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5/6/2004 10:30:56 PM

Seventh Column Council

Taken from the recent "History of the Seventh Column" article. [quote]Q: People think of Bungie as just Halo, but 7th Column is the most old-school aspect of the community, where do you see it going in the future? A(Yeroen): In the future I would love to see the 7th Column become much more organized. With organization comes the ability to pull off bigger and better things--bigger FanFests, bigger fan films, whatever. We've considered imposing high level organization on the 7th Column in the past, but always held off. [b]As much as we'd love to be at the forefront of this project, we believe it will only be successful if it is organized from within, by its own members[/b].[/quote] Ok, well I suppose we should get to work. Sounds like bungie really wants us to setup some sort of governing body for the seventh column. Might be best to get this started now before halo 2 hits and were all too busy fragging each other. So how do we do this? Should we model the SCC after our democratic goverment and have a president and advisors? I don't really know. What are your ideas? (i know we've had this conversation in the past -- but lets recap). [Edited on 5/6/2004 2:31:32 PM]

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  • Maybe the council should just be sketch's extra set of hands or something? Brain melting? I'll scoop some up! How much do you think it will go for on Ebay?

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  • You know, this thread is taking a very strange turn. From the scc to watching sketch's brain melt...... weird. I wonder what sketch has to say about the council, and the fact we want to see his brain melt.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] stosh [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Miguel I'll be sure to tell Sketch the opposite of whatever Stosh sez so we can take pictures of Sketch's brain melting. :)[/quote] And then we can spin him around until he gets dizzy. And watch him bang into walls and stuff.[/quote] You guys are mean. But, I WOULD like to see Sketch's brain melt. It'd be a cool experience.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Miguel I'll be sure to tell Sketch the opposite of whatever Stosh sez so we can take pictures of Sketch's brain melting. :)[/quote] And then we can spin him around until he gets dizzy. And watch him bang into walls and stuff.

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  • I'll be sure to tell Sketch the opposite of whatever Stosh sez so we can take pictures of Sketch's brain melting. :)

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  • Go for it stosh!.... :-P

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  • I'm definitely going talk to sketch about the council and column during e3.

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  • I think we have a basic set of goals right now. I think the staff, upon return from E3, fanfest, and all that other good stuff should pick the 7 members they think best. From there on the 7 members will put together an actual description of some sort of what they are set out to do, of course with the help of every one(Council and noncouncil members), to perfect it. From there on out they should carry out these duties until they are either completed or new goals are made.

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  • I think it will ultimately come down to Bungie’s choice. Maybe stosh should recommend some people and then Bungie will weed out which they feel are the best?

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  • Maybe I'm repeating what someone else has suggested, and if I am, I apologize. Shouldn't there be goals established for the Council before any positions are filled? That way, the people best suited to attaining the goals will (one hopes) be picked. Just a thought.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Halo53 Um, what happens when the new members become old members? I guess I would be considered middle aged. I can't keep up with these new members and their rap music, baggy jeans and mtv. ;) I don't think being an old member would make you less active or whatever. I think we(meaning me and you) are all out of creative ideas and Bungie/its employees would have to make the final decision. Thats what I am waiting on, the final "Ok, this is what we are doing and this is who is in it"[/quote] Yeah well and it's two AM right now, that has a bice impact on your brain, i guess i should go to bed, but i actually have to work right now!

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  • Um, what happens when the new members become old members? I guess I would be considered middle aged. I can't keep up with these new members and their rap music, baggy jeans and mtv. ;) I don't think being an old member would make you less active or whatever. I think we(meaning me and you) are all out of creative ideas and Bungie/its employees would have to make the final decision. Thats what I am waiting on, the final "Ok, this is what we are doing and this is who is in it"

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  • I think that the "older" members might be more busy with chapter things, while the newer members might be more busy with and the 7th column in common. Perhaps it's just my brain thinking weird....... How about this, we have "old", "middle aged" AND "young" council members! (as you can see i'm running out of creative idea's)

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  • Whats interesting to older members that aren't to new ones? And vis versa.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Halo53 Be afraid to be flamed? First of if they are getting flamed they could either lock the topic (if they are a forum mod) or let a Bungie employee know and the flamer would be warned of some sort. Secondly, afraid? Remember what wise Yoda said to young anikan. "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to...suffering. I sense much fear in you. Begun, the clone wars have." Or something to that extent. Well what I am trying to say is I don't think fear is a good word to describe it. I mean, who really is afraid of being flamed. I think you meant who wont be bothered by it, but I never had any nightmares about getting flamed. Although I once had this nightmare about the easter bunny... a story for another day. :D [/quote] Oops, that flame thing didn't supposed to come out like that, it should have been a somewhat funny joke thing between the rest. But now that i see it like that it sounds kind of stupid. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Live killa I think a years time being a member should be required, because if you've been here a year then you have probably leanred a lot, and have more experience on how to deal with things.[/quote] A year at least? i don't know about that. I think that these older members might do things that are just more interesting for the other older members. It's just like with a hospital. The old doctors might be the experienced ones, but it are the newer and younger doctors that are familiar with the latest techniques that can truly save lives. [Edited on 5/11/2004 4:47:55 PM]

