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4/10/2007 11:02:27 AM

Multiplayer Madness!

We reveal the Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta release date, and let you see MP footage and more in our latest Vidoc.

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  • At 3:27: 1. Nice little detail how the flag carrier picks his knee up as he jumps. 2. The blue spartan's shields seem to give out without reason, which must mean that his shields are actually recharching instead, and at a fast rate too. Quite possibly more quickly than the shields in Halo 2.

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  • Absolutely fantastic!!! :) I'm so happy I got Crackdown! Bungie, I will someday make my return to Redmond and become one of your audio directors! I swear it now upon my grave! :)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BGOLD04 Maybe bungie should allow Us to download the halo 3 beta client before the beta goes live so we can start testing right away, I have the feeling the servers will be clogged for a while if they dont, just like when MS launched demos.[/quote] Oooh good idea. You should give us all a day or two to download the needed files, but not actually have the system turned on until it's time. I mean, if all we are testing is matchmaking, and that's all that's available, then just disable the system that runs matchmaking until the actual release date. If you just flip a switch and expect 20+ thousand people to download this file at once, you are going to run into some problems. Hell, it took me over an hour to download the Halo 3 announce trailer, and I was the first one to post that it was up on the Xbox forums!

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  • I am becoming more and more confident in this game. Halo 2 was kind of a let down in many ways, Halo 3 looks to be rectifying many of those problems. First, I'll get the bad thing out of the way: Yes, there is only one thing - The bubble shield ... device ... (like the thing you drop, not the actual shield that goes up) is too big and bulky. The one in the CG trailer looks fantastic - and I hope the final product looks more like that. Other than that, I am pleased with everything else I saw. The use of special equipment seems like a good addition. As long as you can't hold more than one of each type. The bubble shield seems like it will really fit well into the mixing up the gameplay, whether or not you can shoot out through it. The trip mine looks like it will have limited use, but is sure to produce many great stories. Alright back to the bubble shield. The thing is way too big. Hopefully that isn't the final product. Second, and more importantly , can you shoot out through a shield? Either way, it still has a great effect on gameplay... Can shoot through: You get caught from behind, and are lucky enough to have a bubble shield (hopefully they will be few and far between), and you can save your butt and kill the guy. Or maybe you want to provide protection for somebody carrying a flag/bomb/oddball. You set up near the spot and pick off defenders etc. Cannot shoot though: You get caught from behind. Normally, since you have to turn around and then start shooting, you are pretty much screwed - it's too late to do much before your shields are gone. You throw down the bubble, and you have a few seconds to prep yourself - Your shields can recharge, and you can switch/reload your weapons. When the shield goes down, you have a head to head fight with the winner being the one who is better (or who has the stronger weapon).

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  • At 1:56, "Blow-upable gate"- awesome.

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  • Is it true that frag grenades no longer bounce? and that they explode on the first impact? Such a shame if thats the case. Geometry was Fun :)

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  • So what's the deal with all the hexagons?

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  • Maybe bungie should allow Us to download the halo 3 beta client before the beta goes live so we can start testing right away, I have the feeling the servers will be clogged for a while if they dont, just like when MS launched demos. [Edited on 04.10.2007 9:13 PM PDT]

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  • can u say SHWING!!!! cant wait , it looks awesome!!

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  • alright i'm alittle pissed by this update because i got in through the rule of 3 and just 2 make sure i got in i bought crackdown (good game) but when bungie said that they would be lauched and end at the same time is retarded. only 13,333 people got in though rule of 3 and i would hope that it would at least last longer because it was'nt like crackdown where anybody could get into H3 beta u had 2 at least work 4 it. Big mistake bungie ur bad people u make good games but bad people none the less.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie X Button is DEPLOY EQUIPMENT You saw three kinds in the vid. It has nothing to do with nades or power ups.[/quote] You mean we saw four kinds. Don't forget we saw the mobile turret. ;-) [Edited on 04.10.2007 8:51 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sneekysnake6 ...I will personally give each and every one of you some hott steamy sex, just hit me up..... Bungie.......I want you inside me.[/quote]Uhh, yea....I work for bungie *raises hand after looking both ways*

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  • Man cannonnn! :) I can't wait to share replays with friends, be like "Yeah I owned this guy, you gotta see!" the equipment sounds cool :) I like the AR man cannon :)

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  • Wait, does the flag differ from map-to-map? Because last time I checked, the Valhalla map looked MUCH better.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PeanutButterMan Whats the x button I missed it? [/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Nick Cathell Ahhhh... so the mysterious x button is this new pause time/ slow motion thing i saw. pretty cool [/quote] DEPLOY EQUIPMENT

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pelopidas I [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xc0mmand0 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pelopidas I the shield and the trip mine are considered weapons. they take up a whole slot in ur inventory where ur weapon is located.[/quote] no they dont, look at 00:58.[/quote] he had two wepons. the brute spiker (which he is holding) and the shield gernade(which is his secondary weapon). on 5:42 you can even see the shield gernade on his back. look at 5:45. the guy who droped the shield has no secondary weapon on his back. also look at 5:56 when he drops the trip mine it disapears from his inventory (he has no plasma nades but they apear in his invintory). [/quote] Here's what it goes like: (From top-left, to top-right.) ►0 ►2 ►1 _______________________________ Primary Weapon E | Secondary Weapon ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||-ammo ►=Grenades E= DEPLOY EQUIPMENT WEAPON Primary, secondary, and ammo are self explanatory. ______________=Shield [Edited on 04.10.2007 8:20 PM PDT]

