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4/27/2007 10:29:34 PM

Bungie Weekly Update

We have a nice, fat update today, with lots of Halo 2 and Halo 3 stuff for you, including some interesting new art.

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  • yaa.. nice update and all.. but the maps still don't work for me )= am i like, the only one left havin this problem?♣◘•○♠♥☻☺♂☺☻☻♥☺◙)§▼

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  • Great update. Great Mister Chief. Awesome Frankie!

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  • Thats weak, only 16 players still? This game had better not lag like H2 does. If I can play with 63 other people and shoot across a map fine, then I expect something with only 16 people.

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  • That's definitely a good update. Thanks! I wonder though, since people do like tons of customizibility why not just let players choose what each button does like in many PC games? The actions could still be clustered like they are, i.e. whichever button you designate to reload also use/board vehicles. The game could still come with default and boxer and whatever other settings as a standard set, but why force the designers to come up with "the perfect button set-up" when you could just let the end users do it for you? I'd really like to know what other people think about this too.

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  • first of all, nice update! second, the controller layout that you posted is great, except for one thing... How do you pick up a new weapon in either one of your hands? there's no indication of how to do that. at first, I thought that holding down one of the bumpers would do it, but apparently LB reloads and switches grenades, and RB boards vehicles, reloads, and opens doors. what's goin on, bungie?

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  • You mention how a vast amount of people wouldn't enjoy having more than 16 people, even encouraging less. I agree with that if they want a MLG game, or somthing of that matter where you can't have a bunch of people screwing your match up. But, you forgot about the people who wouldn't mind having a epic-scaled game with dropships, artilary, you name it. Now, if it is phiscally impossible to have more than 16 people on a map due to connections or just that it would be too dang laggy, then I totally understand and would be happy with 16 max. I bet it is too late, but if not, please take that into consideration. If you can have it, why not.... I mean, it would only make the game better. The people who hate Big Team Battle games don't have to play them, but the people who like big matches then why not throw it in there for um. [Edited on 04.27.2007 3:52 PM PDT]

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  • nice update. but i would like to know when groups are coming back. the public forums are killing me.

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  • dont have enough time to read now but from what i saw on the controller it is going to be fing -blam!- having to press the pad to talk. are u fing retarded. halo is the only game that you need to hit a button to talk on the 360. fign retarded

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Halochampian08 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] USATitan Uhhh, why the heck do we still have to push a button to talk in Halo 3? It's a pain in the butt to take your thumb off the joystick to press and it's totally uneccessary. No other Xbox 360 shooter has a push to talk button and this button certainly does not belong in a faster-paced shooter like Halo 3 where we are constantly pressing buttons and communicating. There's a mute button on the mic if we don't want other people over Xbox Live to hear us. This is a stupid feature and hopefully we won't have to push a friggin button every time we want to talk when the retail version of Halo 3 comes out. [/quote] That still doesn't make any sense. I shouldn't have to take my thumb off a thumbstick and push a button in order to relay an enemy position to my teammate across the map. When we speak, all of our teammates should hear us. If Bungie is making a pain in the a** to communicate with teammates just because they want to implement a proximity voice system where nearby enemies can talk to you, then they should just elminate proximity voice altogether. It's not worth it. The only thing proximity voice is used for by Halo 2's terribly immature online community is s***-talking anyways. Or if Bungie wants to keep so that nearby enemies can hear you/speak to you, then they should make it so all teammates and all nearby enemies can hear everything you say everytime you speak, regardless if you are pushing a button or not. [Edited on 04.27.2007 3:52 PM PDT]

