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9/18/2012 5:39:29 PM

Reverse Mail Sack.

Okay, Bungie Community. You asked for the spotlight. Don't melt in its rays. Below are questions submitted by the developers who spend as much time wondering about you as you do about them. [u]Suggested Guidelines[/u]: Please post in this thread only once. Failure to honor this request will result in forfeiture of your privilege to participate (or worse). I would recommend only answering the questions that really speak to you. Don't force this. I'll be looking for humor or sage wisdom that could benefit us all. And, more than a sentence or two will be heavily edited or ignored completely. No monologing. Have a ball! Oh, and QUOTE the questions you are answering. The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Most of humanity has already fallen to the hordes of flesh-eaters. You have survived because of your ingenuity, cat-like reflexes, and dashing good looks. As you travel in search of food, you find a grizzled old man who offers to give you a powerful weapon. Now is your chance to make a difference in this battle against the undead. You can choose any one weapon, real or fictional. What do you choose and why? What do you think is missing from video games right now? Which do you think makes a better e-sport: DOTA, League of Legends, or Starcraft 2? Why? Top Five MCs? (That stands for Master of Ceremonies, not Master Chief. Please answer in the form of five [b]YouTube links[/b].) How and when did you first fall in love with Halo? Which movie would you most like to play as a video game? (please submit your answer in the form of link to an [b]iconic image[/b] from that movie) Do you think the game community could be doing more to cut down on harassment or unsporting behavior in general? What is the most memorable positive experience you had with a stranger while gaming online? What's the best game in your opinion - in terms of value/dollars ratio as opposed to raw quality - that came out this year? If you could easily teach a thousand people one idea, what would it be? Is there one game (other than Halo) that you can point to that really hooked you and turned you into a gamer? What was it and why? [Edited on 09.18.2012 9:40 AM PDT]

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  • [quote]What is the most memorable positive experience you had with a stranger while gaming online?[/quote] Meeting my first friend on Halo 2 the first day I got XBL. Stayed friends through Reach and he may be the DJ at my wedding next February. Thanks Bungie.

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  • What do you think is missing from video games right now? Variety. Specifically less "Team Based" game play styles. I want a game that is truly based on the skill of the player. The skill of that one player is all that matters. A 1v1 type game, I don't want to carry a team/having to get carried by my team.

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  • For the first question, did anyone answer, "A cure to zombieism."?

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  • [quote] The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Most of humanity has already fallen to the hordes of flesh-eaters. You have survived because of your ingenuity, cat-like reflexes, and dashing good looks. As you travel in search of food, you find a grizzled old man who offers to give you a powerful weapon. Now is your chance to make a difference in this battle against the undead. You can choose any one weapon, real or fictional. What do you choose and why? [/quote] I would choose someone who never stops talking (we all know somebody like this). Just set him up on a pole, and watch as zombies kill themselves (again) while he talks their ears off (what's left of their ears, anyway). [Edited on 09.21.2012 9:36 AM PDT]

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  • [quote]What do you think is missing from video games right now?[/quote] Good gameplay in games are missing. It's all about interactive and not some side dish to another medium. although all kinds of mediums are injected in the most beautiful of games. Thanks Marty. Gameplay is king - Gamers game. Games are missing their mojo once they hit a peak of quality and instead of establishing a foothold for that IP change for the sake of change to "keep up with the market" focusing only on sales. Consoles are fundamentally flawed for this very reason and a successful advertising campaign will only make a poor product fail faster. The relentless remakes nobody asks for is testament to this. EA sucks. Forever. Forever EA suckage. Nailing the most potent gameplay flavor of a game series as the first installment is the best thing I feel you can do. And that makes for a beautiful F2P convenience model. The gamers will WANT TO PAY for more once a trusty brand has been established -as soon as Gamers feel they've been shortchanged they will embark on an online crusade against the devs. I believe modding support will be reserved for the best AAA games in the future. What better way to establish permanent relation with your gamer base in the connected age. The internet is an engine of connection. It has been from the start (email, chat, forums, blogs, social media...) One reason that so many of the most popular games are those that permit people to express and expose their ideas in the game's engine is that is what we care most about. The Game's longevity is sealed if fostered right. Instead of denigrating user-generated content (what an obscure way to describe human stories), marketers need to understand that this is what we care about. I don't have to worry about Bungie because you guys make games you want to play. And good taste in games. The game industry needs more Bungie Aerospace!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Lobster Fish 2 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ I have a draft ready for tomorrow, but you can still post in this if you want. It's a great conversation.[/quote]Hey DeeJ, you're great. -The Community[/quote]

