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1/8/2013 7:44:52 PM

Some epic college class rule

So today is my second day of second semester as a sophomore in college. One of my classes that I am taking is economic geography, an intro course. This is more of an elective than anything else and was a last minute selection. Anyway, the first day for this class was today and we were given an intro, syllabus crap, and all that jazz. Cutting to the chase . . . participation is 10% of our grade. If you are caught texting/using your phone in class even once, you automatically lose 10% of your final grade. This means that the highest grade you can receive from that point on is a 90%. rofl. I think this is awesome, cuz I also hate it when I see people texting in class. In my mind i'm screaming "why the -blam!- are you here if ur not paying attention?! GTFO!" This goes for people on their laptops and using facebook and -blam!-
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hylebos [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Drunky1993 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Hylebos [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Drunky1993 This goes for people on their laptops and using facebook and -blam!-[/quote]To be fair, if I'm going to goof off on my Laptop (which is all of the time, in fact I'm on my laptop in lecture at the moment), I go to the back of the Lecture Hall and minimize my exposure to other students.[/quote] That is respectable and considerate to the students. But as a teacher/professor it's nonetheless insulting. I ask myself why people like you decide to even come to class if you aren't going to go for its purpose. If I were you, if I didn't feel like (or didn't need to) going to class, I just wouldn't go. It's easier on you, too. There's no time in a class where you can divert your attention to a screen. If the class is so slow/easy/boring, don't go to class. :([/quote]The fact of the matter is that I don't have to type down every single word that the professor says to pass the class. I type down the main ideas, and I type down that which I'll have problems remembering, but a lot of the elaboration and such isn't essential or is easily memorized. I understand it's quite useful for some people, but I'm the sort of guy who hates having his hands idle, so when I'm not taking notes I'm discussing stuff on Bnet or looking at other things on the internet or I program. I'm a Senior Computer Science student, and this is what works for me. Skipping class is definitely a terrible idea, and is either a sign of lazyness or overconfidence.[/quote] Don't take your laptop. Take a pen/pencil and write down the notes. Your hands won't be idle. And then there's infamous doodling when you're not paying attention. :)

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