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10/19/2012 10:18:32 AM

So it's been two years...

And I think Reach's legacy speaks for itself. So -blam!- all of you apologists who spent all of their time in 2009-10 deepthroating mod -blam!- while the aspies at bungie made this monstrosity in their idyllic dreamworld; may the bitter taste of dried semen never leave your lips. -blam!- the leadership at Bungie for managing to mangle a series that had an absolute stranglehold on the FPS market; never have I seen a company so completely ignorant of their community. I hope your future paychecks reflect how much you -blam!- up. Most importantly, -blam!- the mods and community engagement people, especially ferrex and frankie, for failing so -blam!- misearbly at your jobs. I realize that it hurts to admit that thirteen year old boys have a more intimate knowledge of what makes a good game than you, but when your idea of fun includes -blam!- griffball maybe it's time to let the community drive development a little more. Bloom was torn to pieces months before the beta. Arena was torn to pieces months before the beta. Armor abilities were torn to pieces months before the beta. If you would have looked to the web and thought "damn, maybe these people who play our games all day every day are on to something" instead of collectively stroking your neckbeards and saying in your most sagelike voice "we know what we're doing" between games of big-team-actionsack-whateverthe-blam!- you might have come up with something decent. Zanzibar for life
#Reach #Halo

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] kkrotz I really like Reach. I am an inheritor after all. It's served it's purpose.[/quote] But guessing you cant stand tall and say that in any other public space - lol. Another good use of this forum ... on a roll today.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] path1k [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] swvjdirector Best thread I've ever seen in this forum.[/quote]not until you see [url=]this[/url] one[/quote] You're right, that was better.

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  • I really like Reach. I am an inheritor after all. It's served it's purpose.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] path1k [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] swvjdirector Best thread I've ever seen in this forum.[/quote]not until you see [url=]this[/url] one[/quote] Hopefully we can see some more quality use of this forum. How many times can some people rant on about the same old reach issues, lag and general lack of quality in reach maps? ([i]and its not even bungies game - this forum needs its own life[/i])

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  • Server Browser works well in Battle Field 3 on the xbox. You can even rent servers as well.

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    Bec Rizk ❤️ - old

    [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] swvjdirector Best thread I've ever seen in this forum.[/quote]not until you see [url=]this[/url] one

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  • Best thread I've ever seen in this forum.

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  • What the actual -blam!-. Too much effort put into like 50% of these posts OT: kk

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MR E0S The truth.[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GreenEyezFox4879 And I think Reach's legacy speaks for itself.[/quote] 100% pure win. Its like bungie wanted to screw the game (and us) over. Picture the reach planning meeting "[i]ah crap, Microsoft have dumped us from the halo series - but we contractually have to complete another game ... bastards[/i]" "[i]How are we going to spend time on our new title ... and how can it even start to compete with halo?[/i]" "[i]I know lets take a dump in the new engine, lets turn the fans against the game and xbox ... but we gotta keep this low key, yet brutal. Lets look at the forums and find the things players hate ... lets even release a beta, but improve on the worse elements of the game ... lets go team.[/i]" Also supports why bungie keep these forums alive (who else has a web site for a competitors product?) ... what better way to keep the flames of hate alive?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Ruckus 2010 [url=]*Slow clap*[/url][/quote]

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  • *Slow clap*

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OdorousLicense3 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MR E0S [/quote]Your post's make my brain hurt Because of their stupidity.[/quote] ftfy [Edited on 10.20.2012 1:10 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MR E0S [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OdorousLicense3 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MR E0S [/quote]Your post's make my brain hurt Because of the amount of truth oozing out of each line.[/quote] Some more analogies for you. Matchmaking is like a radio station that plays the same songs at least 10 times a day all day every day. Server Browsers are like iPods. With my own complete collection of songs that I actually LIKE to listen to, WITH NO COMMERCIALS! Now I understand some of you out there are too -blam!- lazy and incapable of choosing under the circumstances of having an iPod full of music. That's why most iPods have a randomize feature. But what if I told you, that the iPod should have never existed because we already had radio stations to listen to instead? And that if I create the iPod, it will basically kill off the radio stations because nobody will tune into it anymore..[/quote]How do you go through life trying to count to potato with your fingers?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheSpiderChief [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] boomdeyadah [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MR E0S The truth.[/quote]With your posts excluded ofcourse.[/quote] Now this is the truth right here.[/quote] Lol'd

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OdorousLicense3 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MR E0S [/quote]Your post's make my brain hurt Because of the amount of truth oozing out of each line.[/quote] Some more analogies for you. Matchmaking is like a radio station that plays the same songs at least 10 times a day all day every day. Server Browsers are like iPods. With my own complete collection of songs that I actually LIKE to listen to, WITH NO COMMERCIALS! Now I understand some of you out there are too -blam!- lazy and incapable of choosing under the circumstances of having an iPod full of music. That's why most iPods have a randomize feature. But what if I told you, that the iPod should have never existed because we already had radio stations to listen to instead? And that if I create the iPod, it will basically kill off the radio stations because nobody will tune into it anymore.. [Edited on 10.20.2012 8:43 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MR E0S [/quote]Your post's make my brain hurt Because of their stupidity.