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  • [quote] The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Most of humanity has already fallen to the hordes of flesh-eaters. You have survived because of your ingenuity, cat-like reflexes, and dashing good looks. As you travel in search of food, you find a grizzled old man who offers to give you a powerful weapon. Now is your chance to make a difference in this battle against the undead. You can choose any one weapon, real or fictional. What do you choose and why? [/quote] The weapon I'd choose would have to be the needler. It's such an understated weapon, yet so effective and majestic. [quote] What do you think is missing from video games right now? [/quote] Cause and effect spring to mind. I've played so many games where being competitive is all part of the gameplay, but when things go awry because of a betrayal in Halo, or being rammed off the road in Forza, for example, nothing really happens to change the behaviour of the offending individual. Booting them simply moves the problem on, it doesn't deal with it. And the same goes for Forza. Being rammed off the road on a tricky corner so the person behind can use you to slow down and get round simply reinforces their behaviour. It doesn't change it. Perhaps a time out would be more effective; with additional quitting penalties should they decide to pull the plug. Or more severely; when Halo: Reach was first released there was obviously an interest in acquiring armour. So losing some of that due to bad behaviour would, I think, have forced the player to reconsider their approach. I also think huge bonuses for teamwork would help as well. [quote] How and when did you first fall in love with Halo? [/quote] I was following the development of Halo CE since it was first mentioned in a computer magazine in the late 90s. One highlight was the suggestion that the Master Chief's visor would be able to reflect the surrounding environment, which obviously suggested a step up in graphics. But, when playing it in a supermarket in the UK in 2001, it was actually the fresh approach to gaming that I liked -- no end bosses; allies that are there to fight alongside you, not behind you; an interesting but non-intrusive storyline. And, of course, majestic vistas of uncompromising beauty. I was immersed. [quote] Do you think the game community could be doing more to cut down on harassment or unsporting behaviour in general? [/quote] Definitely. We have a personal responsibility for online behaviour and conduct but I think some of the younger players don't fully realise this. We 'Old School' players generally have a more mature attitude to gaming, and probably some kids to boot (not physically of course). So responsibility is nothing new. I think of gaming as an extension of our imagination. So instead of playing outside with a bunch of friends, pretending to be soldiers, we simply jump online and play Call of Duty or Battlefield. But because of the advancement of technology there isn't a defined distinction between the pair. Gaming is fun. And it should be promoted as such. [quote] What is the most memorable positive experience you had with a stranger while gaming online? [/quote] I played Battlestations Midway when it was released for the 360. And one evening I found myself in the online company of a group of fellow Brits. One player asked me what enemy vessels I wanted taking out, and the other two managed air superiority. We played together for hours and were unbeaten in every match. But I forgot to send a friend request and, as far as I know, have never played with them since. Gutted. [quote] What's the best game in your opinion - in terms of value/dollars ratio as opposed to raw quality - that came out this year? [/quote] I'd have to look back a year and suggest Skyrim. It's the first Elder Scrolls game I've played and I love the freedom that you have. It's not perfect. But it's far better than I thought it would be. You can play it a dozen times and walk a different path every time. [quote] If you could easily teach a thousand people one idea, what would it be? [/quote] Put the puppy in the basket! [quote] Is there one game (other than Halo) that you can point to that really hooked you and turned you into a gamer? What was it and why? [/quote] I started gaming when I was six (1980) and was hooked on the surprisingly simple range available at the time. A firm favourite of mine was a tank game on my brothers' Grandstand console. The graphics were so blocky that a plate of diced carrots could have been used instead. But I loved it. It was simple, honest fun. [Edited on 09.21.2012 2:29 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ How and when did you first fall in love with Halo? [/quote] A couple of months after the release of Halo CE the classroom inside our fire hall was filled with TVs and Xboxes. During down hours at the station the carrier firefighters would all get down and play games with the volunteers (myself included). Halo saved lives; the attraction of our lan games made for a better staffed department. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ What is the most memorable positive experience you had with a stranger while gaming online? [/quote] Can't really say but I would be shocked if I don't have illegitimate children from it. My words just pour out so melodiously that they have to be capable of making babies. [Edited on 09.21.2012 1:59 AM PDT]

