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originally posted in: Halo: Reach Game Editions
4/27/2010 7:35:04 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Xtopherus Stupid. I hate this bull-blam!- and the idiots that pay for it. This reminds of Gears of War 2, where pre-ordered copies included a code for a gold gun. It's absolutely shameful that Bungie would follow this course. Whether or not one has the money to spend on a different edition of the game should not give him some [i]presumed[/i] in-game special trait. If I hear two months from now that Bungie already included the first round of DLC on the Reach disc, I'll snap the disc in two, as I was all too happy to do with my Modern Warfare 2 disc upon hearing the same information. Have fun with this one, fanboys.[/quote] I'll partially agree. The extra elite/spartan armor things are kind of cool BUT they should be bonuses for pre-ordering. You know, like Sergeant Johnson was for ODST. Tangible goods are what I expect from special editions of games, not digital stuff which may very well be unlocked further down the road for everybody. Remember the Fable 2 Limited Edition? Some cases apparently didn't come with the LE codes, so the "special" items were pretty much unlocked for everybody. As for the prices of the Halo Reach editions, $80 for the limited edition is acceptable because of what it comes with. However, I think $150 is outrageous for the Legendary edition. I know Microsoft sets the price, but c'mon Bungie. Are you seriously going to let them do this? Tell us you at least tried to get a lower price set and I'll be somewhat happier. :/ EDIT: I think some "Making Of" discs would be far better than some 10 pound statue of characters we know NOTHING about. I'd LOVE to see footage of audio recording sessions (mainly music). What about how the engineering and art teams decided which lighting was best for particular situations? The Dev Blog can only do so much, and in this case, it's not enough. Most of the time it's "oh, we're doing some awesome stuff, but we can't show you yet". That's nice and all, but what about HOW you're doing that awesome stuff? Having such information on a physical disc would be pretty sweet and many people would agree. [Edited on 04.27.2010 11:42 AM PDT]

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