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11/18/2012 1:29:54 AM

I just wrote a police officer a ticket

So today I saw a police officer parked in a yellow "no parking zone" But he wasn't responding to an emergency, He was at a 7-11 and he walked out with a big gulp. He was abusing his status as a police officer. And this is how I am about to knock him down a level for it. I live in Oregon. In Oregon it is a little known fact that you don't have to be a police officer, or a parking attendant to write someone a parking ticket. [url=]See ORS 153.058[/url] Now back to the story. as the officer was coming out as soon as I saw that he was parked illegally I took a picture of him ( as he was coming out holding his big gulp, and of his car parked illegally. AND of him getting into his car. This is all of the evidence that I need to issue him a citation. I went on down to the police station and initiated the proceedings of filing the citation. Filled out his ticket, and took it down to the court house as per the instructions. At the courthouse I gave the nearly-finished ticket to the clerk who found an available court date. And then signed the ticket. And took an oath that the information was correct. This police officer is now going to receive the ticket in the mail with his court date. I will also be going to this court date where I will be presenting the photographic evidence of his illegal parking. He will have no excuse. tl;dr I wrote a police officer a ticket, and now he must appear in court. UPDATE: 500 replies w00t, I will be posting the pictures AFTER the court date. Due to legal/security reasons. [Edited on 11.18.2012 6:31 PM PST]
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Master Chef OP, let us imagine you were on your lunch break from work. 7-11 has slurpees, and you won't be stopped, because we all crave a slurpee every now and again. You park your car inside the striped "no park zone," but nobody is around, or even parked at the 7-11. You're not disrupting the peace, or anything, and this will be a two-minute affair; three if the cashier takes his time. You glance outside after paying the cashier, and a cop is writing up a ticket. You've been parked for no more than 200 seconds. I'd be furious, and you're hard pressed to tell me you wouldn't be, OP; even to make the point that you have convictions and "the law is the law." What I'm saying, OP, is you are being that cop. This guy was at work, taking a short break, and going back to his business. Forget your vendetta against corruption; this guy will get your message loud and clear even if you don't show up in court. Don't be a jerk. It applies here, and should elsewhere.[/quote] I would certainly not be upset for getting a ticket because I knowingly and willingly parked in a no parking zone. How could I be? it would be 100% my fault.completely preventable. and based off of my lazy unwillingness to park and walk half a block.

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  • Good for you OP.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The tin can man I bet you're real fun at parties.[/quote] oh yes.

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  • OP, let us imagine you were on your lunch break from work. 7-11 has slurpees, and you won't be stopped, because we all crave a slurpee every now and again. You park your car inside the striped "no park zone," but nobody is around, or even parked at the 7-11. You're not disrupting the peace, or anything, and this will be a two-minute affair; three if the cashier takes his time. You glance outside after paying the cashier, and a cop is writing up a ticket. You've been parked for no more than 200 seconds. I'd be furious, and you're hard pressed to tell me you wouldn't be, OP; even to make the point that you have convictions and "the law is the law." What I'm saying, OP, is you are being that cop. This guy was at work, taking a short break, and going back to his business. Forget your vendetta against corruption; this guy will get your message loud and clear even if you don't show up in court. Don't be a jerk. It applies here, and should elsewhere.

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  • I bet you're real fun at parties.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Donut Funn #YOLO[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] funkbrotha10 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Super PolarBear You showed him![/quote] I sure did. He now has to take his personal time to appear in court and argue his case. Only thing is, he has no usable argument. If he does not appear in court he will fined.[/quote] Kickass job! I'm laughing at the eople who disagree with chow

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Donut Funn #YOLO[/quote] Irrelevant.

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  • #YOLO

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  • High Five.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] theHurtfulTurkey [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BOB THE DOCTER [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] funkbrotha10 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BOB THE DOCTER Your taxes will pay for the expense of the court. there is no real achievement here.[/quote] That's quite alright with me. Just the fact that the officer will receive the citation in the mail and have to appear in court is a win for me.[/quote]But. All you're doing is wasting police time. in any other situation you would be fined. [/quote] It's as if you're implying the guilt of wasted police time isn't on the person that committed the offense in the first place.[/quote] QFT Its not wasted time. It is due process. A parking violation was committed. [Edited on 11.17.2012 11:40 PM PST]

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  • Good job? I have conflicting emotions on this matter. part of me says good job, and the other part of me wonders why? however there is also a part that doesnt give any -blam!-s :/

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Egerspurge WOOO YAH FUC TEH SYTSEM BRO[/quote] This. Yeah but seriously, I hate it when cops think they are above the law. They can get away with anything.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BOB THE DOCTER [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] funkbrotha10 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BOB THE DOCTER Your taxes will pay for the expense of the court. there is no real achievement here.[/quote] That's quite alright with me. Just the fact that the officer will receive the citation in the mail and have to appear in court is a win for me.[/quote]But. All you're doing is wasting police time. in any other situation you would be fined. [/quote] It's as if you're implying the guilt of wasted police time isn't on the person that committed the offense in the first place.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] funkbrotha10 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BOB THE DOCTER Your taxes will pay for the expense of the court. there is no real achievement here.[/quote] That's quite alright with me. Just the fact that the officer will receive the citation in the mail and have to appear in court is a win for me.[/quote]But. All you're doing is wasting police time. in any other situation you would be fined.

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  • Someone woke up on the badass side of the bed today.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BOB THE DOCTER Your taxes will pay for the expense of the court. there is no real achievement here.[/quote] That's quite alright with me. Just the fact that the officer will receive the citation in the mail and have to appear in court is a win for me.

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  • Your taxes will pay for the expense of the court. there is no real achievement here.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NinjaLord77 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] funkbrotha10 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NinjaLord77 What if he comes after you and your family?[/quote] I will protect me and my family from any threat.[/quote] Ask the judge for the maximum sentence[/quote] ?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] funkbrotha10 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NinjaLord77 What if he comes after you and your family?[/quote] I will protect me and my family from any threat.[/quote] Ask the judge for the maximum sentence

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] NinjaLord77 What if he comes after you and your family?[/quote] I will protect me and my family from any threat.

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  • Citizens arrest! Citizens arrest!

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  • What if he comes after you and your family?

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  • row row fight the powah

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The DMR [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] funkbrotha10 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The DMR [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Garshne [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Foton Just wondering OP, but do you have a grudge against police officers or do you just like to see people follow the law?[/quote]I've known funk for a while and he acts rather mechanically so I'd say the second one.[/quote] So you're saying he has ass burgers? It all makes sense now.[/quote] I have never been diagnosed with aspergers.[/quote] You clearly either have autism or Asperger's, as evidenced by your inability to detect my sarcasm. Even if you've never been diagnosed with it. Maybe you should see a doctor. Just hope he doesn't declare you a mentally incompetent witness.[/quote] Oh yes. because not being able to see sarcasm through text makes you autistic. good one.

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  • Watch out, we got a badass over here.

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