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1/3/2013 3:49:15 AM

People are just so stupid in their hate for Halo 4...

I can understand when people don't like the game and have a good reason for it. But I was just on the waypoint forums and god did I see the dumbest reply to a guy that enjoys the game: [quote] no reach was garbage too, I might play some blops 2 or borderlands. definately not playing halo 4 online, just like 6,900,000 other people that bought this game. says it all right there. 6,900,000 not online 100,000 online. This game is terrible and has received no support from the developers. [/quote] Then this idiot replied to that idiot: [quote] That really says it all. 7 mil bought this game and only 100k still play. No one can defend that without coming off as a complete fool. Everybody gave this game a chance and nobody liked it. [/quote] These idiots really expected to see ALL 7 MILLION PEOPLED THAT BOUGHT THE GAME TO BE ONLINE! I've never seen something as ludicrous as that on those forums. No game has ever had every player that bought the game online simultaneously, Not 3, not 2, not Cod. Yet this guy acts as if halo 4 is the only game that this happens to so that obviously means everyone hates the game and it's garbage. You guys can go ahead and bag on the game all you want, but you have to agree that both of those guys are complete -blam!-.
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  • Rusted, he can't beat you because he plays in a living room. [i]Seriously[/i], get off your high horse.

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  • Halo 4 is by no means a bad game, but it hasn't been able to capture that same excitement that I used to have, and still get when I go back, with Halo 3. I enjoyed the campaign, and multiplayer is tolerable, but I never had the motivation to actually play it after the first couple weeks. It's disappointing, because I really wanted Halo 4 to pull me back in, but so far there have been a couple things that I really dislike. 1. Instant Respawns. I feel like it ruins map control a little, and I personally prefer timed respawns. 2. Ordnance: This has changed the dynamic of Halo multiplayer. In the past, Halo multiplayer has been centered around power-weapon spawns and set timers. They could change the tide of the match. Having no set spawns, and allowing personal ordnance messes with that. I feel like Halo 4 is a lot more reactionary than past Halo games. 3. Maps: This is more of a personal preference, but I feel like Halo 4's maps are a lot less memorable. The only actual maps that I enjoy playing on are Ragnarok and Haven, and both of those start to get stale after a while In the end, even if I'm disappointed by Halo 4, I still want to see where 343i will take it. I might enjoy Halo 5 more than this iteration, I may not. I accept that some people enjoy Halo's new direction, and even if I wish I could have a more 'to-the-roots' experience, my wants do not trump the wants of others. I am perfectly content with playing other games.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RustedEdge [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 Alright, now Halo trackers working for me. I see you're a DMR user, what a joke. My stats would be higher if I used that OP weapon all the time as well. You're obviously a tryhard and i've already stated that I don't take gameplay as seriously, you are no better than me. [/quote] Why use the BR when the DMR is better in every situation? Yes, I am a tryhard. What's your point?[/quote] My point is you take your games more seriously than I do. I don't have my xbox in my room/ a small dedicated gaming room. It's in my family room along with the rest of the media my family uses. Gaming is more of secondary thing to me, it's not so important.[/quote] I don't understand this unnecessary information. Are you saying I'm better because I play more seriously? Or is it an excuse for not doing as well?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RustedEdge [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 Alright, now Halo trackers working for me. I see you're a DMR user, what a joke. My stats would be higher if I used that OP weapon all the time as well. You're obviously a tryhard and i've already stated that I don't take gameplay as seriously, you are no better than me. [/quote] Why use the BR when the DMR is better in every situation? Yes, I am a tryhard. What's your point?[/quote] My point is you take your games more seriously than I do. I don't have my xbox in my room/ a small dedicated gaming room. It's in my family room along with the rest of the media my family uses. Gaming is more of secondary thing to me, it's not so important.[/quote]You are a confident man.

