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originally posted in: Reverse Mail Sack.
9/18/2012 6:23:30 PM
[quote]What do you think is missing from video games right now? Stuff that haven't been seen or making "better" things from other games. Creativity on the story, and environment. [/quote] [quote]How and when did you first fall in love with Halo? It was in 2001, when My friends dad bought him an xbox along with Halo, his dad finished the campaign on legendary, we only played the game on easy and normal, and we had so much fun.[/quote] [quote]What's the best game in your opinion - in terms of value/dollars ratio as opposed to raw quality - that came out this year? Mostly all games costs $60.. and the quality is not improving neither creativity. No best game this year.[/quote] [quote]If you could easily teach a thousand people one idea, what would it be? Iphone 5[/quote] [quote]Is there one game (other than Halo) that you can point to that really hooked you and turned you into a gamer? What was it and why? Mario Kart and Jet Force Gemini, and Golden Eye; Although Jet force Gemini make me a fan of the shooter games. Very creative, and many hidden things that you needed to go back and replay a mission just to open something or discover a new place [url=]Jet Force Gemini[/url] [/quote] [Edited on 09.18.2012 10:26 AM PDT]

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