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5/21/2012 1:23:01 PM

Want to build a PC? PC Building Guide and FAQ of The Flood

[b][u][i]The Official Flood BC Builders Guide and FAQ[/i][/u][/b] [quote][/quote] [quote] This thread's main purpose is to help The Flood to understand how computers work and how to build one, hardware discussion and build questions are encouraged. However, please try to refrain from flaming other users simply because they want to get into PC Gaming, if that's all you came in for, then you're not contributing to the thread in any productive way whatsoever.[/quote] [b][u][i]Tech Support Staff[/i][/u][/b] [quote][/quote] [quote] If you're helping anyone, please follow these guidelines: Make sure you only provide answers you are sure are 100% correct. If you aren't exactly sure, they make a clear indication, [i]e.g (Though I'm not exactly sure the offer is still available any more on Newegg)[/i]. To not use personal preferences or opinions to judge components or methods for other people, and if they do, they will give good reason to. Use proper grammar, spelling and terminology to respond to your queries. [/quote] [quote] [quote][b]Successful builders:[/b] The Salty Chip CostlyAxis thebig100 [/quote] [/quote] [b][u][i]Step-By-Step guide on how to build your PC[/b][/u][/i] [quote][/quote] [quote] After you've gathered all your parts, I'm assuming you're going to wonder what to do with all these wires. It's a pretty simple process, Of course, and we start with the case and the psu, or if you want, the motherboard, as long as either of them are put in first, it doesn't matter. [b][u]1. Fitting the PSU[/b][/u] [i]If you want to fit the motherboard first, go to step 2 then back to step 1.[/i] Open your case up, and look for a corner that looks like it will fit a PSU in it. It should be pretty obvious, if it already isn't, there should be four or 6 mounting screw holes for the PSU, and possibly parts built into the case to keep it into place. Just slot your PSU into there and screw in the appropriate screws. [b][u]2. Motherboard [/b][/u] Your case should already have a couple of mounting screws on the side, and it's pretty straightforward to see where the motherboard belongs and how it fits in the system. The IO shield (there should be a rectangular shaped hole in the back of your PC) should pop right into the back of your case. An IO shield should look something like [url=]this[/url]. After popping in the IO shield, check your motherboard box for [url=]standoffs[/url] (they come in plastic too) and screw them into the case's motherboard mounting holes, then just place the motherboard over the standoffs with the inputs that align to the IO shield (as long as your IO shield isn't upside down), and then screw the motherboard into the standoffs with the provided screws. If a screw won't go in or slightly flexes the motherboard, it might be recommended to leave this screw out, just as long as your motherboard is secure and you're not having problems with fitting upgrades in the PCI slots (we'll come to those later) the motherboard won't mind having a few screws missing if it doesn't look like it's going to be moving or rattling inside the case. [b][u]3. The Processor[/b][/u] In your motherboard, there should be a socket that looks either like [url=]this[/url] (Newer Intel) or [url=]this[/url] (Newer AMD), or soemthing similar. It is very important that your socket number matches the motherboard's specifications, e.g LGA 1155 will only work with an LGA 1155 motherboard, even if an LGA 1136 looks like it's going to fit. For AMD, you'll find that they're more versatile in sockets, however, anyone can tell you that you should only vouch for AMD given that you are under a tight budget or are building a computer for relatively basic tasks. Anyway, you should see a latch on the side of the socket. Lift up the latch, (and if there's a pin protection plate, most likely on Intel motherboards remove it but do not damage it, you may need it later for RMAs.) and place the processor carefully onto the socket (try avoiding contact with the pins, there should be a small indicator such as a small triangle on the CPU and the motherboard showing which way the processor should be placed) then carefully slot the cpu into place, making sure it's in, and then you want to close the lid (for intel processors) and then press the latch down firmly and secure it. [b][u]4. The PCI expansions[/u][/b] On your motherboard, there should be a couple of PCI expansion slots, [url=]in their respective sizes.[/url] Now depending on the type of graphics card you buy, it should tell you which slot it goes in. Now, you start off by seeing which back plates the PCI slot is aligned to on the case, and you can begin by unscrewing the plate. You will want to do this with the case lying flat. In some cases for larger, or more powerful cards, they will use 2 of these back plates and you will need to unscrew more than one. Some PCI slots come with security latches that secure the card in place, and it should make a clicking sound when you plug the card into the slot. After the card is in place, you can use the screws you've taken out of the back panel to secure the card into the case, so that it stays there. This applies to other PCI slot accessories, e.g more USB slots, PCI wireless cards, capture cards, etc. [b][u]5. The Optical Drive/Blu-Ray Drive/SD Card reader etc.