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Halo 3 Forum: Forum Rules + Threads of Interest (Updated 03 Jan 2011)

[quote][b]Change Log: What's new or changed in the forum rules?[/b] 03 Jan 2011 - [i]Rule regarding illegal substances has been added to the main rule post to make it more visible.[/i] 06 Dec 2010 - [i]Clarification of console modification discussions rule[/i] 04 Dec 2010 - [i]Xbox modification rule has been changed to include all consoles.[/i] 19 Aug 2010 - [i]Small clarification of "complaining about Bungie Favorites" rule[/i][/quote] [u][b]RULES OF THE BUNGIE.NET PUBLIC FORUMS[/b][/u] Last Updated: 06 Dec 2010 The [url=][u]Terms of Use[/u][/url] and [url=][u]Code of Conduct[/u][/url] apply to every part of, including this forum. Please read these pages and check back periodically for updates. [u][b]The Short Version[/b][/u] [i]Bungie controls everything. You have no rights. Play nice.[/i] 1. Do not break the law or do anything that may cause Bungie to break the law. 2. Do not be selfish or a jerk. 3. Do not do anything at all that may impede normal, reasonable, on-topic discussion. Bungie employees and forum moderators have total discretion to determine whether any thread or post merits correctional actions such as locks, warnings, bans, or otherwise. [url=/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=27308695&viewreplies=true#27308715][u][b]The Long Version >>[/b][/u][/url] || [url=/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=27308695&viewreplies=true#27404761][u][b]Forum Specific Rules >>[/u][/b][/url] || [url=/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=27308695&viewreplies=true#33929900][u][b]Forum descriptions >>[/b][/u][/url] || [url=/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=27308695&viewreplies=true#4530532][u][b]Threads of Interest >[/b][/u][/url] [url=][b][u]Guidance on Appealing Forum Bans >>[/b][/u][/url] [Edited on 01.03.2011 9:54 AM PST by True Underdog]
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  • Before creating a new thread to ask a simple question, please check the Forum Rules above and please scan this list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Tips, Tricks, and Guides. If you have a very simple, quick question, please use the [url=]Halo 3 Forum Q&A Thread[/url]. If you have created a FAQ or guide that you think should be added here, please PM me or the creator of the relevant thread. Thank you! [quote][/quote] [b][u]Frequently Asked Questions[/b][/u] (Alphabetical Order By Subject) [b]Halo 3[/b] * [url=]Account Theft: How to Protect Yourself[/url] * [url=]Bungie Favorites: How can I get on there?[/url] * [url=]DLC: How can I get it on a different XBox 360? (License Migration)[/url] * [url=]Fileshares: Frequently Asked Questions[/url] * [url=]Fileshares: How to Find Awesome Stuff![/url] * [url=]Forge 101![/url] * [url=]Forge: How to Submit Your Map for Matchmaking Consideration![/url] * [url=]Gamertag Linking[/url] * [url=]Missing an Achievement, Armor, or Other Unlockable Item?[/url] * [url=]Missing Maps that You Previously Downloaded?[/url] * [url=]Missing Maps that You Previously Downloaded? (2)[/url] * [url=]Mythic Map Pack: Frequently Asked Questions[/url] * [url=]Mythic Map Pack: Frequently Asked Questions 2[/url] * [url=]Mythic Map Pack: Frequently Asked Questions 3[/url] * [url=]Playlist EXP: Playlist Rankings[/url] * [url=]Ranking System: An In-Depth Discussion[/url] * [url=]Recon Armor: How Can I Get it?[/url] * [url=]Render-to-Video Beta: Frequently Asked Questions[/url] * [url=]Render-to-Video: How to Get Your Video onto YouTube[/url] * [url=]Theater Mode: Frequently Asked Questions[/url] * [url=]Videos! How can I get them to my computer?[/url] [quote][/quote] [b]Halo 3: ODST[/b] * [url=]Halo 3: ODST Frequently Asked Questions[/url] * [url=]Recon Armor Will Be Available for All?[/url] [quote][/quote] [b]Other[/b] * [url=]The Evolution of Halo[/url] * [url=]What the heck is a Heroic/Legendary/Mythic Member?[/url] [quote][/quote] [b][u]Halo 3 Tricks, Tips, Strategies, and Guides[/b][/u] * [url=]Halo 3 Tricks, Tips, Strategies, and Guides[/url]

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