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4/26/2007 1:58:37 AM

Matchmaking Playlist Update

Originally we indicated that this week was our target for updating the Halo 2 Xbox Live matchmaking playlists and resetting all player rankings. We are holding this update while we investigate and fix some of the Xbox Live download problems that people have been reporting.

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  • I have the Halo edition XBox and cannot download the new maps. Or at least it looks like I did download them but then an error pops up. Hope that helps the team. Thanks Bungie - keep up good work; don't get down.

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  • Mr "im dumb hunter" you do know i didn't type most of that message? aAnd yes.. modders are gone because now they get banned after the first match they play and bridging people host can no longer be done. People can circle boost etc... but who cares aslong as there not in matches with us?

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  • *starts riot* *friendly riot*

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  • Well i won't make it as graphic and spazzy as JoNeSy 1988 but it's kinda depressing that we still are stuck with playing with modders / standbyers / boosters. Kinda hoping that there will be a Feed back button that actually does something instead of nothing. It'd be nice to see cheaters gone the second they cheat but.. Thx for the update BUNGIE can't wait till all those cheaters are GGGGGGONE

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  • The idea that you should go ahead and do the updates anyways because some people that were able to get the maps are too inpatient to wait so you can correct the issues that you are having is what is truly absolute garbage. I paid for these maps on the 18th and have not been able to download them yet, if I was part of a small group then Bungie most likely would go ahead with the update. The fact that they have not gone forward yet means that there is more then just a small group that can not download the maps that have paid for them. With the number of people calling Xbox live support that can't download as well as those who just simple don't call and try later this problem is a lot larger then what may think it is. Many people, many of my friends online and also in my area have not been able to download these maps after paying for them and if Bungie went ahead and did the updates without making sure such a large group could download the product that they have paid for would be a poor business idea and also un-ethical (to offer a product that is supposedly going to be needed to keep playing the current ranked games, the main reason why many play, is un-ethical in many ways). If there is anyway that I can help, for instance providing my information and the issues that I am having then please let me know Bungie if you are watching these forums. Xbox live support itself has not been very helpful to say the least, many times simply not even caring where I was calling from or who was my ISP but simply telling me there is a technical issue and just to keep trying. Please Bungie, hold off on this update until this issue can be fixed or there can be another way to download the maps and actually get them on the console.

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  • absolute garbage. way to stick it to your paying customers. Again - quit being lazy, put down the controller for the Halo 3 beta, pick up your skirt and get it done. Why are you guys even waiting to begin with???? The people without maps can still play unranked games. What is the point of withholding necessary updates then?? The logic behind this is absolutely ridiculous. Question: Why do you have playlists that don't include the new maps? ANSWER: SO THAT PEOPLE WHO DON'T HAVE THE NEW MAPS CAN STILL PLAY - DUH!!! I think the real problem is a lack of planning and the new playlist / rank reset programming hasn't even been done so there is nothing to implement and bungie is just making excuses about not releasing the updates because an extremely small percentage of the community can't download the maps. Again, I say, ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. I agree. Your a douche! It's better that they wait so ALL customers can get the maps downloaded! That's the only way for the rank reset to be fair! Hypothetically if I can't download the maps, but Joe smith can, he has a better chance of getting his rank up before I even get the chance. Pull YOUR skirt down and shut your mouth, your putting out WAY to much! And you have no idea what the real problem is so shut the hell up Why should paying customers wait? there is such thing as 1st class and 2nd class you know ;) The people without the maps should wait because MOST people have the new maps and we aint got time to sit about waiting for bungie to do there business.

