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1/24/2007 9:33:21 PM

THE ARK: fan-fic. (Chapter 5 part 3 IS UP!!!!) The Finale !

this is moved from my other account which is also called blue phoenix but thats just a technicality. it signed me in on that 1 instead of this 1 for some reason :s anyways: Ok, so i started writing this lot after piles of pressure form my college mates, a solid training session and one very sleepless night thinking about lods of stuff. This is basically what i think may happen in the latter part of Halo3. Not all of it just the key elements. but it is meant to be just a bit of fun at the end of the day. Criticism is welcomed but only if it's consructive. if it aint i'll just ignore yew lol. Anyways, here it is. I'm posting parts 1 & 2 simply because i've already done them because i had a 3 hour free period today. gah, boring as hell. Oh, and on a personal note, about 10 people have proof read this and they think its cool. I however think the start is decent and it gets better as it goes on but make of it what you will 11:26 HOURS. 10/9/2552. MILLITARY CALENDER. RUINS OF NEW MOMBASSA. EAST AFRICAN PROTECTORATE. EARTH. Chapter 1. Part 1- "Stupid Grunts." The pelican dropships lowered gently and the ODST soldiers jumped off and immediately ran for cover, forming a defensive perimeter. The Master Chief followed suit and took cover behind a pile of stacked oil drums. Sergeant Johnson was 5 Meters to his Right behind a concrete wall, with metal plating above him sloping at an angle. He was scoping out the front of the large building infront of them. The building that had not stood here before. Partly because it had been half a mile below solid earth for the past god knows how many years. “All clear, no movement” said Johnson. “Perez, Williams, Cole, flank left up to that rock cluster over there. Davies, Johns, you come right with me to the remains of that building. A.J, Thompson, Hawkins, you go up front with chief. Every one check your weapons….On my mark, MOVE OUT !” they all nodded in acknowledgement and fanned out in one swift movement. As the Chief ran towards the pile of rubble they were heading for, he recognized the architecture of the building. The strange markings on the outside, the sloping strut like formations, the geometrical perfection, There was no mistaking it, this was definitely a forerunner structure, and an old one at that. Its architecture was stone like he had seen at Delta halo, yet it was still intact after being buried under tones of earth. But why had it been buried? A voice from behind him jolted his chain of thought back to the matter at hand: “Whoa, this was here all the time? Right under New Mombassa? No way “ “Dude, how can you say no way? You’re looking at the bloody thing. Besides, we’re half a mile under the surface,” The radio crackled, it was Johnson: “A.J, Thompson, button it. Or it’ll be back to the unemployment office for both of you! Chief, we’re in position” “Us too chief. We got the right flank covered.” Came the voice of Corporal Perez. “Good said the chief. On my mark we move in on the front of the structure. Johnson you keep to the left and Perez, you guys stick to the right.” “Naturally,” replied Johnson.” “MARK!” They all moved towards the front of the structure with perfect timing once again. The door now looming bigger as they drew closer. Both flanking teams took up positions on either side of the door. Just outside the range of the motion sensors. The chief and the other 3 marines ran forward and split up. Two one side of the door, two the other side. “Sir I’ve got 3 contacts just the other side of this door on my thermal scanners. Small, most likely grunts.” “Roger” said the chief.” “I dunno about you guys but I’d like to just roll a frag through the door and let it blow them to bits. But hey, that’s just me” the chief nodded in acknowledgement and pulled out a frag grenade. He edged closer to the door, triggering its motion sensors. Inside, the 3 Grunts had been aimlessly passing the time: “No fair, why can’t we go and see the big console with the flashy things on it?” “I don’t know, But me rather stay here. Lot easier.” “Ooooh I don’t know, I don’t like standing watch, it make me very nervous. What if the demon shows up?” “Oh relax, it not as if he gonna show up and take us by surpri….. What’s that?” The frag grenade rolled slowly towards the middle grunt’s feet and came to a rest. “…Uh oh” Smoke and rubble, with the odd arm and leg of a grunt of course, flew out of the open door. The marines and the chief filed into the room, weapons raised, eyes down range. [Edited on 2/8/2007]
#Halo #Halo3

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spartangrendier1 the other one is the ''to be continued''? [/quote] Yeah, the End of the ninth Age is the continuation of this one =]

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  • the other one is the ''to be continued''?

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  • good stuff pho3nix. really like it

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  • WTF are you writing a book about halo or something? I am sure it's great. Keep it up.

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  • Urm is this to be continued cause i kinda like reading how this goes it gets better every chapter so if it isnt BUGGER!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • this is definetly a great fanfic and i want last post. but check out the sequal [url=] SEQUAL [/url]

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  • brilliant story mate!

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  • last post. haha. great fanfic and the sequal is too. xP

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  • here's the lazy for all you lazy people xD [url=] THE ARK: End Of The Ninth Age. [/url]

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  • lol xD well the sequal to this fan fic is up already! lazy is in my sig. check it out! its called: THE ARK: End Of The Ninth Age. (Ninth age of reclamation.)

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  • Yeah lets see some more action go A.J

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  • what's fast?

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  • whoa thats fast man !!!!

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  • cant wait for the new one.yes

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  • lol by the way dude. are you hyper or anything by any chance? xD

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  • there are reasons dude. and there weren't loads of covvies in there because of the flood.

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  • double post!YESSSSS i have never double posted on anyone elses thread,except my own........where did all the covies go if the relay was so important,then why werent thee any more than u described?plus where there are brutes there are elites...LONG LIVE THE SHANGHEILI!