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  • I think its bad because additions to the game and those carried over from Reach don't work in Halo games. Along with the fact that there is as much hate and dislike of the game as when post Reach occurred. Also note that first week sales were lower than the first week of Halo 3, just saying. Halo is dying, gameplay and among the masses.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RustedEdge [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 Alright, now Halo trackers working for me. I see you're a DMR user, what a joke. My stats would be higher if I used that OP weapon all the time as well. You're obviously a tryhard and i've already stated that I don't take gameplay as seriously, you are no better than me. [/quote] Why use the BR when the DMR is better in every situation? Yes, I am a tryhard. What's your point?[/quote] My point is you take your games more seriously than I do. I don't have my xbox in my room/ a small dedicated gaming room. It's in my family room along with the rest of the media my family uses. Gaming is more of secondary thing to me, it's not so important.

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  • Well...I would have been happy with Halo 3.5..

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  • I have a fetish for fascist dictators.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MartinOfRedwall [url=]RustedEdge[/url] [url=]msonic98[/url] RustedEdge: 2.08 K/D 69% win rate HTR Skill 41 msonic98: .98 K/D 43% win rate HTR Skill 18 Just to settle this.[/quote] Did you ignore the whole convo I had with Rusted?[/quote]You are a fascist dictator.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] kil1ertomatog [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 But i've consistenly done better than people with better stats than me. [/quote]u wot m8 People have better stats than you because they consistently do better... [/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MartinOfRedwall [url=]RustedEdge[/url] [url=]msonic98[/url] RustedEdge: 2.08 K/D 69% win rate HTR Skill 41 msonic98: .98 K/D 43% win rate HTR Skill 18 Just to settle this.[/quote] Did you ignore the whole convo I had with Rusted?

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  • [url=]RustedEdge[/url] [url=]msonic98[/url] RustedEdge: 2.08 K/D 69% win rate HTR Skill 41 msonic98: .98 K/D 43% win rate HTR Skill 18 Just to settle this.

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  • Wait I changed my mind. You are a successful individual.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 Alright, now Halo trackers working for me. I see you're a DMR user, what a joke. My stats would be higher if I used that OP weapon all the time as well. You're obviously a tryhard and i've already stated that I don't take gameplay as seriously, you are no better than me. [/quote] Why use the BR when the DMR is better in every situation? Yes, I am a tryhard. What's your point?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NavG123 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 Alright, now Halo trackers working for me. I see you're a DMR user, what a joke. My stats would be higher if I used that OP weapon all the time as well. You're obviously a tryhard and i've already stated that I don't take gameplay as seriously, you are no better than me. [/quote]You're a pathetic individual.[/quote] Why are you still here?[/quote]I feel sorry for you.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NavG123 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 Alright, now Halo trackers working for me. I see you're a DMR user, what a joke. My stats would be higher if I used that OP weapon all the time as well. You're obviously a tryhard and i've already stated that I don't take gameplay as seriously, you are no better than me. [/quote]You're a pathetic individual.[/quote] Why are you still here?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RustedEdge [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 I can't even check your stats. But i've consistenly done better than people with better stats than me. Stop bringing them up because it's not going to prove anything. You're not the better player, until you prove it in an actual game on 4. Since you're oh so good at that game too...[/quote] I'd be better if it didn't have those awful game mechanics. I'll take you on, if that's what you really wish. Just not now.[/quote] Alright, I'll take you on this weekend.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 Alright, now Halo trackers working for me. I see you're a DMR user, what a joke. My stats would be higher if I used that OP weapon all the time as well. You're obviously a tryhard and i've already stated that I don't take gameplay as seriously, you are no better than me. [/quote]You're a pathetic individual.

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  • Alright, now Halo trackers working for me. I see you're a DMR user, what a joke. My stats would be higher if I used that OP weapon all the time as well. You're obviously a tryhard and i've already stated that I don't take gameplay as seriously, you are no better than me.

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  • Your jimmies. They seem a little rustled there. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 But i've consistenly done better than people with better stats than me. [/quote]u wot m8 People have better stats than you because they consistently do better... [Edited on 01.02.2013 9:12 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 I can't even check your stats. But i've consistenly done better than people with better stats than me. Stop bringing them up because it's not going to prove anything. You're not the better player, until you prove it in an actual game on 4. Since you're oh so good at that game too...[/quote] I'd be better if it didn't have those awful game mechanics. I'll take you on, if that's what you really wish. Just not now.

