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4/12/2012 4:05:00 AM

We need more moderators.

There is so much -blam!- that goes on in the Flood that needs to be locked, and there's so many posters or need to be banned. Please, Webteam: Promote Mythic members to moderators!

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  • I don't really think there needs to be any new mods at the moment, and if there does, I definitely don't think it should be limited to just mythics.

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  • No we don't, we need more people to use the report function.

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  • Mister death for mod powers 2012 OT: No, what we need is more active ninjas. We have enough in my opinion.

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  • Unless we have some sort of way to track how much moderators moderate, I feel like you could argue one way or another forever... :D On the subject, "more moderators" isn't a necessity; and having more wouldn't hurt.

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  • Although I agree a new mod or two would be nice, especially as Bungie's new IP approaches, I feel OP's attempt at logic for new mods is completely and utterly flawed. Still, one or two wouldn't hurt....long as they got whipped enough times with the wet noodle. [Edited on 04.11.2012 9:22 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Assault [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheBestTheyHad No we don't. [/quote][/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BRADEN OWNZ Couldn't hurt, the site is going to become more active when Bungie shows off their new IP, which means more spammers. Which needs moar mods to counteract that spammers.[/quote] If there's one thing I've learned it's that the webteam dislikes when you pester them about their moderators. I got in trouble for just that many years back, and rightly so. The web and moderation team [i]does a good job[/i], all things considered. If we aren't happy with how things are, not only do we have tools to help them, but we need to take it upon ourselves to steer the topics of discussion in our perceived correct direction: let idiotic, troll comments sink, encourage positive threads with meaningful replies. [b]Of course, that is never going to happen, is it?[/b]

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  • Couldn't hurt, the site is going to become more active when Bungie shows off their new IP, which means more spammers. Which needs moar mods to counteract that spammers. [Edited on 04.11.2012 9:14 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ecartman1214 Flood has always been full of spam and trolls, nothing really ever changes and more mods probably wouldn't fix it. [/quote] Pretty much.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ecartman1214 Flood has always been full of spam and trolls, nothing really ever changes and more mods probably wouldn't fix it. [/quote] [b]Plan A:[/b] More mods Status:[i]Failed[/i] [quote][/quote] [b]Plan B:[/b] Nuke the Flood Status: [i]In Progress[/i] True story :-).

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  • Flood has always been full of spam and trolls, nothing really ever changes and more mods probably wouldn't fix it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zoobkillerninja [quote]crazzysnipe55[/quote] Like is said just because they logged in does not mean that they are actively moderating the forums...[/quote] I responded to that too. I said that you have no reason to believe that they're not and that you're basing your idea on an idea of a possibility that could theoretically be true possibly maybe based on no real facts while my theory is based on numbers and facts. Therefore mine is the more believable (that being that the majority of moderators are both active and actively moderate when they can).

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] defnop552 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zoobkillerninja [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] defnop552 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zoobkillerninja Just because they logged in does not mean they are moderating the forums ... [/quote]Of course not. They do have lives, despite what some of you claim, and when they only log on for a short session they still have a look at the forums and lock anything that's not nice. They aren't consistently on here on 7 hour overlapping shifts and I wouldn't expect them to be. :-)[/quote] But thats his point that we need more mods... so you agree? [/quote] That's a very deep and philosophical question. Currently? I think the moderation team is doing a dandy job. When Bungie announces the new title? I can't say what the Forums will be like, though I know it will be a bigger hassle than it is currently. I do think the inactive mods need replaced though. :-)[/quote] Agreed, i really dont think we need new mod at this time but i wanted to make my point ^_^

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  • [quote]crazzysnipe55[/quote] Like is said just because they logged in does not mean that they are actively moderating the forums...