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  • [quote]The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Most of humanity has already fallen to the hordes of flesh-eaters. You have survived because of your ingenuity, cat-like reflexes, and dashing good looks. As you travel in search of food, you find a grizzled old man who offers to give you a powerful weapon. Now is your chance to make a difference in this battle against the undead. You can choose any one weapon, real or fictional. What do you choose and why?[/quote] Easy, the portal gun. I would make a portal on a wall (it doesn't matter where), and create the other portal at a high point of the side of the building and where I could figuratively stand across and wave. The zombies would come after me, only to fall towards their gooey doom. [quote]What do you think is missing from video games right now?[/quote] More focus on campaign. Not necessarily in the aspect of fun, but replay value. There's just something special about a game that you've played a million times and you never get bored of. I don't really get that with many games anymore. [quote]Top Five MCs? (That stands for Master of Ceremonies, not Master Chief. Please answer in the form of five [b]YouTube links[/b].)[/quote] Currently? [url=]Killer Mike[/url] [url=]Danny Brown[/url] [url=]Kendrick Lamar[/url] [url=]El-P[/url] [url=]Pharoahe Monch[/url] Oh look, others rappers that's not Eminem not rapping about money, hoes, and clothes. [quote]How and when did you first fall in love with Halo?[/quote] My cousin had invited me to his house to try this new system called Xbox out. I thought it was bulky, and ugly as hell, and I didn't know any games for it. All my cousin had was some weird looking game called Halo. When he popped it in, and began playing, I was taken back. It was the second time in my life I had seen, and played a first person shooter since Goldeneye, and I had just as much fun. I think what sealed the deal for me was constantly beating the pulp out of the dead Elites, and making the blood puddle spread out until the game either lagged, or froze. [quote]Which movie would you most like to play as a video game? (please submit your answer in the form of link to an [b]iconic image[/b] from that movie)[/quote] [url=]We Mars now[/url] [quote]If you could easily teach a thousand people one idea, what would it be?[/quote] Fairness, Justice, and Freedom are more than words, they are perspectives. [Edited on 09.20.2012 10:09 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BRADEN OWNZ [quote]Do you think the game community could be doing more to cut down on harassment or unsporting behavior in general?[/quote] The answer is no. As long as there are two people on the internet someone is going to send someone death threats.[/quote] Well, we could call the police, have them arrested, and show other gamers that we mean business. Or, we could get better tools to report those people who insist on ruining it for everyone, and maybe make life harder for them.

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  • [quote]What do you think is missing from video games right now?[/quote] Polish, competition, and proper matchmaking. I want to play a game that feels well thought out, well executed, and well formatted for the game's target platform. Starcraft 2, Halo, Gears of War 3, etc. are all shining examples of this. [url=]Example of tailoring your game to a target platform. The little things count[/url] Any game can be good with proper polish, pacing, and story telling. [quote] Which do you think makes a better e-sport: DOTA, League of Legends, or Starcraft 2? Why?[/quote] I'll let the APM tab decide that one. (Yes the answer is Starcraft) I just find it more difficult a game than the other two, not to mention much more exciting from a viewer perspective. [url=]Example[/url] [quote]Do you think the game community could be doing more to cut down on harassment or unsporting behavior in general?[/quote] The answer is no. As long as there are two people on the internet someone is going to send someone death threats. [Edited on 09.20.2012 7:59 PM PDT]

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  • [quote]What do you think is missing from video games right now?[/quote] Dinosaurs, seriously. [i]Halo[/i], [i]CoD[/i], [i]BF3[/i]... even 'Destiny' would be better with dinosaurs. [quote]How and when did you first fall in love with Halo?[/quote] Unlike most, I absolutely hated Halo at first. Wasn't until maybe a year after release that I beat the first level on normal and fell in love. [quote]Is there one game (other than Halo) that you can point to that really hooked you and turned you into a gamer? What was it and why?[/quote] I really liked the Buzz Lightyear game on the original Playstation! It was my first game and being someone who loved Toy Story, it just clicked. Edit. Oh, I'm late. [Edited on 09.20.2012 7:44 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xXIHAYD0IXx [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Izak609 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Lobster Fish 2 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ I have a draft ready for tomorrow, but you can still post in this if you want. It's a great conversation.[/quote]Hey DeeJ, you're great. -The Community[/quote][/quote][/quote]

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  • [quote]Which movie would you most like to play as a video game? (please submit your answer in the form of link to an iconic image from that movie)[/quote] [url=]Gangsta Rap the GLOCKUMENTARY[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Izak609 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Lobster Fish 2 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ I have a draft ready for tomorrow, but you can still post in this if you want. It's a great conversation.[/quote]Hey DeeJ, you're great. -The Community[/quote][/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Lobster Fish 2 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ I have a draft ready for tomorrow, but you can still post in this if you want. It's a great conversation.[/quote]Hey DeeJ, you're great. -The Community[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ I have a draft ready for tomorrow, but you can still post in this if you want. It's a great conversation.[/quote]I better get on there. I'm literally the only person who actually posted their top 5 MC's.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ I have a draft ready for tomorrow, but you can still post in this if you want. It's a great conversation.[/quote]Hey DeeJ, you're great. -The Community

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  • I have a draft ready for tomorrow, but you can still post in this if you want. It's a great conversation.