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  • I can't even check your stats. But i've consistenly done better than people with better stats than me. Stop bringing them up because it's not going to prove anything. You're not the better player, until you prove it in an actual game on 4. Since you're oh so good at that game too...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 Stats don't mean too much. If you go by stats OKC should've destroyed the Nets tonight yet the Nets beat them by 17. Even though the nets w/l ratio is considerably lower than OKC's and their players aren't as good either. Yea, you may have better stats than me, but I really don't take gameplay that seriously. Only when I'm playing with my friends and doing customs when it gets heated. Which is why I honestly beieve I can beat you in a 1v1 on h4, heck, we can even do abandon. It's a terrible map, but at least it's small.[/quote] Please. Your stats aren't [i]considerably[/i] lower than mine. They're so low, mine obviously show that I'm the superior player. It's like comparing a crappy team to a good team. It's painfully obvious to see who's the better team. 1v1s in H4 are meaningless. There is nothing to control. Not even on Abandon. I can't even punish you for being bad because of instant spawns.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NavG123 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] I Tiny Demon I [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] General Noobus [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] I Tiny Demon I I hit the nail on the head about the pathetic mythic member part to didnt I. [/quote]See now you're trying to put words in my mouth. I intentionally removed that part of your post because I assumed you let your blinding jealousy leak through. It's okay, everyone knows Mythix are amazing, there's no need to get frustrated. [quote]And I am not saying that if you don't like halo 4 your bad at the games. I'm saying that people say it lacks skill when they themeselves aren't good at any of the games.[/quote]No, you're saying people are stupid if they don't like Halo 4. You lack the ability to realize people like different things, and you fail to see just how degraded and generic the Halo series is getting. It's okay, I don't blame you. When they make it so games are easy for people like yourself it can be hard to see the truth. You're so twisted up in this that you don't even realize what you truly mean to say. Lucky i'm here to show you the light[/quote] I'll admit I chuckled. [/quote]If you want to cut your losses you could leave the thread instead of wasting more of your time sweating over a forum comment.[/quote] Someone is taking me to literally ;)

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  • Halo 4 for me is terrible, instant spawns, ordnance, perks, custom loadouts. Also lacking so many gametypes and custom game options.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RustedEdge [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RustedEdge [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] msonic98 Can't say that till you play me. I don't have the time to go tryhard on every game like you "pros" but I can easily say that I can beat you 1v1. W/L 42% what did I say about no ranked? Oh yea, it means I don't care about my performance in the game, and playing with randoms make being a 1 man team a whole lot harder.[/quote] Halo 4's matchmaking is pretty accurate when it comes to trueskill, just so you know. I hate playing it because I'm always matching sweaty kids. You're losing to people like you, thumbless people who have no clue what they're doing. And I would love to 1v1. Unfortunately, no maps in H4 are suitable for a 1v1 and nor is there a gametype.[/quote] Ignoring your dumb insults, How bout some h3 then? I haven't played in about a month but I feel that I can still do pretty good against you. + Haven is a pretty good map for 1v1 (well, at least it's better than the others). And since you love Reach I have just as much of a right to think you're a dumb -blam!- just as you think I am. Actually I have more of a right to do so because if you play TS PRO in 4 you basically have a h3 experience while Reach can't even achieve that. Reach is utter garbage and I can call you a thumbless person that has no idea what you're talking about.[/quote] I currently do not own H3. Haven is far too big for a 1v1. I never stated that I loved Reach. But Reach's MLG ZBNS was a much better experience than Halo 4's Slayer "Pro" (lol it had an AR Pro loadout). Default Reach was utter garbage and the TU made that garbage more of a meh game. MLG ZBNS was just as good as default H3 settings. The maps weren't that great, however. I'm thumbless? I've done consistently better than you in every game you've mentioned so far. Maybe you should check some stats first before calling people thumbless...[/quote] Stats don't mean too much. If you go by stats OKC should've destroyed the Nets tonight yet the Nets beat them by 17. Even though the nets w/l ratio is considerably lower than OKC's and their players aren't as good either. Yea, you may have better stats than me, but I really don't take gameplay that seriously. Only when I'm playing with my friends and doing customs when it gets heated. Which is why I honestly beieve I can beat you in a 1v1 on h4, heck, we can even do abandon. It's a terrible map, but at least it's small.

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