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11/18/2006 1:43:54 AM

Bungie Weekly Update

Short and sour this week, with some interesting snippets, but mostly stuff that will make fans of certain matchmaking playlists really angry and abusive. So to them, we apologize in advance.

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  • Why would you get rid of more games that are un-ranked? Those are the only ones I will play cause the chances of getting cheaters in there is slim. I am outraged to see that the only way to play a good game is to have to make it ranked and get cheated against every four or five games. I am unsure if anyone on the first page even read the freaking thing, how can they say nice update... when there is no good news in there whatsoever? Guess its back to GoW or hell I would even rather play Viva Pinata at this point over halo, at least you dont have to worry about the creatures stand bying you or superbouncing.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] shadowwolfz Why would such a huge playlist like team swat go? I don't understand? wuoldn't it be smarter to leave the two most popular in the list, for sure?[/quote] ill give you a hint HALO 3 NEADS TEAMy SWATy?

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  • Yeah.

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  • Horray team swat is being removed for a bit its giving me a headache...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] THEMACGOD Something no one is mentioning in this post, or anywhere else for that matter, is THE FREAKIN' MARATHON SYMBOL. WHY WON'T YOU TELL US WHY OR HOW THE HALO UNIVERSE WORKS INTO MARATHON... why, Bungie? It keeps me up at night... Especially since I have such an affinity for the trilogy. For those who don't see it... look above the trigger finger next to the shiny bolt. A slightly embossed Marathon symbol is there... like it is in the standard Halo insignia/logo. Maybe in the next Halo universe trilogy...[/quote] An Easter Egg already, perhaps? They might take it out in the game but it seems like its the same scenario with the Battle Rifle's Japanese symbols. (On another note) I sure hope they do as much or more secret stuff in Halo 3 like they did in Halo 2. Scavenger hunt for the soccer ball! W00T!! [Edited on 11/20/2006]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XX seeker XX Regarding the two images of Master Chief that were shown in this update: I would rather see the Master Chief's SPARTAN armor stay the sort of tan color that appears in the Halo3 trailer. Meaning that, it would be better for Master Chief to have his armor the color of when he was shown in the Halo3 trailer. I'd rather see him in a tan colored armor than the traditional army green. The green color has gotten a bit boring in my opinion. [b]EDIT: I would reeaaallyy like the Master Chief to stay the same color as in my AVATAR.[/b] [/quote] YEA, and that would make sense too because of all the "wear and tear" from fighting.

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  • Im glad there taking out Team Swat, They need to bring back Rumble Hardcore.

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  • i gotta question..... Hows the music coming along eh Marty?

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  • Multi-Team is the most unique playlist there is. It is my favorite and I hope that it is brought back next year. We have playlist for parties of 2, 3, 4, or more. If we take away Multi-Team what are our parties of three supposed to do? Get a de-ranker or quiter on their team? How about mess up Team Training so that it splits up parties. That's a good idea. Please bring back Multi-Team next year. Thanks! -Manikese

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  • when will the 60 second commercial come out?

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  • Regarding the two images of Master Chief that were shown in this update: I would rather see the Master Chief's SPARTAN armor stay the sort of tan color that appears in the Halo3 trailer. Meaning that, it would be better for Master Chief to have his armor the color of when he was shown in the Halo3 trailer. I'd rather see him in a tan colored armor than the traditional army green. The green color has gotten a bit boring in my opinion. [b]EDIT: I would reeaaallyy like the Master Chief to stay the same color as in my AVATAR.[/b] [Edited on 11/20/2006]

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  • Something no one is mentioning in this post, or anywhere else for that matter, is THE FREAKIN' MARATHON SYMBOL. WHY WON'T YOU TELL US WHY OR HOW THE HALO UNIVERSE WORKS INTO MARATHON... why, Bungie? It keeps me up at night... Especially since I have such an affinity for the trilogy. For those who don't see it... look above the trigger finger next to the shiny bolt. A slightly embossed Marathon symbol is there... like it is in the standard Halo insignia/logo. Maybe in the next Halo universe trilogy... [Edited on 11/20/2006]