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  • [quote] The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Most of humanity has already fallen to the hordes of flesh-eaters. You have survived because of your ingenuity, cat-like reflexes, and dashing good looks. As you travel in search of food, you find a grizzled old man who offers to give you a powerful weapon. Now is your chance to make a difference in this battle against the undead. You can choose any one weapon, real or fictional. What do you choose and why?[/quote] I'd choose Apollon. It's a black flaming arrow that has the power to destroy an entire country. I figure I could get a group of survivors together then start spamming this thing. It would destroy a lot of the earth but hey, I'd be alive right? [quote]What do you think is missing from video games right now?[/quote] Personally I think games today are missing key story or game-play elements that keep people coming back. It's like now I can play a game, enjoy it somewhat but then never touch it again, we really need something enjoyable or surprising that makes you want to do it again. [quote]How and when did you first fall in love with Halo?[/quote] Halo 2 was my falling in love point. I had Halo CE for my Xbox when I was a teen but I didn't enjoy too much (being a Nintendo fanatic and all) but I decided to come back to the series and I got something great. As mentioned above, it just had story and game-play elements that always left me wanting to come back. [quote]Do you think the game community could be doing more to cut down on harassment or unsporting behavior in general?[/quote] Yes, just because you're anonymous doesn't give you the right to be an -blam!-. People should really treat others the way they would want to be treated. [quote]What's the best game in your opinion - in terms of value/dollars ratio as opposed to raw quality - that came out this year?[/quote] Mari0, an absolutely free combination of Super Mario Bros. and Portal, what more could you possibly want!? [quote]If you could easily teach a thousand people one idea, what would it be?[/quote] Basic reasoning skills. (That's an idea right?) [quote]Is there one game (other than Halo) that you can point to that really hooked you and turned you into a gamer? What was it and why?[/quote] Final Fantasy VI. The game is just perfect. I was nine at the time and it was a completely new experience for me. Quite possibly one of the best stories in a video game coupled with great game-play just hooked me for the longest time. The concepts of death, purpose, order, chaos, right and wrong fed to me in the game shaped my philosophical way of thinking for years to come. Not to mention it has one of the best soundtracks I've heard in a game and the greatest final boss theme ever created in my opinion. It now holds strong as my 2nd favorite game of all time and solidified RPGs as my favorite game genre.

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  • What do you think is missing from video games right now? [b]The option to play the game how I want to play it. For decades before, we've had Mods in PC games & Console games that provided the user with 10 different ways to complete a segment of a level, cite [a Bungie game] Halo: CE Assault On The Control Room - that particular level could be completed 100 different ways. However, compare this to many of [a bungie game] Reach's levels that (while better looking, obviously) felt like they could only be completed one or two ways before you've played it fully. There has certainly been a degrading in depth of what you can do in Single Player in the majority of games, likely because of one key reason - Multiplayer. [/b] Which do you think makes a better e-sport: DOTA, League of Legends, or Starcraft 2? Why? [b]Have never looked into any E-Sport enough to answer the question.[/b] Top Five MCs? (That stands for Master of Ceremonies, not Master Chief. Please answer in the form of five YouTube links.) [b]Not something I partake in[/b]. How and when did you first fall in love with Halo? [b]The first moment the first menu opened & the first theme began, that was when it began. Not much else I can say, other than what solidified my interest in it for the next decade was the incredible final few levels & the chemistry between the Chief & Cortana in these levels, along with a fantastic soundtrack & an ending sequence that left me wanting to play it 1000 times more.[/b] Which movie would you most like to play as a video game? (please submit your answer in the form of link to an iconic image from that movie) [b]It would have to a story in the sort of Anarchy genre of V For Vendetta, a story of one innocent person in a facist state caught up in something they have nothing to do with, eventually deciding to join up with some sort of group & eventually leading the whole country [world?] on a revolt. Would be incredible if done right. [url][/url][/b] PS. If anybody has any films like this, drop me a message. Do you think the game community could be doing more to cut down on harassment or unsporting behavior in general? [b] Not marketing the game to people under the game's age rating. Providing the mature gaming community with a gripping story & competitive, mature multiplayer will still make your game sell millions & will leave behind a positive legacy for your writers & your company. Unsporting behaviour will always be around, as will harassment - however there's a reason that it's basically non-existent on games like Arma 2 whereas it's rampant on CoD, one targets a mature, core audience whereas one targets to total mass market. Hitting a sweet spot in the middle satisfies core gamers & your bosses.[/b] What is the most memorable positive experience you had with a stranger while gaming online? [b]I find that strangers who have particular roles in the team which allows me to do my thing & work like cogs in a well oiled machine are the most positive to play with. Providing incentives to people to do this works well [Guild Wars 2 is a good example in the sense that it's been marketed to the masses, but the community is so teamwork focussed because the game is structured to reward it].[/b] What's the best game in your opinion - in terms of value/dollars ratio as opposed to raw quality - that came out this year? [b]This year? Skyrim. No question.[/b] If you could easily teach a thousand people one idea, what would it be? [b]You're probably nothing special, but you really could be[/b]. Is there one game (other than Halo) that you can point to that really hooked you and turned you into a gamer? What was it and why? [b] Ape Escape, that game is the only one I rate above CE. I love it to this day. [/b] [Edited on 09.20.2012 3:55 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DeeJ [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DesertStormer27 Yes, Deej. I did just steal your job of advertizing the career page. What'cha gonna do 'bout it, son?[/quote] Dad, you're drunk again. Stop posting on the forum, or I'll ban you, and it'll ruin Christmas.[/quote]I know you warned us not to post twice, but I feel I must say that if you keep this up, you may one day hit Urk's impeccable status.

