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9/16/2012 6:24:29 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ajw34307 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Random [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ajw34307 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Random [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ROBERTO jh So tell me, how exactly is Halo 4's soundtrack unfitting for Halo?[/quote] Because it does not have the original trilogy's music. I welcome some new music in Halo 4's soundtrack but I still expect to hear the same tunes that the original trilogy had and some remastered music from the original trilogy. I'm not hearing nearly enough of the original trilogy with the samples we've heard so far, that's what makes me upset. We're revisiting the Master Chief's story so it would only be fitting if we got some remastered tracks from the original trilogy. Discarding the original tunes and tracks is just unacceptable. [/quote] [i]*facedesk*[/i] I [i]really[/i] hope you're trolling... It's a new trilogy with a new tone, new theme and new atmosphere and the music is [i]supposed[/i] to reflect that, like the music in ODST was supposed to be completely different from the trilogy. Plus, there are subtle musical cues in some of the Halo 4 tracks which are similar to Halo 3's. Just reinforces what I said earlier...[/quote] I'm saying that I expect to (But probably won't) hear Halo's tune and some remastered tracks throughout Halo 4's soundtrack since we're revisiting the Chief's and Cortana's story. I welcome new music with open arms. Halo 2 and Halo 3 introduced new music but the main Halo themes remained central. I want Halo 4's soundtrack to do the same thing, there's [i]nothing[/i] wrong with wanting that.[/quote] Nothing wrong with wanting it, but there [i]is[/i] something wrong with condemning it as "unacceptable" just because it hasn't turned out the way you want and saying it's unfitting for Halo.[/quote] *Sigh* I really didn't think I'd have to put "It's unacceptable [i]to me[/i]" or "It's unfitting [i]in my opinion[/i]" or "This is how [i]I[/i] feel" etc. Seriously man... use some common sense we're all posting our opinions and views here.

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