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11/24/2012 4:31:43 AM

I need a favor.

There is a -blam!- living on the 343 industries forum, who goes by the name of Twinreaper. Here's what you need to understand about this person. He fights against customs. He fights against having a server browser. He fights against letting the community have control of the game. He fights against mod support. Yet somehow he thinks he's hot -blam!-. And everyone on that forum is swinging from his nuts. I need anyone and everyone who is able to go onto that forum and tell those -blam!-s to get a -blam!- room. His words summed up. "I don't want to see modding support for Halo, because most of the community can't even properly mod." My words in response to that. "I don't give a -blam!- about the people who have no clue how to create content. I care about the people WHO DO KNOW how to create content." Shortly afterwards, the nutswingers all rose up and permanently banned me for it. Please. For the love of god put that f.u.c.k.i.n.g. peice of s.h.i.t. in his place. Otherwise, his words, and his input will continualy drive the Halo franchise into the dirt. Halo has to focus on CUSTOM GAMING TO SUCCEED! He is NME#1 against that idea on that forum. BTW, MOD SUPPORT =/= CHEATING MOD SUPPORT = Developer makes the Engine, then hands the reigns over to the community that buys it... so that WE can continually evolve the game the way WE see fit. But because only a select few people are capable of making proper models with proper collisions etc. It's unnacceptable to waste time on giving us the ability at all. His words...not mine. [Edited on 11.23.2012 8:42 PM PST]
#Reach #Halo

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  • I need another favor. This time, it's directed at the retards on waypoint. Ok, long story short. Some dumbasses paid for the LE to get extra maps. Others bought it later for 800 MS points. Turns out I guess MS screwed up and started giving it away for free. Now here's the point. They are mad and demand compensation. But they can't seem to grasp a very simple concept. What is the one con to map packs? NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE BUY THEM! Meaning you waste money, just to limit the pool of players to actually play with on those maps. So when MS gives the Map Pack away for FREE. THEY SHOULD -blam!- REJOICE! Someone please go -blam!- explain this concept to those -blam!- morons! MS just did them a favor and increased the pool of players available for those maps. I.E. They are mostly mad, because they feel entitled to be the "Elite" few who should have access to the new maps, since they were dumb enough to throw money at it. The whole compensation thing is actually secondary to that "entitled" issue. P.S. Feel free to take full credit for bringing them into the light. [Edited on 12.11.2012 6:41 PM PST]

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