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  • THANK YOU BUNGIE! I honestly can say that bungie cares about everyone of its customers, because the DLC still won't download to my computer :( It also says that I have purchased the content but every time i try to download it, i get an error message reading "Content Failed" contact for more details. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sitius86 Shady you are really eccentric, ignorant, and annoying. You talk about feeling cheated out of 4 dollars, well most of the people that still can't download the maps have actually purchased them as well. So we can't even enjoy walking around in them like yourself. Additionally, how would you like to have most of your friends constantly playing customs on these maps that you paid for and not being able to participate? Yeah, so please think about other people before you post all this whiner bulsh about how deprived you are. [/quote] First, I never said I felt cheated out of my $4. I could care less. I am happy to pay the money for the new maps. I just want to play. As for paying for the maps and not being able to download them, that is a completely different story, and I feel for you. As for all friends constantly playing custom games on the new maps, that is not the case for me. Most of my friends hardly ever play halo 2 anymore because they have moved on to bigger and better 360 games. I have tried and tried to get into custom games with those that do still play, but am finding it difficult to get into a game with a decent amount of people in it (more than 3-4) Why would it be so hard to throw in a "Team Preview" playlist because of all of the download problems? Problem solved. Those who want to play against others who have downloaded the map can do so through matchmaking, and everyone can still play ranked games together until the download issues have been resolved. As for the personal insults, it's a pretty sad day when you have to start an argument with "you're a smelly, poopy, chowder face."

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  • Boo Hoo, and once again I can't hardly wait on Bungie. They really do want word domination, and they will get it creating all these Halo obsessions, that will cause insanity for my weak mind....Muuhhhaaahhaaahhaaa!!!

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  • Everyone who can't get the maps right now, don't worry! None of the maps are even close to MLG quality, and Tombstone is so big that host BR wins every game unless you play LAN. Desolation is okay, but it is still HUGE. I don't know why we didn't get a new small map. Halo and Halo 2 physics are different and I don't think the maps work well at all for Halo 2. I would have liked to see Prisoner though.

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  • wuhhhhhh thats nasty foo thats sick i dont wanna wait for those unfortunate ugly people thats not my fault update so i can laff at them hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha at them hahahahahahah

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sparxter Oh and SHADY K1LLAZ: go drink deeply from my used colostomy bag.[/quote] Sparxter, My deepest condolences on your bowel problems. Unfortunately I will have to decline your offer at this time, and am rather sickened by your mention of your personal medical problems. Besides that, I agree with you - don't know why you are hatin, you pretty much just said what I did - MAKE A PLAYLIST FOR THE NEW MAPS. I whole heartedly agree with your opening arguments though. Seriously, I think it would take a lot of pressure off. Just make one playlist for the new maps, focus on A) getting the new maps downloaded and B) releasing the beta so that we can "kick H2 to the curb for three weeks", and than do the rank reset / MM makeover. . [Edited on 04.27.2007 2:27 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SHADY K1LLAZ [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] icecold51 but the other dude yea u just need patients cuz halo 3 is going to be so nasty so u should be greatful they are working that hard on it...when u get the update ull completely forget you had to wait so just stop acting like a 8 year old and wait[/quote] I'll just pretend you said patience. ;) But besides that, I understand your point, it's not my decision so just wait. My point is that it's not really ethical for nothing to be done for those who have paid the money and downloaded the maps. I know $4 isn't much, but it's the principal of the matter - I basically just paid money so I could hobble around an empty map staring at the sky and listening to the faint monkey sounds in the background, not really my idea of fun. I think you are missing my other point though - playing Halo 2 at this very second right now is worthless because everyone is playing half-heartedly because they KNOW that the rank reset is going to happen. Granted, yes, Halo 2 is game and we should have fun, but come on people, the point of a game is to WIN = FUN. Losing because nobody cares sucks. In the end though, you're right - once I'm sitting there playing the Halo 3 Beta this will be the last thing on my mind. But I don't even want to think about the beta right now, it just makes me antsy. I just wanna play Halo 2 and sign off saying "That was a great game! Hey billy, did you see that one spot in the back of Hang 'Em High that makes a great sniper position?" instead of the current overall feeling of anger and disappointment (as well as other words that we can just leave out).[/quote] Shady you are really eccentric, ignorant, and annoying. You talk about feeling cheated out of 4 dollars, well most of the people that still can't download the maps have actually purchased them as well. So we can't even enjoy walking around in them like yourself. Additionally, how would you like to have most of your friends constantly playing customs on these maps that you paid for and not being able to participate? Yeah, so please think about other people before you post all this whiner bulsh about how deprived you are.

