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5/6/2004 10:30:56 PM

Seventh Column Council

Taken from the recent "History of the Seventh Column" article. [quote]Q: People think of Bungie as just Halo, but 7th Column is the most old-school aspect of the community, where do you see it going in the future? A(Yeroen): In the future I would love to see the 7th Column become much more organized. With organization comes the ability to pull off bigger and better things--bigger FanFests, bigger fan films, whatever. We've considered imposing high level organization on the 7th Column in the past, but always held off. [b]As much as we'd love to be at the forefront of this project, we believe it will only be successful if it is organized from within, by its own members[/b].[/quote] Ok, well I suppose we should get to work. Sounds like bungie really wants us to setup some sort of governing body for the seventh column. Might be best to get this started now before halo 2 hits and were all too busy fragging each other. So how do we do this? Should we model the SCC after our democratic goverment and have a president and advisors? I don't really know. What are your ideas? (i know we've had this conversation in the past -- but lets recap). [Edited on 5/6/2004 2:31:32 PM]

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  • But we don't do it on a large enough scale! Serisouly, what if we had a HUGE halo release party in NYC for 7th Column members? It's be so great, or totally flop, but I'm sure people would attend, I'd drive 7 hours to meet some of the people on here.

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  • why did that have to do with the seventh council? that is an awesome thing with logos for clans and stuff but werent we talking about how it would work and stuff. im not sure how well a council could help it though. what could they provide? i beleive that maybe theseptagon and CF staff and moderaters are sort of a council. they help noobs, do stuff for the community and crap like that. what could another body of people do?

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  • *tear* well let's hope we get total intergration mrsmiley!

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  • Huh? Why did this get unstickied? Isn't it still worth out consideration? Or was it just a mistake?

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  • Holy crap! A lot of posts, and by relevent old schoolers at that! Personally, I have a feeling the new 7th Column will be the deciding factor in whether or not we get a "council" going. The abilities of the new system will either push towards this idea, or pull from it. If Xbox Live, and other multiplayer capabilities is integrated into the chapters, I think a council will flourish! Imagine being able to create a logo for your chapter, and then use that logo in your XBL Halo 2 battles! A direct connection would be made between your Halo 2 clan and you chapter, which would be a base of operations for your events. Hmm... we can only wait and see!

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  • sure, but SCC fits too.

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  • Yup this name fit

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  • Someone suggested "7th Council" before. How 'bout that?

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  • I dont see anything wrong with referring to it as the 7th Column council.

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  • True, well we better come up with something creative...

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  • if we named the council "the septagon", it just might confuse people.

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  • hat's exactly what I had in mind JAF! Samething Halo 53, I really want to see the main page cleared up! And think, if the Councill had control of it, it would be updated regulary! I always have questions about hosting lans and I'd like to see 'How to' articles from experienced people(s). We could set up some kind of E-mail account people could submit the ideas to and we weed out what we like. We could make this something everyone looks for.Not make it very Halo related, but the Community center. Chapter Founder's ideas could even play a bigger spot too, like the awesome database idea and interviews with people. Think about it people, it could be great! Sketch tried but work demands probably got him.. oh'well trying is key. Maybe the council could be known as the Septagon, if it consistists of 7 members. [Edited on 5/18/2004 3:05:31 PM]

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  • Yeah, it is a shame that the weekly review died when Matt left.

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  • Or maybe each of the [b][i] 7 [/i][/b] members could write a [b][i] column [/i][/b] and we could call it the 7 columns. :D :P =D

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  • yea that's all quite cool. I still think that there should be a weekly news/update thing. It would also be cool if one of the council memebrs would write a column each week. Or something like that.

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  • Maybe instead of the week in review being abput advertisements to join a chapter, it could be, kind of like you said, a review of a chapters LAN or XBL event, maybe an awesome idea for a new database, a really really kick ass poll a chapter has up, etc. not "Please join us because etc." But ideas of stuff that has been done at your chapter that other chapters could do to become sucessful, like maybe what you did in preparation for an LAN event. Maybe the week in review could have an interview of a founder, Bungie Employee, anyone. Yoozel is a genius! :P But then we would really need to stop having all of the chapter advertisements all over the front page.

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  • I would really like the council to bring back the 7th Column week in review. Only make it more kick ass! More in-depth, more fan to fan, better everything! Not just tell us about your chapter, tell us about your up coming LAN, and tell us about your chapter, but not as long, make this something people want to look forward too!

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  • We should make some kind of council.....doh

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  • Back on topic. Thank God it's fixed!

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  • Yeah but he was right b4 , it was pg 205, but it might haqve moved....However the sepatgon is back in full swing.*on the 1st page.

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  • Correction Yoozel, they are all on page 208 as of right now :?

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  • Found all the stickies! Page 205, didn't want to lose this one, but c'mon, that was just horrible!

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  • I think they

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  • They probably shouldn't be picking up too much slack...

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  • [quote]Poppy777 Member Member Since: 9/24/2003 Posted: 5/14/2004 2:19 PM Subject: Disbanning chapters When will chapters be able to be destroyed? My two chapters are ghost towns after I decided I didn't need them. I want to make possible new one but I can't run more then two. What's the deal? I'd better turn on Sniper-Patience mode for an answer...or for sniping in Halo....I'll go snipe in Halo. *Runs to XBOX and starts playing* Semper Fi! Carry on, soldier! [/quote] This is another thing The SCC can do! Delete inactive chapters and take up the slack for staff!

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  • [quote]stosh Member Member Since: 11/19/2001 Posted: 5/8/2004 8:06:01 PM Subject: Seventh Column Council While I believe it is important for the "Council" to keep the Seventh Column updated and clean, I also believe the Council should take on a bigger role in the development of the Seventh Column. We could organize weekly official halo 2 xbox live events and competitions for example. The Council could even work with bungie and get ourselves dedicated halo 2 Microsoft servers. We could also oversee chapter vs. chapter xbox live battles as another example. Both chapters would register server time with us, and then we'd setup everything so that the game was managed professionally with official and fair results. Halo 2 on xbox live is going to be huge. We'll need a group of people dedicated to making the xbox live experience with halo 2 the best that it can possibly be. [/quote] Excellent IDEA!!!!

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