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9/17/2012 6:07:31 AM

Why do lots of older member have such un original names?

Considering that you made accounts such long times ago, why are there so many older accounts with numbers added onto the end. Surely all the good names wouldn't have been taken back then. I'm talking 4years onward old. Yes my name does have numbers but apparently someone had already made the name ankerd before my brother made this account. So tell me, why do you have the name you do? and what other names did you try and get, before settling for your current? (lock if belongs in flood) [Edited on 09.16.2012 10:08 PM PDT]

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  • I claim the most unoriginal

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  • It's probably more related to how old the person was when they joined, rather than just how long they've been here. I see new members with original usernames quite a bit.

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  • When I originally started using this username, it was my third XBL account, not realizing the magnitude of just how un-original Dark Assassin was even then,(This was a few years ago, I believe around 3 1/2) I really wanted to use it or even a slight variation, in the end what I ended up doing was changing random parts to numbers bit by bit until I had one that was not taken, My username confuses people, and I have been told that it is original to some degree (I guess it would have to be.) [Edited on 09.17.2012 2:34 PM PDT]

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  • Let's see if Mythx r supr unoriginalz. Skibur? Nope. T1BOWIARUTO309483743B0y? Nope. Primum Agmen? Nope. Halo53? Name another person with a username that starts Halo5. You can't do it, can you? Stosh? Original. Sketch? Inspiringly Unique. urk? One of a kind. VII Toast? Statistically proven to be the 7th most unique name in existence. Disambiguation? Made up words are bound to be original. Sonic John? Name another username that is both related to sound and a popular first name. It's not possible.

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  • You don't like my username? Sadface

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  • I was playing God of War when I made this account, so... yeah that.

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  • 0
    My name is original, but I'm not necessarily an elder member :/

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DE4THINC4RN4TE I'm definetly not an "Old" member, but my username was my first choice. However, if I told you what the 4's mean, I would have to kill you.[/quote]What do they mean, De?

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  • I'm definetly not an "Old" member, but my username was my first choice. However, if I told you what the 4's mean, I would have to kill you.

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  • Mine would be more original if it had 4 more Xs.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] T1B3R7uMB0YXVI ... [url=]Here[/url].[/quote] I can haz wikia? OT: I'd say mine is original...In fact it is...[i]It's not up for debate[/i] [Edited on 09.17.2012 1:34 PM PDT]

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  • I just made mine to match my GT. I wish I could remove the numbers (and add a space). :-/

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  • Because I had not yet created the alias "Vicex" and because at the time I was a Cdt. SSGT, so I added that since "Drifter" was already taken- probably by some kid who like cars too much.

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  • I got mine wrong! Does that count?

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  • [url=]My name [b]is[/b] original.[/url]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spawn031[/quote]Exhibit A. Edit: Hey, that'd be a pretty cool name... Edit 2: [url=]Damn[/url] [Edited on 09.17.2012 12:29 PM PDT]

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  • Tried to register "Spawn" back in 2005, but the name was already taken from someone in 2004. That account over time was auto-deleted. Someone recreated the account in 2010. Now auto-deletion is disabled permanently. Damn.

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  • Because my friend told me this was how it was correctly spelled. -_- I like it though, it's original.

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  • My first name was folp9 but it was still original. folp was not taken. It is just... it was a decade ago and I thought numbers were cool. Thank goodness burritosenior came around to save me. Praise him and his glory.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Good News I tried Bad News. It was taken. But I like good news more now anyways. I also wanted Destiny, but that was taken too. I settled on this. I like it.[/quote]Member Since: 09.13.2012 Huh... So you are one of those older members I've been hearing about... OT: I lack imagination and wanted to play some Halo 3 rather than spend half an hour coming up with an impressive gamertag.

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  • For the last few years I've wished I could change it to RomanArrow.

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  • Because they're all stubborn idiots. Trufax.

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  • Mine is original :D

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  • Simply because we [i]weren't[/i] older members 4+ years ago. I was either 12 or 13 when I joined, which easily explains what is supposed to be my username.

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  • I wanted to make my gamertag "Halo Warrior" but that was taken so, I went with something somewhat original.

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  • Gamertag. 7ruth was taken. Halo 3 was coming out, so I just went with the AR. Which I hate with a passion. How young I was.

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