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12/13/2012 3:26:14 PM

I think I figured out the Geomancy stuff

Ok so last night, I was going over all the symbol images, taking the time to read [url=]Misiriah's Solutions Picturing Destiny,[/url] studying up on geomancy overall, which is honestly a little creepy considering that a pentagram is mentioned in the [url=]text[/url] I was reading. No wonder geomancy was considered a forbidden art. The thread yesterday aroused my interest once again in the symbols and I unknowingly started on a quest to solve this symbolic riddle. I began my quest by looking at the Picturing Destiny pages. This got me even more hyped to see more Destiny stuff, and further stimulated my drive to FIND THE EFFING MEANING OF THE GEOMANCY SYMBOLS. I started by looking at the [url=]One of Seven hoodie[/url] with the partial geomancy symbol on it. It was odd because no symbol has rows of three in it, they are made up of one or two dots, as someone stated before, perhaps parts needed to be left out to make it a true symbol. I then considered that maybe Bungie placed it there as a hint that it is the eight symbol needed to complete the geomancy reading that they gave us. So this made me think, "Well which ones do I leave out, the yellowish dots or the black dots?" The answer was puzzling. I then noticed that there seemed to be another square dot on the side of the O in one and began to think that maybe the O resembled the Earth and that the dot was orbiting it, like the Traveler(does the Traveler orbit?). From that I thought "Ah-ha, the dot goes above the partial symbol and completes the four rows needed to make a symbol. But then it is the same color as the ones I left out." I was confuzzled once more. From this, I decided that maybe the dot wasn't as special as I thought it was, so I blindly decided that maybe the O represented the last symbol. With the O as the top dot, I would get the symbol Puer, or boy. Plugging it into the row of symbols, (reading from right to left) I found the Judge of the reading to be Caput Draconis or THE DRAGON'S HEAD. Then I was like "HOLY blam-, Helvek was right. There are dragons in Destiny. That was what he was hinting at all along. IT ALL MAKES SENSE." But then something happened, I wondered, "Well what does that even mean?" I really had no idea. So I kind of gave up. I could go and look into the other meanings of it, but that seemed to be too difficult that late at night. So I went back to the Bungie symbols [url=,r:16,s:0,i:130&tx=118&ty=70](specifically this)[/url], and looked at them for a pattern. I took a while, but then I saw that the planets that they represent had a pattern: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn So I was like "OOH, the missing one is Uranus, because it obviously comes after Saturn." So I headed off to the Beginners Geomancy Guide and found that none of the symbols represented Uranus. I was disappoint. What my stupid brain forgot at the time was that THE blam- EARTH IS MISSING!!! How the hell did I forget the Earth when it is an important part of Bungie's next game(then again it is the focus of many films, books, and games so...) Additionally, one of the quotes from the [url=]page[/url] was: [quote]"With knowledge of all these meanings attributed to the 16 Geomantic forms, the entire Geomantic Map can be completed and the [u][i][b]destiny[/b][/i][/u] of the querent in relation to the question completely discerned."[/quote] I dove once more into the guide and scanned the meaning of the symbols for the ones that represented Earth. I realized that a majority of the symbols used in the ones Bungie gave us represented the Earth, except for Via, Fortuna Minor, and Laetitia, which respectively represent water, fire and water along with the moon, the sun, and Jupiter(which threw me off), so again I was discouraged. I searched for another symbol that would represent Earth and found, guess what Caput Draconis or THE DRAGON'S HEAD. D R A G O N S So I plugged in the dragon's head as the last symbol, did the calculations and found that Puer came out as the judge. I just had them flipped. Once again I had a moment of exhilaration. I had found the last symbol and solved it, but once again I was stuck with what it meant. This time I chose to look for the meaning and found that Puer represented fire and when it is placed into the seventh house, the querant's destiny is evil, save for war. Quite interesting if you ask me. As this was all going on, my sister happened to come in and ask me about what I was doing. I decided to explain it all to her, trying not to look like a crazy Satanist while doing it. Luckily she understood most of it and didn't try to drench me in Holy water. As I was exiting my tabs, thinking my time with the symbols was finished, I saw a [url=,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355272958,d.b2I&fp=4257336f66c188cb&bpcl=39942515&biw=1280&bih=886]weathered picture with the symbols on it and some Latin,[/url] and asked my sister if she wanted to see some of the symbols and their meanings. As I clicked on the picture(three over, two down) I showed it to her and saw that there were also signs of the zodiac underneath some of the geomantric symbols. As I stared at the picture, I saw that Puer was actually on it and my mind started to run once more. It had the sign Libra underneath. This got me to see that signs of the zodiac line up with months in the year. Another "HOLY -blam!-" moment happened, and I [url=]looked up Libra[/url] for what months it represented. And what do I happen to find Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac ... ... My mind almost exploded from the coincidence. And then I saw that Libra represents the period of the year between Sep. 23 and Oct. 23 which happened to be, what time of year? oh yeah THE blam- ING FALL! Destiny is going to be released between Sep. 23 and Oct. 23 of 2013. What up -blam!-es. *[i]throws pencil on desk[/i]* And then I realized that I will be starting college at that time and probably not have any free time to actually play Destiny.

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  • Solid. Two questions though - Did you arrived at the libra conclusion from using the black or the gold symbols from the one of seven hoodie. (using the O on the one to complete the symbol makes so much sense to me now) When did bungie show us these symbols in relation to the contract leak? My thinking - if they already knew the leak told us the release date then why would they show us these symbols to criptically reannounce it. Perhpas if we redo the same methodology with the opposite color symbol from the one in seven hoodie (black or gold) perhaps we can get a astrological sign and thus possible dates for the end of the darkness? I've also been researching some other connections - there is a possiblity of a ley line connections with is a whole other ball of wax. I'm thinking the symbols might be cordinates to some easter eggs once the game is released. It my tie into that crazy arrow/dot theory on the destiny map that was brought up awhile ago.

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