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11/18/2012 1:29:54 AM

I just wrote a police officer a ticket

So today I saw a police officer parked in a yellow "no parking zone" But he wasn't responding to an emergency, He was at a 7-11 and he walked out with a big gulp. He was abusing his status as a police officer. And this is how I am about to knock him down a level for it. I live in Oregon. In Oregon it is a little known fact that you don't have to be a police officer, or a parking attendant to write someone a parking ticket. [url=]See ORS 153.058[/url] Now back to the story. as the officer was coming out as soon as I saw that he was parked illegally I took a picture of him ( as he was coming out holding his big gulp, and of his car parked illegally. AND of him getting into his car. This is all of the evidence that I need to issue him a citation. I went on down to the police station and initiated the proceedings of filing the citation. Filled out his ticket, and took it down to the court house as per the instructions. At the courthouse I gave the nearly-finished ticket to the clerk who found an available court date. And then signed the ticket. And took an oath that the information was correct. This police officer is now going to receive the ticket in the mail with his court date. I will also be going to this court date where I will be presenting the photographic evidence of his illegal parking. He will have no excuse. tl;dr I wrote a police officer a ticket, and now he must appear in court. UPDATE: 500 replies w00t, I will be posting the pictures AFTER the court date. Due to legal/security reasons. [Edited on 11.18.2012 6:31 PM PST]
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AK 47625714 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Master Chef [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AK 47625714 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Master Chef I don't want to tread off-topic here, but my point is that laws exist to be interpreted, not blindly followed.[/quote]The judiciary interprets the laws, not the officer or citizen. If an officer is interpreting the law, he's doing his job wrong. [quote]OP went out of his way to give the officer in question a ticket in an unreasonable circumstance.[/quote]I fail to see how it's unreasonable. An officer violated the law, and he's facing the consequences. He is not above the law. Once again, not holding those who enforce the law accountable to it, no matter how small of an issue it is, is irresponsible and stupid.[/quote] If citizens and officers don't interpret laws, and we leave legal thought to judges alone, then I want out of this society. Abandonment of thought does not serve us well as a species. The biggest issue I am having right now is convincing an idealist that the world is not perfect. Live a bit longer, and you might understand why this pedantry is unbecoming of you. Oops, [i]he parked in front of a 7-11.[/i] Visualize this for me; in the striped off area before the convenience store's doors, a car sat for two minutes. And the earth shook.[/quote]So, no actual counter-argument? Okay then. We're done here.[/quote] No, you ignored my post. Although we may well be done here. I just said that you are expecting perfection in an imperfect world, and demanding it in absurd circumstances. Furthermore, I stated that your assessment of a law and how a citizen ought to interact with it is equivalent to a dog obeying its owner without flinching. If you want to be a good dog, that is fine by me. I would just rather be one that makes rational decisions.

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