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  • y'all know who i am.....FEEDBACK FEEDBACK lots of positive feeback!lol!ur story is pretty good.better then me wen im sober anywayz!lol(i dont do any sort of drug)just lighting up this thread thats all!

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  • kk thnx for the feedback dude!

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  • It's OK. There are a few mistakes, though, that are still present.

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  • lmao ok then :/

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  • :O i dont have time to read it!, but i promise; like the promise bush made to the people in iraq, i will read it soon!

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  • Okie doke well this is it! the final part of the final part of my fan-fic. well, this one anyway :p hope you all enjoy. I tried to make it as cool as I could lol. Hope i succeeded =] [u][b]Chapter 5. Part 3 – “A.J’s Finest Hour.”[/b][/u] The lift had barely stopped when everyone was off and jogging down a winding corridor. The chief tried to contact the pelican again: “SPARTAN 117 to drop ship DELTA 437, do you copy?” “roger chief, How far are you from evac point?” “approximately 108 metres.” Said the monitor. “You hear that?” chief asked the pilot. “Roger.” “We’d better get a mo…” but once again his sentence went un-finished. For loud banging had started to resonate from a side room just around the corner they had come around. Johnson turned to chief and said urgently: “Chief, I think now would be …” “A very good time to leave!” the chief said finishing his sentence for him. They all sprinted down the rest of the corridor. Chief still carrying Johns on his back. A door burst open behind them and a torrent of flood burst forth in mad frenzied pursuit. “65 metres to exit.” Said the monitor. “Man, these guys just don’t give up do they?” said Davies, looking back over his shoulder. He tripped and fell on the corpse of a grunt as he looked back towards the flood, but A.J grabbed him and dragged him back onto his feet. “DELTA 437, what’s the E.T.A on those Longswords?” the chief yelled down his radio. “Any minute chief” The monitor took a sharp left through a door ahead and everyone followed suit. They ran straight through the two entrance rooms where they had encountered the grunts and jackals, and out the front door at top speed. The pelican was hovering just above the crater floor, roughly 70 metres away. The chief radioed ahead: “I want those long swords to blast the walls of this crater. I want this ting buried again, understood?” “But chief…” “We’ll be out in time.” They were closing on the drop ship fast, but the flood was closing in on them faster. Thompson’s foot got caught in a pot-hole, and he stumbled and fell while the others ran ahead. Perez noticed him disappear from his side and looked back. “THOMPSON!” he yelled. A.J spun around to see what was happening. The flood were closing in on Thompson fast, and it looked like he’d sprained his ankle. He ran back, grabbing Perez as he went and the two of them ran to get him. Perez grabbed Thompson under his arm and ran ahead with him, while A.J did his best to keep the flood off his back. But one single shotgun couldn’t hold off the entire armada that was going to rush him any second. He’d always found it odd why they’d called them the flood, but now with he understood. It was hard to describe it as anything else. A flood of mutated corpses, intent on ripping him limb from limb. He kept firing his shotgun in rapid succession. But then he pulled the trigger and nothing came out. He looked at his shotgun, looked back up and saw a lone flood combat form coming down onto him from a jump. He sidestepped and spun around. Raising his shotgun as he did so and brought it crashing down into the back of the flood’s literally twisted head. It hit the floor, but rolled over and swept his legs with its long tentacles. A.J lay there, winded, staring up at the flood towering above him. So this was how it was to end. How he was to end. Ripped apart by a grotesque creature with no senses but that to kill and rip and tear. It raised its long clawed arm….. And stumbled backwards as hundreds of bullets tore through it’s torso. It let out a loud, painful screech and fell to the ground. A.J looked over to the pelican and saw Johnson on the machine turret in the back. “GET THE -blam!- AWAY FROM MY BOY YOU UGLY SON OF A -blam!-!” he yelled, letting bullets fly into the tidal wave of approaching flood. A.J got to his feet and ran as fast as he could towards the pilot. He could hear the roar of the long sword engines growing louder and louder, the ground starting to vibrate. He dived into the back of the pelican and the pilot took off immediately into a steep ascent. Flood scraping the underside of the pelican as it lifted off the ground. The C-709 Longsword interceptors sped past them as they rose out of the crater. They all watched as four fighters each fired two Anvil 10 Air Space Missiles at the base of the crater walls. Fissures ripped through the cliff edges and sent tones of dirt crashing into the crater, speeding towards the flood armada. They pulled up as the fifth Longsword flew past and fired a SHIVA Tactical Nuclear Tipped Missile into the middle of the crowd. The world burned a brilliant burning white as everyone in the pelican shielded their eyes. “WOOOO! BURN IN HELL YOU UGLY SONS OF -blam!-ES!” A.J yelled out the back of the pelican. The chief patted A.J on the back and walked up to the cockpit. “Take us to command.” He said to the pilot “We need to speak to Lord Hood and the arbiter before we do anything else. “yes sir chief.” Replied the pilot. The pelican flew off across the plains. Flanked on either side by Longswords. Leaving the flood armada, well and truly burried. for good. [u][b] TO BE CONTINUED....[/b][/u] lol sorry i just had to put that in there xD

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  • A very good thing you have going on here. Very good. It is almost like reading an A.R.C. of the next Halo book. Keep up the good work

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  • dont worry its intense.

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  • Nice, I'm looking forward to the last chapter and more after that.

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