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zoobkillerninja [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] defnop552 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zoobkillerninja Just because they logged in does not mean they are moderating the forums ... [/quote]Of course not. They do have lives, despite what some of you claim, and when they only log on for a short session they still have a look at the forums and lock anything that's not nice. They aren't consistently on here on 7 hour overlapping shifts and I wouldn't expect them to be. :-)[/quote] But thats his point that we need more mods... so you agree? [/quote] That's a very deep and philosophical question. Currently? I think the moderation team is doing a dandy job. When Bungie announces the new title? I can't say what the Forums will be like, though I know it will be a bigger hassle than it is currently. I do think the inactive mods need replaced though. :-)

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  • We have plenty, I could only see maybe 3-5 more being added in the future. For now we have plenty enough.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zoobkillerninja [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] defnop552 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] edableshoe [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] acnboy34 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zoobkillerninja *MESSAGE TO ALL THAT SAY THE CURRENT MOD TEAM IS FINE* Half the moderators are not even active... that is all ^_^[/quote]Not even close.[/quote] They all just don't post often. They are there. Lots are on different time zones, so that there is an even spread.[/quote] 32/43 have been active within the last 2 weeks by my counts. Chris547 hasn't logged on in over a year though. :'( [/quote] Just because they logged in does not mean they are moderating the forums ... [/quote]So because it's possible that they may not be moderating means that they aren't? Nice logic. I like how you used facts to back it up.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] defnop552 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zoobkillerninja Just because they logged in does not mean they are moderating the forums ... [/quote]Of course not. They do have lives, despite what some of you claim, and when they only log on for a short session they still have a look at the forums and lock anything that's not nice. They aren't consistently on here on 7 hour overlapping shifts and I wouldn't expect them to be. :-)[/quote] But thats his point that we need more mods... so you agree?

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  • Anton P Nym - [b][u]inactive[/u][/b] ash - active BobBQ - active bobcast - active borrowedchief - active Butane123 - active Captain K Mart - moderately active Christ547 - [b][u]inactive[/u][/b] dazarrobo - active dmbfan09 - moderately active Dr Weird - active Duardo - active El Roboto - active evilcam - active GJJ - [b][u]inactive[/u][/b] Gods Prophet - active goweb - [b][u]inactive[/u][/b] JAF - active Nedus - moderately active Nosferatu_Soldie - active odmichael - moderately active OPR - active Pezz - Not active since January, but in the grand scheme of things, somewhat active Predator - active Qbis - active Recon - active Leche - [b][u]inactive[/u][/b] Fragula - moderately active DON WAN - same as Pezz Slayer - active Tom T - active TU - active Foman - active Lord Revan - active Yoozel - moderately active I count 4, inactive non-employees. (Completely inactive is not posting since the new year.) How is that anywhere near half? (@zoob) [Edited on 04.11.2012 8:45 PM PDT]

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  • Make all mythics moderators? I approve. This is a logical progression.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zoobkillerninja Just because they logged in does not mean they are moderating the forums ... [/quote]Of course not. They do have lives, despite what some of you claim, and when they only log on for a short session they still have a look at the forums and lock anything that's not nice. They aren't consistently on here on 7 hour overlapping shifts and I wouldn't expect them to be. :-)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] defnop552 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] edableshoe [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] acnboy34 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zoobkillerninja *MESSAGE TO ALL THAT SAY THE CURRENT MOD TEAM IS FINE* Half the moderators are not even active... that is all ^_^[/quote]Not even close.[/quote] They all just don't post often. They are there. Lots are on different time zones, so that there is an even spread.[/quote] 32/43 have been active within the last 2 weeks by my counts. Chris547 hasn't logged on in over a year though. :'( [/quote] Just because they logged in does not mean they are moderating the forums ...

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  • Who cares there is enough to do their job. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zoobkillerninja *MESSAGE TO ALL THAT SAY THE CURRENT MOD TEAM IS FINE* Half the moderators are not even active... that is all ^_^[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] edableshoe [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] acnboy34 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zoobkillerninja *MESSAGE TO ALL THAT SAY THE CURRENT MOD TEAM IS FINE* Half the moderators are not even active... that is all ^_^[/quote]Not even close.[/quote] They all just don't post often. They are there. Lots are on different time zones, so that there is an even spread.[/quote] 32/43 have been active within the last 2 weeks by my counts. Chris547 hasn't logged on in over a year though. :'(

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zoobkillerninja [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] LordMonkey [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] zoobkillerninja Half the moderators are not even active... that is all ^_^[/quote]They may not post, but they may still active.[/quote] How do you know?[/quote]Posting =/= activity. Check the last active date on their profiles, I'm certain those dates are more recent than most of their last posts.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Scaryghost1 I think we're pretty good on moderators right now, and they do thier job pretty well too.[/quote] It's a solid team, and with Bungie dark, they don't really have all that much to moderate.

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