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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 8/29/08
9/1/2008 7:23:45 PM
PC, if Halo 3 is a disappointment, then why bother looking at the bungie update? I'm pretty sure that bungie has some nice flat boundaries over the surfaces so that plasmas wont stick to everything. Also, who are you to say a map isn't playable when you've only seen a few pictures of it, you surely haven't played it, you definitely don't have a complete idea of how the map looks in your head. You made a careless assumption. There's a reason blackout doesn't look and play exactly like lockout, its not supposed to be an exact remake, it's a "spiritual successor." If it was supposed to be a remake, it would probably still be in the mountains somewhere on one of the halos. Another thing, why should bungie make a map that's perfect for mlg players, their goal is to make maps that are fun for everyone, not just one group of people who thing they're special. Again, if halo 3's so bad, go back to halo 2, or just break your xbox, because people like you do absolutely nothing good for this community.

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