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1/8/2013 7:44:52 PM

Some epic college class rule

So today is my second day of second semester as a sophomore in college. One of my classes that I am taking is economic geography, an intro course. This is more of an elective than anything else and was a last minute selection. Anyway, the first day for this class was today and we were given an intro, syllabus crap, and all that jazz. Cutting to the chase . . . participation is 10% of our grade. If you are caught texting/using your phone in class even once, you automatically lose 10% of your final grade. This means that the highest grade you can receive from that point on is a 90%. rofl. I think this is awesome, cuz I also hate it when I see people texting in class. In my mind i'm screaming "why the -blam!- are you here if ur not paying attention?! GTFO!" This goes for people on their laptops and using facebook and -blam!-
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  • College student here, if I had a professor that had a rule like that I would honestly drop that class right then and there and walk out. There is no need for that kind of rule, I can see laptops being distracting, but just make those who use them sit towards the back of the lecture hall and the texting rule is just silly. So what happens if I am expecting an important text or something? I have to leave the room and answer it? Am I better off just skipping the class so I don't potentially lose 10% of my grade? I'm more than capable of doing 2 things at once. Unless the professor is Morgan Freeman, I doubt he or she is interesting enough to keep your attention for however long your class is for the whole semester.

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