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  • Sweet update.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jenesuispasbavar [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] daSupremeOne WHoa Halo 3 on 720 Natively....I guess 1080P will have to wait...UNLESS YOU HAVE AN ELITE...What a ripoff. I should of just waited and not bought into MS Cr@p when I bought the system at launch. [/quote] Umm. You don't need the Elite to play in 1080p. Every single Xbox 360 has the ultra-awesome scaler chip (Hana I believe) that can upscale from 720p to 1080p, and the last dashboard update even made it possible to play 1080p through component cables. Screw HDCP. Microsoft is awesome. Only with their consoles though.[/quote] Straight from the Frankie "1080p at 60 fps is awesome for fighting games and barely a stretch for Live Arcade games. But if you want epic battles, dozens of bad guys, huge vistas and colossal structures, with advanced AI, HDR lighting and explosive physics, then you’re not getting those at 1080p at 60fps. Actually, that’s not entirely accurate – Halo 3 will display at 1080p through the Xbox Elite with its scaler and HDMI port, but not natively. We’ve seen it do just that and it looks utterly lovely. So if you have a 1080p TV, enjoy it yourself in a few weeks. Most people, and I mean the VAST majority of people don’t have a 1080p TV, so it would be foolish to sacrifice even a single feature for a bullet point number on the back of a box." So he is saying you will have a "lovelier" and will "enjoy it yourself", as a 1080P HDTV owner, I feel I just got shafted. I will have to buy an Elite to play this game in 1080p. Why did I ever adopt in a launch console? MS had stated they were not going to do 1080P games, I accepted, and went with the purchase, but when they do this switcharoo, I just got shafted. It was us early adopters that made the system cool...

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  • Yes, but will it look sweeeeeeet on my black and white screen???

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] USATitan Uhhh, why the heck do we still have to push a button to talk in Halo 3? It's a pain in the butt to take your thumb off the joystick to press and it's totally uneccessary. No other Xbox 360 shooter has a push to talk button and this button certainly does not belong in a faster-paced shooter like Halo 3 where we are constantly pressing buttons and communicating. There's a mute button on the mic if we don't want other people over Xbox Live to hear us. This is a stupid feature and hopefully we won't have to push a friggin button every time we want to talk when the retail version of Halo 3 comes out. [/quote] It will be in the final product. Its how the whole voice poximity works. If you want to talk to your teamates across the map... I take it will be pressing that button.

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  • Uhhh, why the heck do we still have to push a button to talk in Halo 3? It's a pain in the butt to take your thumb off the joystick to press and it's totally uneccessary. No other Xbox 360 shooter has a push to talk button and this button certainly does not belong in a faster-paced shooter like Halo 3 where we are constantly pressing buttons and communicating. There's a mute button on the mic if we don't want other people over Xbox Live to hear us. All the other shooter developers have figured out that a push to talk button is a bad idea, why hasn't Bungie yet? This is a stupid feature and hopefully we won't have to push a friggin button every time we want to talk when the retail version of Halo 3 comes out. [Edited on 04.27.2007 3:36 PM PDT]

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  • That control layout looks awesome but I have one concern. Can you switch grenade types while dual wielding? Any help would be appreciated.

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  • That's some great new promotional art, but... The vertical version of it is all wrong. Since MC is moved closer to where the bright orange light is coming from, the the direction of the orange highlights should change as well, producing more of a silhouette. Whoever decided to make the vertical one is doing the artist a horrible injustice, since the lighting looks just plain WRONG.

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  • hey so any one think that the idea of taking your finger off th left stick to talk is bad i for one aint to thirlled with that bit of it i reckon lb to talk x to change nades and reload second weapons and then use the d pad for equipment would be a lot better

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  • This was a great update.

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  • Wow, awesome update. I'm still waiting for the new pic to appear in the wallpaper section though...

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  • All is SUH-WEET, thank you Frankie. Right now I'm trying to make a cut-down version of that huge picture, it will become my new wallpaper and will exclude the Master Chief and the eyes, just the right part with "Halo 3" and that very nice background. I'm doing it all in Paint though so it's a real puzzle lol, probably finished in a couple of days... [Edited on 04.27.2007 3:28 PM PDT]

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  • I dont think the new button layouts are that good. they have way to many functions. but i am happy about the assault rifle and awesome newer weapons that is RAW!!!!!!

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  • cool update, although im astonished that there is no mention of the all, no open denouncement of the perpetraitor, no seeds of conspiracy... v.v but i needs my fufilling leak-conformation rush. no bother H3 Beta is gonna rokk so harde!!!! Bungie fo pres!!

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  • looking forward to HD halo greatness!

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  • I can't wait for the beta, when is it again?

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