[/b][/u] Now these are very easy to install, inside the front half of your case, there should be a few slots for whichever peripherals you choose to install. Remove the front panel dust shield/filters (if you have any) for the slot you want your drive to take. Where the dust shield is removed, just slot in the drive and it should not stick out of the front panel, nor should it be pushed inward too much. After the necessary adjustments, you will see holes for screws in the side of the drive bays - you want to secure the drive in place firmly, but not too tightly, just until the screw's turning becomes slightly difficult to turn. [b][u]6. Hard Drive[/b][/u] You should see underneath where your disc drive is supposed to be {unless it's some sort of obscure case), there should be a mounting area for HDDs similar to the disc drive bays, now for some cases, you may get easy-install options, such as NZXT's clip-on and slide in. You can also purchase 2.5-3.5 inch conversion cases for your 2.5" HDD if you want to move over data from a laptop or an mATX desktop. Installation should be straight forward and very similar to the disc drives, you should have no problem installing it. Again, you only have to make sure it's secure, not tighten it to oblivion. [b][u]7. Wiring and Cable Management[/b][/u] ([i]Skip the first paragraph if you don't want to use cable management, it saves the hassle afterwards[/i]) If you have a modular PSU, only plug in the power cables you need, and for non-modular PSUs, just keep the spare wires away from the main airflow pats of the machine, you can use zip-ties and bunch them up behind the PC's back panel (if it has one) or just keep them away from the fans. Now here is where you connect everything to the everything. Depending on the motherboard you have, there should be one huge 24-pin connector or around that size, what you want to do is you want to find the matching PSU connector. Just plug in the corresponding power connectors to the Motherboard any way you see fit. Also note that there is a special fan connector for the CPU's cooling fan, ([i]Coming soon[/i]) [i]Instructions will be updated and revised[/i] [i]TBC[/i] [/quote] [quote] Useful Links [url=]Building a Computer[/url] [url=]Picking Compatible Parts[/url][/quote] [quote][/quote] [i]Thread OP construction is in progress, however, you may feel free to still ask PC Hardware-related questions. [/i] [Edited on 12.31.2012 8:28 PM PST]
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teh_Zoid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PMC Fluffy You want at least 128GB. The operating system takes up 16-20GB, the RAM takes up 1GB of space for every 1GB of RAM stick, and I have ~100GB of programs alone installed, not files.[/quote]What type of programs do you have installed?[/quote]All of these: [quote][url=]7-zip[/url]*, Better at compressing than WinRAR, no expiration, faster. [url=]Any Video Converter[/url], can use multiple threads. [url=]Audacity[/url], free audio editing and recording. [url=]Bandicam[/url], lower resource usage than Fraps, better quality, can upload straight to YouTube (full version costs money). [url=]CCleaner[/url], run this to get rid of those extra junk files. [url=]Colorcop[/url], identify the exact color of parts of an image or page. [url=]CPU-ID[/url]*, Gives you info about various PC components, e.g. CPU clocks and RAM speeds. [url=]Defraggler[/url], thorough, sometimes fast, lots of options. [url=]Fences[/url], Organize your desktop. [url=]Foobar[/url], plays high-quality audio, TONS of plugins, e.g. [url=]Columns UI[/url]. [url=]GIMP[/url], dumbed down Photoshop with a larger learning curve. [url=]Livestream Procaster[/url], free, high resource demand. [url=]MSI Afterburner[/url]*, Change dGPU clocks and fan speed, excludes laptops. [url=]Mumble[/url], less resources than Skype, Vent, Teamspeak, etc., better quality, open source. [url=]Notepad++[/url], cooler version of notepad that supports tabs, colors, paragraphs, etc. [url=]PowerISO[/url], For copying and burning discs. [url=]Realtemp[/url], Monitor CPU and GPU temps. [url=]Revo Uninstaller[/url], when you uninstall programs, some files are left in the registry. This makes sure that those are removed. [url=]Speccy[/url], Get your specs. [url=]Stickies[/url], Fun little notes. [url=]Teracopy[/url]*, Speed up your copy and paste processes. [url=]Unlocker[/url]*, Windows won't let you delete a file? Screw you Windows. [url=]VLC[/url]*, For all forms of media, runs FLAC and other types of files. [url=]WYSIWYG BBCode Editor[/url], for copying forum codes. [url=]XSplit[/url], low resource streaming, low quality recording, costs money. [url=]Avast![/url], my favorite anti-virus software. Uses less resources than AVG, but more than MSE. [url=]AVG[/url], used to be good, but I think it has fallen behind Avast! [url=]Malwarebytes[/url], download this even if you have either of the above ones. Use it to manually scan for viruses.[/quote]Plus FL Studio and a few other little programs.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PMC Fluffy You want at least 128GB. The operating system takes up 16-20GB, the RAM takes up 1GB of space for every 1GB of RAM stick, and I have ~100GB of programs alone installed, not files.[/quote]What type of programs do you have installed?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teh_Zoid >.< My bad Any recommended SSD? I was looking for possibly a 32 GB one[/quote]Here, this one is 1100 - [url][/url]