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  • [quote]The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Most of humanity has already fallen to the hordes of flesh-eaters. You have survived because of your ingenuity, cat-like reflexes, and dashing good looks. As you travel in search of food, you find a grizzled old man who offers to give you a powerful weapon. Now is your chance to make a difference in this battle against the undead. You can choose any one weapon, real or fictional. What do you choose and why?[/quote] I choose... *dramatic music undertone* ...JEROME! [Edited on 09.20.2012 3:18 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DesertStormer27 Yes, Deej. I did just steal your job of advertizing the career page. What'cha gonna do 'bout it, son?[/quote] Dad, you're drunk again. Stop posting on the forum, or I'll ban you, and it'll ruin Christmas.

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  • The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Most of humanity has already fallen to the hordes of flesh-eaters. You have survived because of your ingenuity, cat-like reflexes, and dashing good looks. As you travel in search of food, you find a grizzled old man who offers to give you a powerful weapon. Now is your chance to make a difference in this battle against the undead. You can choose any one weapon, real or fictional. What do you choose and why? The Magic Conch. LOOL LOOL LOOL LOOL LOOL LOOL..... What do you think is missing from video games right now? Personally, I'm really looking forward to upcoming MMOs. I wish there were more of them out there, especially with Sci-Fi settings. I can't say I dislike the typical medieval, fantasy settings either though. How and when did you first fall in love with Halo? I first fell in love with Halo in the Fall of 2007. I went over my friend Kevin's house. Throughout the day we eventually got bored and decided to play some Xbox. He kept telling me how he got this awesome new game, and I should try it. After playing the first mission I was hooked. That night we played through the entire campaign, and learned the stories of Johnson, Master Chief, and the Arbiter. The following Christmas I finally got an Xbox from "Santa". Ever since then I was obsessed with Recon armor, Bungie employees, and everything else you could possibly achieve in Halo. One of the best things I remember is with the Halo games, as soon as you log on you get an invite and can jump right into custom games with your friends. It was a great way to take your mind off school for a little while. And to top it off me and Kevin are still best friends to this day, and we both love Halo! Do you think the game community could be doing more to cut down on harassment or unsporting behavior in general? Absolutely, I don't like bullying at all, and in my high school its rare that anyone ever gets bullied, from what I can see everyone is pretty happy because of it. Its great to be around happy people. What is the most memorable positive experience you had with a stranger while gaming online? On Bungie Day I attended the Carnage Event on Halo 3, and got in a texting situation with a girl that I had a crush on (irl). Thank God the Carnage Event players had some advice for me.... Never knew Halo players were such smooth talkers. If you could easily teach a thousand people one idea, what would it be? Is there one game (other than Halo) that you can point to that really hooked you and turned you into a gamer? What was it and why? I'd have to say Fallout: New Vegas really hooked me... Mainly because of three reasons: 1. I was able to choose the path I want to take and join factions that I want to support. 2. I was able to customize my character a ton! I love trying on new suits of power armor and looking like a B.A. 3. There was so much to explore... When I finished the campaign I would just walk in one direction until I found a cool location and explore it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] im am b0red 3 pages of TL;DR so I will just say thanks for making the community feel like they are important DeeJ.[/quote] Laugh Out Loud. I am wading through all of this, and your little break came at just the right time. It's all really good stuff, which makes the edit a challenge.

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