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  • Also... Server Browsers + Dedicated Servers = Everyone flocks to the most populated dedicated servers killing off any p2p except between close friends. Server Browsers w/o Dedicated Servers = Nothing to flock to, community is forced to "interact" and host/join others instead of taking the easy way out by choosing the most populated Dedicated Server. This is really the only other issue with current server browsers. Now that you see the problem, it shouldn't take to much brain power to see the solution. [Edited on 10.19.2012 1:19 PM PDT]

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  • HAHA

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  • Wait...I know what it is.. You are afraid. To you, server browser environments built to handle p2p environments scare you. I bet to you, it's like the equivalent of that one dork on "Groundhogs Day" w/ Bill Murray, who put himself up on auction and nobody wanted to bid for him. YES! That's it. You are afraid of hosting your own room, in the chance that someone else isn't already hosting something similar. That's why you like matchmaking, because matchmaking eliminates having to be the "Guy who made the room". Don't be afraid to be "The Guy Who Made The Room". If the people who join it want to ridicule you for making such a stupid room. Mute them. No... wait. It goes deeper than that... doesnt it? You're afraid that nobody will join it upon reading the description of the game rules. Ultimately showing you the truth that you play stupid -blam!-. That's what you are afraid of. [Edited on 10.19.2012 12:43 PM PDT]

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  • You guys like analogies right? Here's one for you. So, Reach was like.... Bungies Swan Song right? Their attempt to go out with a bang and to release Halo. Kinda similar to the idea of a rich kid turning 18 and being given the keys to brand new mercedes, going to college, getting a girl and starting a brand new life. Only in this case... Everything came with strings attached. You get the car, but you don't get to drive it, nor do you determine its destination. Someone else does. You get to go to college, but you don't get to choose your major, someone else does. You get a girl, that someone chose for you. You get....someone elses life. Server browsers lets you make your own life with no strings attached. You drive the car and decide its destination. Matchmaking is the equivalent of someone else choosing for you. In an attempt to force people together to cater to impatient -blam!-s who don't have the brain capacity to navigate the filters in a server browser environment. What would happen if the internet adopted matchmaking? That would be called censorship. No really, what happens when they stop updating the playlists? Well, I'll tell you one thing... Games with server browsers could care less, because the "playlists" are under community control instead of developer control. Server browser = Thousands of playlists to choose from (Each host is technically a "playlist") Matchmaking = A small handfull of paylists to choose from. (Speaks for itself) Is it simply because you people can't handle such an overwhelming amount of choices? Or is your need to stroke off to a -blam!- rank just over-riding your intelligence? [Edited on 10.19.2012 12:04 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] boomdeyadah [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MR E0S The truth.[/quote]With your posts excluded ofcourse.[/quote] Now this is the truth right here.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] MR E0S The truth.[/quote]With your posts excluded ofcourse.

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  • The truth.

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  • What the hell is this?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] GreenEyezFox4879 And I think Reach's legacy speaks for itself. So -blam!- all of you apologists who spent all of their time in 2009-10 deepthroating mod -blam!- while the aspies at bungie made this monstrosity in their idyllic dreamworld; may the bitter taste of dried semen never leave your lips. -blam!- the leadership at Bungie for managing to mangle a series that had an absolute stranglehold on the FPS market; never have I seen a company so completely ignorant of their community. I hope your future paychecks reflect how much you -blam!- up. Most importantly, -blam!- the mods and community engagement people, especially ferrex and frankie, for failing so -blam!- misearbly at your jobs. I realize that it hurts to admit that thirteen year old boys have a more intimate knowledge of what makes a good game than you, but when your idea of fun includes -blam!- griffball maybe it's time to let the community drive development a little more. Bloom was torn to pieces months before the beta. Arena was torn to pieces months before the beta. Armor abilities were torn to pieces months before the beta. If you would have looked to the web and thought "damn, maybe these people who play our games all day every day are on to something" instead of collectively stroking your neckbeards and saying in your most sagelike voice "we know what we're doing" between games of big-team-actionsack-whateverthe-blam!- you might have come up with something decent. Zanzibar for life[/quote] Sounds like this guy has been learning a thing or two. The answer you seek is server browsers, that's it. Key points in the post to take note of: [b]"We know what we're doing"[/b] [i]translates into:[/i] "This is the kinda dumb -blam!- we like to play.. and since we trapped ourselves into matchmaking. The way it works, forces me to force you to play what I like instead of what you like. If you ever want to play gametypes made by the community at large... then you'll need to jump through hoops to do so." "When your idea of fun includes griffball between games of big-team-[b]ACTIONSACK[/b]-whateverthe-blam!-..." See translation above. Where is our -blam!- server browser? Need an example of a jumping through hoops? How much spamming did it take? How long did it take? For you guys to get your Bloom update? It took you idiots making at least 20 posts a day... AT LEAST! It took just around a year to get the Bloom changed. And that was just bloom. [Edited on 10.19.2012 11:29 AM PDT]

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