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7/8/2008 7:03:37 AM
I can't say your metaphor is entirely perfect for this, but hey! you got to say [quote]YEAH! TO WAAAAAAAAAARRRR!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] so it's all good. =] SPARTANS ATTAAACKK!! TONIGHT WE DINE WITH GRAVEMIND! Meh, couldn't think of anything. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MasterSin This day was like the Battle of Thermopilae! 300 spartities died defending their post, they didn't achieved to defeat the persians! but 10,000 spartans would come later and finish the job Just like us, we didn't achieved! to get 7000 000 000 on Bungie's Day but WE WILL get those 7000 000 000 kills sooner or later! YEAH! TO WAAAAAAAAAARRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! (Dramatization)[/quote]

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