads. That frustrating game was a great co-op experience, and pushed me to the brink with it's extreme difficulty.

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