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originally posted in: Reverse Mail Sack.
9/18/2012 9:27:30 PM
[quote] The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Most of humanity has already fallen to the hordes of flesh-eaters. You have survived because of your ingenuity, cat-like reflexes, and dashing good looks. As you travel in search of food, you find a grizzled old man who offers to give you a powerful weapon. Now is your chance to make a difference in this battle against the undead. You can choose any one weapon, real or fictional. What do you choose and why?[/quote] Brain gun *Shoots brains* *Runs away* [quote]What do you think is missing from video games right now?[/quote] My charming good lucks....and Stosh's mom. [quote]Which do you think makes a better e-sport: DOTA, League of Legends, or Starcraft 2? Why?[/quote] League of Legends....cause...LoL [quote]Top Five MCs? (That stands for Master of Ceremonies, not Master Chief. Please answer in the form of five [b]YouTube links[/b].)[/quote] -blam!- [quote]How and when did you first fall in love with Halo?[/quote] Halo 3...Christmas of '07. Best, Christmas, ever. [quote]Which movie would you most like to play as a video game? (please submit your answer in the form of link to an [b]iconic image[/b] from that movie)[/quote] The obvious choice...[url=]Army of Darkness[/url]. [quote]Do you think the game community could be doing more to cut down on harassment or unsporting behavior in general?[/quote] A lot of harassment and unsporting behavior could be cut down if EA was eliminated. [quote]What is the most memorable positive experience you had with a stranger while gaming online?[/quote] bacj when I first got my Xbox 360, I was playing Call of Duty 4, and I was standing in a doorway, and a guy said "Get out my way....GET OUT OF MY -blam!- WAY." Good times.... [quote]What's the best game in your opinion - in terms of value/dollars ratio as opposed to raw quality - that came out this year?[/quote] Mass Effect 3...although many will disagree with me. [quote]If you could easily teach a thousand people one idea, what would it be?[/quote] [url=]Aliens[/url] [quote]Is there one game (other than Halo) that you can point to that really hooked you and turned you into a gamer? What was it and why?[/quote] Mass Effect It's just too interesting of a story...

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