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  • I think a years time being a member should be required, because if you've been here a year then you have probably leanred a lot, and have more experience on how to deal with things.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] just another fan well, bungie employees are indeed going to pick the 7th council members. Anyway, here are what i think the prerequests for becoming a council member: -at least three months of being a member. -Always follows the rules. -Should be a chapter founder or staff member, but not entirely nessecary. -Should be willing to spend alot of time in the council. -Must have patience. -Must not be afraid to get flamed. And you people name a few more. One last thing about the council organizing events. Does this include European, Asian and Australian and more events? Sure, with halo 2 we can all kill eachother on XBL, but what about those without? The council doesn't have to organise the events themselves, but i do think they should help the people who are going to. [/quote] The 3 months thing is depabteable. I don't know, Bungie should decide although there should be some sort of requirement because as I said, you don't want someone brand new in it. Following the rules goes without saying. Just about everyone is either a chapter founder or s staff member somewhere. Atleast everyone who is active. Alot of time is definitley needed, but how much is alot? People get busy from time to time. Patience is a virtue ;). Be afraid to be flamed? First of if they are getting flamed they could either lock the topic (if they are a forum mod) or let a Bungie employee know and the flamer would be warned of some sort. Secondly, afraid? Remember what wise Yoda said to young anikan. "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to...suffering. I sense much fear in you. Begun, the clone wars have." Or something to that extent. Well what I am trying to say is I don't think fear is a good word to describe it. I mean, who really is afraid of being flamed. I think you meant who wont be bothered by it, but I never had any nightmares about getting flamed. Although I once had this nightmare about the easter bunny... a story for another day. :D So basically the first quality is debatable and the last one I dont really agree with... But something to add? Well I am still unsure on the purpose. If the council will be setting up many XBL, HPC and XBC games than each member should have atleast one of the above, but most people do anyway.

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  • So I think we have basically figured out a reason for the council to exist. Correct?

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  • well, bungie employees are indeed going to pick the 7th council members. Anyway, here are what i think the prerequests for becoming a council member: -at least three months of being a member. -Always follows the rules. -Should be a chapter founder or staff member, but not entirely nessecary. -Should be willing to spend alot of time in the council. -Must have patience. -Must not be afraid to get flamed. And you people name a few more. One last thing about the council organizing events. Does this include European, Asian and Australian and more events? Sure, with halo 2 we can all kill eachother on XBL, but what about those without? The council doesn't have to organise the events themselves, but i do think they should help the people who are going to.

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  • Hmm... If it is possible to make the 7th column main page into an uber chapter than I think it would be great. Of course anything is possible with Bungie but as I said last time, they need some place to talk privately. If they are planning an event via XBL or Halo PC or gamespy etc. they would need a place to kind of sort out the events rules like what gametypes are being played, who is playing who etc. If the 7th column main page can be used, I think it is a great idea. KIA I see what you are saying that the Bungie Employees havent been here of late but chances (I am assuming... yes I know makes an ass out of u and me...)are someone who has recently joined won't be picked just because they are relatively new and won't know the column as much. Of course I am not Bungie so my opninion doesn't matter but I figure a minimum of 2 months, if not more. You don't really want someone who is brand new and doesn't really know what they are doing. So... what exactly is the reason of the council? Events and moderating? One thing these forums need are more mods (How many more, I don't know) and if the 7th council members also are moderators, it could help. I would love to be apart of some huge 7th column XBL Halo 2 tournament or something down the road.

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  • The Bungie Community Team would hand pick them, which is the best way. [Edited on 5/11/2004 3:55:02 PM]

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  • Well we all know the the SCC is basically for the people. I dont think we are divided on that. I am also going to be a strong supporter on the idea of the 7th main being kinda a chap, with databases, polls and the like. I mean we are on the 4th page, and all the technical details have been posted so I wont post mine. But I'm just curious, who is going to do the hand-picking? Is it going to be bungie staff only? I would like to reject that idea simply because people like stosh for instance know some members better than say Achronos, since he is so busy making bungie even more kickass. It would basically for people, by people. I have another question. What would be the qualifications for a council member? Would you have to be interviewed? Just curious. I know this may be a little too early, but I was just hoping for some basics, like "they have to have joined at so-and-so a date" or something like that.

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  • Sounds like a good idea.

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  • Maybe the should work closely with SketchFactor to handle community tasks, such as the Xbox Live Events and possibily organize a 7th Column FanFest?

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  • There are currently only two moderators. One would definitely be on the Council, though I don't know about the other.

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  • or the moderators should simply be a part of the council.

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