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  • You want at least 128GB. The operating system takes up 16-20GB, the RAM takes up 1GB of space for every 1GB of RAM stick, and I have ~100GB of programs alone installed, not files.

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  • >.< My bad Any recommended SSD? I was looking for possibly a 32 GB one

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teh_Zoid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PMC Fluffy And what the hell is an HD monitor?[/quote]A monitor with an HD resolution?[/quote]What sounds like some sort of console term. There is no "HD" resolution, only measurements in amount of pixels. 1080p is standard, so "HD" would be 1440p or 1600p. Can you afford a $300 monitor?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teh_Zoid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PMC Fluffy And what the hell is an HD monitor?[/quote]A monitor with an HD resolution?[/quote]Use shouldn't use that as an actual term to pick out a monitor. They aren't refered to as HD. There's 720p, 1080p (which is the standard), 1440p, and more. I'll pick out a good monitor for you.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PMC Fluffy And what the hell is an HD monitor?[/quote]A monitor with an HD resolution?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teh_Zoid [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] THE SALTY CHIP [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teh_Zoid Anyone think they can show me a decent build priced at around ~$1000?[/quote][url=]here[/url] Do you need a monitor or any peripherals?[/quote]Was thinking possibly some HD monitor. What would the equivalent to that Radeon be in the GeForce series?[/quote]Yeah, I could fit that into the budget. Also, you want a Radeon card, it's the best price for performance currently and the 7970 outperforms even the $500 GeForce cards. [Edited on 12.25.2012 10:36 PM PST]

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  • In terms of performance, there is no equivalent, although it's meant to compete with the 680. And what the hell is an HD monitor? [Edited on 12.25.2012 10:35 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] THE SALTY CHIP [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teh_Zoid Anyone think they can show me a decent build priced at around ~$1000?[/quote][url=]here[/url] Do you need a monitor or any peripherals?[/quote]Was thinking possibly some HD monitor. What would the equivalent to that Radeon be in the GeForce series?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teh_Zoid Anyone think they can show me a decent build priced at around ~$1000?[/quote][url=]here[/url] Do you need a monitor or any peripherals?

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  • Sounds hard.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Exiled EagIe My front panel headphone jack isn't working. Did I forget to plug it in? There was this one cable I left alone labeled "HD Audio". Was that it?[/quote]Yeah. You had to plug that into the motherboard.

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  • My front panel headphone jack isn't working. Did I forget to plug it in? There was this one cable I left alone labeled "HD Audio". Was that it?

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  • Anyone think they can show me a decent build priced at around ~$1000?

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  • Fixed. Thanks guys! I'm all set up now. So, I forget what you guys said last time, but I'm gonna take my laptops HDD out and put it in my desktop. Will I need any extra cords?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Jet Lockheed [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] superbunnie [/quote] Just saying, you don't need to screw all the holes, they're just there to keep the motherboard secure in the case. You could just put four on the corners if you want.[/quote]Does it matter what screws I use as long as it's held down? I can't seem to find the ones my case guide mentions but these others fit perfectly

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] superbunnie [/quote] Just saying, you don't need to screw all the holes, they're just there to keep the motherboard secure in the case. You could just put four on the corners if you want.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ThirstyAvenge Hah, go to the Catalyst Control Centre and set Overscan to 0%.[/quote] Will do... As soon as I'm done getting drivers installed and updates. I'm doing them all at once, so I don't have to do tons of restarts.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ThirstyAvenge Nope, not yet. My Dad will be shopping for the PSU and a new router. The store is close to his office.[/quote]Well, then! Goodluck, I guess.

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  • Nope, not yet. My Dad will be shopping for the PSU and a new router. The store is close to his office.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ThirstyAvenge Hah, go to the Catalyst Control Centre and set Overscan to 0%.[/quote]How's the PSU going?

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  • Hah, go to the Catalyst Control Centre and set Overscan to 0%.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] superbunnie [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] THE SALTY CHIP [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] superbunnie [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] THE SALTY CHIP [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] superbunnie Alright, well, on a different topic, do they make different sizes of standoffs? The ones that came with my case are too short :([/quote]They should definitely fit. What case and what motherboard?[/quote][url=]Bip[/url] [url=]Bap[/url] I think I found it out. Do you use 2 standoffs per hole? Like screw them into the case first, then put the motherboard on those standoffs, then screw another "layer" of standoffs into the already placed ones (through the holes on the mobo)?[/quote]No... You put the standoffs into the case, put the motherboard on the standoffs (one standoff per hole), then put in the screws. It should definitely fit with your case.[/quote]Screws? The screws that are in the same bag as the standoffs, I assume?[/quote]Whichever screws are labeled to be put into the standoffs. It should all be universal, but your case probably has instructions too.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SuicidalSplatter Hey guys! Finally got it running. My friends coming back over tomorrow and we'll finish the cable management and get the case plugs all plugged in, but, one question. I just installed the 12.11 drivers, and as soon as that was installed, my screen shrunk and now I have a black box around the whole window. How do I remove that?[/quote]It's one of two things. Either you don't have your res set to 1080p or your overscan is not set to 0%. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] superbunnie Alright, well, on a different topic, do they make different sizes of standoffs? The ones that came with my case are too short :([/quote]No, a standoff is only one size. You're doing something wrong. Take pictures. [Edited on 12.25.2012 8:18 PM PST]

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