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  • Haha! That would be funny to have the option of changing the Elite's death sounds to female quality. That would just be wrong, now that I think of it. I think its cool though that ladies have the option of doing that with the Spartan though, I just hope *ahem* male sexist freaks have at least 0.0000001 intelligence and shut the freaking heck up or burn in damnation. I hope you can still play as an elite as well

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  • Man bummer on team swat it was startin to get fun. Not to worried about multi-team it was fun as well but BTB will have to do for now, can't wait for halo 3. Good Update though

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  • I know this isn't too on topic. But they made a mention of it and it is concerning me. That is the commercial. Its fake, CG, and if past experience has anything to say it will look next to nothing like the actual game (I'm talking about you COD2). Personally, I'm not interested in "cool" fake scenes. I wanna see what the game is going to actually look like. I don't need another trailer, commercial, etc. that just gets my hopes up for something that probably won't be there. [b][u]I don't need hype.[/u][/b] I think Bungie needs to be real careful about this, because people will bite them in their a-- if things go wrong. And surely if something is wrong with the game, critics will look at the upcoming commercial as ammunition. That's really, it. The only question I have, is this. Will the beta be a downloadable demo from Xbox Marketplace? If not, is Bungie planning on releasing a demo prior to the release of Halo 3 anyway? Much like other games like GRAW, Rainbow Six, etc. etc. [Edited on 11/20/2006]

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  • NOOO!! Why would you get rid of Team Swat?!?!?!?! Thats the worst idea guys even posted a pie chart showing that it is the 2nd most played playlist....worst update ever *cries*

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  • Yeah. Anyways, please finish the game.

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  • Please Bring Back Multi Team at some time, if it is removed from the playlists. Regards, Fulgore KI 2

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  • great update??... NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! REMOVING TEAM SWAT IS THE WORST THING I EVER SAW IN HALO.... its worse than activating halo :'( WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! .................................................................................................................................... after team snipers SWAT was the best matchmaking game! i hope it come back soon! [Edited on 11/20/2006]

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  • sad just sad swat is going Frankie has to take a cheap shot at an un-named individual who clearly owned him on another forum, and swat is going away ....booooo

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  • I don't think they should remove Team SWAT. Playing this, it's helps you with your aiming. 1 head shot, and you're dead. It's a good "warm up" game to play, seeing as how you have to shoot them in the head to be the most affective. Myself, as well as a lot of my friends, play Team SWAT all the time. Sad to see it go, PLEASE bring it back soon!

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  • [Insert generic bitching about the playlists, specifically Team SWAT, here] Yeah, it really is sad to see SWAT go, considering that was the playlist I played the most (by far).

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  • So essentially this update says there will nothing but ranked and training again...some how this seem vaguely familiar of how the game started and the reason why more was added. Oh well looks like there won't be much halo for me cause I only liked to play SWAT, Action Sack, Multi-Team and Carnage, all of which are now gone. Good thing I have PSU and Gears of Wars to keep me company for the holidays. I suggest that Bungie recalculate the number of people who play the game types again before you remove decide to remove it. Also, why take away everything without giving us anything in return. We shouldn't call this an update, we should call it a rollback.

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  • I like the part at the end of Ninja On Fire's quote. "We will not reveal Ninjer's disclosed location at 123 Fake St in Belvue." Priceless..... SWAT being merged with Team Training sucks. But it'll be back by the end of Christmas. All in all it really didn't effect me that much. [Edited on 11/19/2006]

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  • Don't you even dare take off Team Swat I am not going to even play during the Holiday Season if you do, so there goes one of your people for the holiday season if you do

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  • If u dont want swat to go then keep posting. I think all this discussion and hate about swat being removed will convince bungie not to do it. I think they will listen to their fans.

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