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originally posted in: Bungie Weekly Update: 5/30/08
5/31/2008 4:42:45 PM
Alex Pfeiffer we'll be looking forward to what you can do as Mission Designer. I have faith in you, dont let me or anyone else down. :D LOL .4% Decrease in BR starts in Ghost town, Standoff, and Foundry. I knew it wasnt going to be drastic like everyone else was thinking. Thanks again. Took me awhile to fine "Discuss." You guys knew it would too. We had to look for it. :) I feel like it'll show you serious comments than bull-blam- comments people post. Such as being "Fisrt!" or something similar like that. Anyways good update. One more thing, The Smuggler. Is this a hint to a new video game your brewing up ;)?

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