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  • nice! I want to use the AR ;)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RedMonkey999 Okay...first off, I have to say that I really enjoyed the insight into the design process these vidocs provide. They make Bungie a lot more transparent and provides aspiring game makers and modders (legitimate full conversion game modding, not cheating) such as myself a look at how the best of the best approach game creation, and that is incredibly helpful. The latest MP vidoc was great, I really enjoyed getting a sneak peak into Halo 3's MP, it's looking awesome so far. However, I'm a little bit concerned about the Assault Rifle. I realize that this vidoc doesn't represent current progress, but the Assault Rifle sounds like a pansy pee-shooter right fact, it sounds like the SMG from Halo 2 (a pansy pee-shooter). This worries me greatly as I'm glad to see that the Assault Rifle's accuracy and role is being changed, but the sound it made as you fired it in Halo:CE made you feel like you were firing a GUN...not some piece of junk that your mom bought at the local dollar store. The sound of Halo:CE's Assault Rifle was one of the biggest reasons I wanted to see the AR make a return in Halo 3. Please Bungie, restore the sound and feel of the AR to it's original pristine and gratifying state...don't let it lie unwanted on the ground because it sounds like an automatic spitwad shooter.[/quote] I hate you 'cause you mod, even if it isn't for cheating you should be banned from Xbox Live. I like you 'cause you agree with the AR from Halo 1.

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  • I now love Bungie Intimately, and i think i want to marry the company. We will be wed in Hawaii, and all of you r invited. I'm going to piss all over my house when beta comes, and when it goes away for 4/5 months, i'll cry for days on end. Bungie, we will have littles bungie kids and everything!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xc0mmand0 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Adversarius Wow. Does no one here ever, even remotely, pay attention to a damn thing that anyone else says? People, read the thread before asking a question. And if that's too much for you, read this: 1. The X button DEPLOYS EQUIPMENT. Frankie said so. The equipment consists of Shield Bubbles, Trip Mines, and (possibly) a portable grav-lift. These might be power-ups scattered across the maps. 2. It seems as though the Warthog turrets can be detached and carried around. That's not a flamethrower you see the blue Spartan carrying, it's a Warthog turret. It fires like a turret and it looks like a turret, not the flamethrower. Bungie-person, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems pretty obvious. 3. The instructions to download the video are on the story page. Read them. It's not rocket science. I figured it out, and so can you. 4. Their is/was a new gametype called Escort. Their is also a map called Warthogs Inc., but that's probably a temporary name. I think that's all the relevant info. Also, what is the deal with people whining about a three-week beta? Halo and Halo 2 didn't even have Betas. You're damn lucky to even be involved in the testing. Stop your whining. They're doing it to smooth out the kinks in the game, not to please and entertain you until the game is released. Stop being ungrateful bastards. The world, including Bungie, does not exist simply to cater to your every whim. If you don't like it, don't participate. I'm sure that not playing ANY Halo 3 will be much more fun than playing it for three weeks. And yes, that was sarcasm. Thank you, goodnight. EDIT: Taco92, the new grenade is the Brute spike grenade. The trip mine is deployable equipment, via the X button.[/quote] well put[/quote] I agree. I am replying to this in hopes that the idiots out there might read it.

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  • Okay...first off, I have to say that I really enjoyed the insight into the design process these vidocs provide. They make Bungie a lot more transparent and provides aspiring game makers and modders (legitimate full conversion game modding, not cheating) such as myself a look at how the best of the best approach game creation, and that is incredibly helpful. The latest MP vidoc was great, I really enjoyed getting a sneak peak into Halo 3's MP, it's looking awesome so far. However, I'm a little bit concerned about the Assault Rifle. I realize that this vidoc doesn't represent current progress, but the Assault Rifle sounds like a pansy pee-shooter right fact, it sounds like the SMG from Halo 2 (a pansy pee-shooter). This worries me greatly as I'm glad to see that the Assault Rifle's accuracy and role is being changed, but the sound it made as you fired it in Halo:CE made you feel like you were firing a GUN...not some piece of junk that your mom bought at the local dollar store. The sound of Halo:CE's Assault Rifle was one of the biggest reasons I wanted to see the AR make a return in Halo 3. Please Bungie, restore the sound and feel of the AR to it's original pristine and gratifying state...don't let it lie unwanted on the ground because it sounds like an automatic spitwad shooter.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xc0mmand0 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pelopidas I the shield and the trip mine are considered weapons. they take up a whole slot in ur inventory where ur weapon is located.[/quote] no they dont, look at 00:58.[/quote] he had two wepons. the brute spiker (which he is holding) and the shield gernade(which is his secondary weapon). on 5:42 you can even see the shield gernade on his back. look at 5:45. the guy who droped the shield has no secondary weapon on his back. also look at 5:56 when he drops the trip mine it disapears from his inventory (he has no plasma nades but they apear in his invintory). [Edited on 04.10.2007 7:29 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MagusO5 How do you switch equipment? You can carry more than one item, starting at 0:53 (and again at 1:25), you can see two different items in the Hud under the grenades. One is a mine (it matches the one you see when they actually reveal the trip mine later on), the other, in each instance, is something else. It looks like there will be more than 3 types of equipment..[/quote] Im guessing D pad... cause all that was being used for was team speak... so i guess maybe UP will be teamspeak and Left Down and Right will be switching between equipment

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie X Button is DEPLOY EQUIPMENT You saw three kinds in the vid. It has nothing to do with nades or power ups.[/quote] That means there's more?!?! That is great!

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  • Did anyone else notice the snipers new look? its more halo: ce like. Where is your health bar?!

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