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  • As frustrated as I have been with the DLC issues I've kept the faith in XBL and Bungie.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Tater Salad jr SOB![/quote]Now I have to wait another week to play the new maps proper because I don't get on the internets that often and when I do I don't waste my time setting up custom games and this is a really long sentence and yes I am -blam!-ing about something that is inconsequential to my everyday life.

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  • could someone tell me how bungie/xbox live is fixing this problem cuz ive been having the same exact problem for the past week now and it doesnt seem to me that they're fixing the someone tell me exactly what went wrong and how they are fixing this please...

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  • Gawd I can't wait for the ranks to be reset. For some off reason, it's driving me nuts! >_<

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  • I don't understand what the problem is. If you didn't buy the previous maps you could still play all the playlists, they weren't required in any of them were they? So why do they make that the case now? Maybe it was the case, but I doubt every playlist required the maps like they are talking about for these new maps.

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  • Frankie, I understand that this must be a monumental task getting all of this worked out but could you do a favor to all the Beta participants who bought the maps? Go ahead and throw a new-map playlist or two in now without resetting the ranks so that we can get some matchmade games on before we kick H2 to the curb for three weeks. Then do the full monty whenever you get the rest of the bugs worked out. Just a thought. BTW I've already put in for time off during the beta to give me a couple of three day weekends. I'm almost 30 and I swear I feel like the day I opened my first NES as a kid. Yeah I said NES on Bungie's website- sue me. Oh and SHADY K1LLAZ: go drink deeply from a used colostomy bag.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] icecold51 but the other dude yea u just need patients cuz halo 3 is going to be so nasty so u should be greatful they are working that hard on it...when u get the update ull completely forget you had to wait so just stop acting like a 8 year old and wait[/quote] I'll just pretend you said patience. ;) But besides that, I understand your point, it's not my decision so just wait. My point is that it's not really ethical for nothing to be done for those who have paid the money and downloaded the maps. I know $4 isn't much, but it's the principal of the matter - I basically just paid money so I could hobble around an empty map staring at the sky and listening to the faint monkey sounds in the background, not really my idea of fun. I think you are missing my other point though - playing Halo 2 at this very second right now is worthless because everyone is playing half-heartedly because they KNOW that the rank reset is going to happen. Granted, yes, Halo 2 is game and we should have fun, but come on people, the point of a game is to WIN = FUN. Losing because nobody cares sucks. In the end though, you're right - once I'm sitting there playing the Halo 3 Beta this will be the last thing on my mind. But I don't even want to think about the beta right now, it just makes me antsy. I just wanna play Halo 2 and sign off saying "That was a great game! Hey billy, did you see that one spot in the back of Tombstone that makes a great sniper position?" instead of the current overall feeling of anger and disappointment (as well as other words that we can just leave out). [Edited on 04.27.2007 2:25 PM PDT]

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  • Also, "don't apologize baby, I still luv u."

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  • THIS IS SO -blam!- -blam!-!! every morning i have been checking my xbox hoping that the ranks would be reset and this weekend i was throwing this thing where i do nothing but team slayer but -blam!- no!! but it should stiff be good and skew the people who cant DL them they should fix that on there own just reset them already...

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  • Thanks for the status update, as I have been feverishly anticipating this playlist update because it is the most significant H2 update in ages... Can't wait to play Tombstone in matchmaking!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie In the meantime, you are of course able to enjoy both Tombstone and Desolation in online custom games and offline Splitscreen/System Link play. Please stay tuned to for the latest info. Apologies for the inconvenience. [/quote] that would be nice... if someone on my friends list still played halo 2. You would think the problems woulda been figured out before the release (the story of halo2s life)... overall it just seems like a cheep way the get buzz going.

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  • don't apologize, Frankie. let the crybabies cry. i own stock in Kleenex.

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  • This really is frustrating. I'm angry about a video game which in turn frustrates me even more. Dammit!

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