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9/20/2012 7:32:07 AM

You're too old to be here, opinions?

So I recently had some thread posts and PM's with some younger members about being too old to be on this site. Personally I think the demographic for Halo is older than teenager but I'd like to hear from the community about age on Also for reference I am 36 and here's some recent gamer age statistics from Australia - [quote]Average age for an Australian gamer is now 32... [url=]Read more [/url][/quote] [Edited on 09.19.2012 11:48 PM PDT]

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  • I am every nite, and regularly play gamers that are over 60 , Hey if we can buy the game , whip up on the kids . I can see why they don't want us on. We all can't wait for Halo 4 !!!!!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Coux73 I'm 39. Get off my lawn![/quote] 48 Go mow mine. I still occasionally tell loud mouth brats, tweens, teens in game lobbies or after they post game rage quit - Congratulations! You have just been beaten by an guy old enough to be your Dad. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Geegs30 There are a few old timers here. Obviously mostly of the H3ITWP folks are older.[/quote] We are and have been The WorkPLace for about 2 years now. Average age is around 28ish. Ancient Warriors are a little older on average than TWP. Either way, we still can kick some hind end in game and do so on a nightly basis.

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  • Games, internet forums, etc. etc. are really for all ages. Just ask Recon... [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Lobster Fish 2 There is no too old to game, there is only too young.[/quote] And this [Edited on 09.20.2012 4:35 PM PDT]

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  • Never too old... 28 here.

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  • There is no too old to game, there is only too young.

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  • I think if you grew up here, then it's still your home. Kids come here for the game stuff, but as they grow older they stay more for the community and their friendships.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Make117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ankerd123 The way generations are being brought up now I'd say in 50 years we will have 60 year old gamers etc. Wouldn't expect that to be common now though.[/quote]I think we will have 60 year old gamers in 20-30 years. OP is 60 in 24 years (sorry).[/quote] I have a 60 year old on my friends list that I play with sometimes. As they say, "Age is but a number." As long as you can pick up a controller and enjoy the game you should be able to play it.

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  • I'm one of the old guys. The average gamer age is 36.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Bungie Sam You're never too old to play video games.[/quote] This.

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  • Nope never to old.

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  • I am under twenty, so I sure hope that isn't too old.

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  • I think that it's become the new "[url=]clearly you have no life, and can't get one"[/url] insult for those of us who are clearly too old to still be in our mother's basement. Teens would insult those in the late 20's to early 30's with the stereotype of "a fat ugly kid that never grew up and now sponges off of their parents". Now that those teens are in college or in the late 20's themselves, they need to alter the insult so that it doesn't catch them in the splash damage radius.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BlackHeaven Halo is deep, and what Bungie does it incredible. Anyone who appreciates it deserves to be here. [/quote]

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  • I tell you what, those damn kids need to stop skateboarding on our sidewalk! Them whippersnappers will ne'er truly understand that you can never be too old to play videogames, have a family, and work at the same time.

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    I agree with a lot of people your never really to old to sit down and enjoy an amazing video game or come on to Bungie or other game sites. Now yes when you get older I'm sure the interest of video games will go down just a little(Maybe) and its hard to come by someone who is over 50 on a forum haha. I know I'll keep coming on for a very long time to come though. [Edited on 09.20.2012 8:06 AM PDT]

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  • They think that's old? They don't even want to know how old Recon is. I'm 18, by the way. [Edited on 09.20.2012 7:54 AM PDT]

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  • 35 and checkin' in. I've been playing video games for as long as I can remember, and I see absolutely no reason to stop now... or ever, for that matter.

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  • I'll be 31 in October, and some of the people I work with are in their upper 40's and are still gamers.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CoNSoL Embu More like you're too old not to be here! Screw other people and what they think.[/quote]

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  • Booyah! old people FTW! I'm about to turn 32, my oldest son is 10, It's an interesting question. I'm a very harsh person on my kids with games, I want them to be there because they are such a wonderful part of my life, but I don't want them to overdo it. Me, I overdid it. countless nights staying up all night, for aslong as i can remember, my parents didn't reprimand me for it. I have noticed my skills have greatly diminished as i age but my love for games has not, but to demograph games accurately isn't possible, just halo alone yes,I bought my should be father in law halo CE for the pc, (and little does he know halo 2 for next bday) and he has beat it 5 times now. he's over 60 and loves it. I think ive ruined this post straying off into multiple directions. go old people!

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  • More like you're too old not to be here! Screw other people and what they think.

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  • G'day, I to was born in the year of the fire dragon, so if your too old to be here, so am I... Personally, I think we see so many whipper snappers because they have nothing better to do then play on the internet all day.

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  • This thread is full of old people.

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  • When you can no longer hold a controller and use it, then you are too old. Which I think would start happening at around 80 or older.

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    I'm looking forward to being an older gamer. I want to be able to tell kids who say I'm too old that I've been gaming my entire life, so this is [i]my[/i] lawn and they need to get off of it.

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  • 29 years young and counting right here OP. [i]You are not alone...[/i] Also inb4Reconandhiswalkingstick [Edited on 09.20.2012 6:36 AM PDT]

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