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3/30/2007 10:44:04 PM

Bungie Weekly Update

In this weeks update, we concentrate almost exclusively on the new Halo 2 maps, announced this morning. Lots o' details inside!

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  • halo 3 is going to frito bagpoon for years to come, bilbo baggins

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  • cool 2 new maps I better get a credit card now

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  • well im a big fan of both of these maps and when halo 3 comes out i dont think ill be playing much halo 2 so will these maps also be in halo3? or added later on down the road?

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  • I'm not going to lie; This sort of disapoints me. I loved both maps on halo 1 but Halo 2 is already a game that comes down to who can spawn kill who first. I was hoping for something along the lines of "original" and less spawn killing involved. All in all, I'm happy to see that the Xbox users will be able to play with us 360 users. I can already imagine one of the horrible 12 year olds with host talking crap about how good he can rack up kills with his BR. T_T

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  • might be a little off topic but i heard the beta was coming out april 1st.... is this true?

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  • !! I'm very pleased that the new maps will be released for both Xbox and Xbox 360. 4 dollars isn't asking too much. I like the names, Tombstone and Desolation. They look cool and I can't wait to play 'em.

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  • Sounds really cool.Especially Tombstone.Say Frankie, can you shoot the monkeys.

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  • when is the release date on the new maps???

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  • I agree with Jack, even more remakes from Halo CE would be nice, though you guys do work hard over at Bungie. At least, I think you are?

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  • Darn I was in Seattle a week ago. Should have just stayed instead of going back to CA. Who needs school anyway lol. Alas, Seattle is enormous compared to my town, and locating Bungie studios from the Seattle airport was rather difficult. Curse Bungie studios for having a cloaking device!!! The maps look fun and interesting, I was never really a fan of Derelict, but that's 'cause I was trying to play CTF on it with rockets. Hang 'em high was fun for slayer though. So will the fall damage only be included in the new maps, or will it be in all the maps? Also, I tihnk Beta is comin' out close to the maps, since they were saying people who can't play in Beta can still enjoy the maps, so perhaps Beta comes out mid April? I sure hope so, 'cause Gears and LOst Planet are losing their luster...

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  • Yay! This is awesome! Too bad I can't make it to the event. I really wanted my bewbz signed... :(

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  • I wasn't a major fan of Derelict myself, I actually kinda hated it because of its symmetry and size (a little like another Wizard, but with a little breathing room). Now just by looking at the Desolation map through the screenshots section, I can tell I am already going to love it, Tombstone as well. I am one of those people who like to explore every aspect of the map and find all of the little things that bungie put into it. I can already tell that most people are going to find as many superbounces as they can before the maps come on live. I was really disappointed when I found out that there were only going to be 2 maps coming out. I would like to see more remakes and possibly some newer maps, because the once new maps are becoming antiques.

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  • Yeah, so at the end of every update bungie should put a button "discuss this story" inside the actual update, that takes you to a separate forum thread, so that if you actually read it , you click on that button and can discuss it with other intelligent readers. The button at the very bottom can be left for those who don't bother to read it.

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  • no remake of sidewider?

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  • Guys lets complain about the OS placement until they change it.

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  • Roadus It´s not about greedy, you know how much money they get from selling the Halo 2 Game and how much more there will be when they release Halo 3 I dont think you ever see that much money togheter, so me greedy? maybe that comment was for microsoft. Remember what happened with the last release of the map series in 40 dollars... that's all I have to say.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] kill will I know 4 dollars does not seem to be much money, but we paid 50 and 60 dollars more or less to play halo 2 full games and have full access to live games. So do the math 4 dollars multipled by 300,000 players of halo 2 (more or less)... that would be 1'200,000 dollars, nice way to take money out of people.[/quote] well [B]Certain Affinity[/B] created the maps, there are [B]NOT[/B] Bungie and jthey just want to make msome money from something they created, and new development companies need money to keep going, 1.2 mill yeah most of that just goes back into making more stuff for either the halo series or something else. why do u all have to be greedy, if u invented something that become a success you would like to make money off it, so why complain when someone else does. and $4 are u people serious you could find $ bux lying around your house. oh and for the people who have a hard time reading the update they are posting about its APRIL 17th.

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  • I know 4 dollars does not seem to be much money, but we paid 50 and 60 dollars more or less to play halo 2 full games and have full access to live games. So do the math 4 dollars multipled by 300,000 players of halo 2 (more or less)... that would be 1'200,000 dollars, nice way to take money out of people.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RangerChip I have loved Halo since the beginning. Quit playing in year ago (got tired of the moders and cheaters it seems like this is who you guys like to cator to). Getting tired of Bungie's delay tactics! Why can't you guys just turn out a good game in a shorter time? Forget that I asked that, don't want to hear your lame excuses like "it takes time to make a great product" crap. All we have to do is look at Halo 2. You couldn't even make the co-op work across x-box live. Not interested in the new maps not because of the maps, but because of the moders and cheaters which you guys don't want to do anything about because they are your only fan base now.[/quote] Wow that's terrible! What the hell's the matter with you!?!

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  • Sweet!! Though I pictured a Hang 'Em High Remake in the Delta Halo type area but this looks sweet aswell!... And why aren't 80% of these posters actually reading?? SO many people are asking stupid questions that were actually in the news update. Wow. Can't wait for these maps and for the other news that Certain Affinity said they were gonna reveal prior to the release of these maps. Loved the screenshots, funny.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NightSpecter If you guys love your fans so much, then why are we being charged for the 2 maps?[/quote] Because they have to make money for the time and work they put into the maps. Selfish prick. Anyways, it's just 4 flipping dollars. Get over it. Sorry, I'm in a pissy mood.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Th3 BlAcK D3a7h [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xCritical v2 Nice![/quote]Wow man u have had the first post for the last two posts. I seriously doubt you have a life. Youre probably some fat kid who sits at his computer all day waiting for the next update. I also know for a fact that you dont read the posts before you comment on them.[/quote] Lol, what an idiot.

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  • I have loved Halo since the beginning. Quit playing in year ago (got tired of the moders and cheaters it seems like this is who you guys like to cator to). Getting tired of Bungie's delay tactics! Why can't you guys just turn out a good game in a shorter time? Forget that I asked that, don't want to hear your lame excuses like "it takes time to make a great product" crap. All we have to do is look at Halo 2. You couldn't even make the co-op work across x-box live. Not interested in the new maps not because of the maps, but because of the moders and cheaters which you guys don't want to do anything about because they are your only fan base now. [Edited on 03.31.2007 3:17 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CinnamonTerror Why not for free???????????????????????????????????[/quote]'Cause Bungie needs to make money too.

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  • Why not for free???????????????????????????????????

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  • should've done damnation instead of derelict. i think damnation was really underrated.

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