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originally posted in: Reverse Mail Sack.
9/19/2012 12:55:59 AM
[quote]The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Most of humanity has already fallen to the hordes of flesh-eaters. You have survived because of your ingenuity, cat-like reflexes, and dashing good looks. As you travel in search of food, you find a grizzled old man who offers to give you a powerful weapon. Now is your chance to make a difference in this battle against the undead. You can choose any one weapon, real or fictional. What do you choose and why?[/quote]I choose a crossbow. If you have the ingenuity, you can create bolts from the materials around you and it's quiet. [quote]What is the most memorable positive experience you had with a stranger while gaming online?[/quote]I remember when one guy didn't complain when I "accidentally" drove the warthog off the cliffs of Standoff. He laughed and shook it off. The second time we went over however...

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