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4/12/2012 4:05:00 AM

We need more moderators.

There is so much -blam!- that goes on in the Flood that needs to be locked, and there's so many posters or need to be banned. Please, Webteam: Promote Mythic members to moderators!

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  • No. That's a terrible idea. What really needs mods is the Halo Reach forum. That place is scarier than 4chan... I nominate Spartain Ken!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] defnop552 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Atomic Tea [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] defnop552 Guys, I have a fix. [b][i]Read-only[/i] Forums[/b]! [/quote] ...If you can't post....what is there to read?!?!?[/quote] There is 3036 pages of threads in this forum. With 25 threads per page that's 75,900 threads in this forum alone. Some of which have hundreds of pages themselves. Now multiply that out by all the forums available. [b]Read-Only[/b] Bnet for 2012!!!!! :-)[/quote] It's not like much of the material generated on a daily basis is completely new. A lot of it is just a repeat of what was said a year ago. This site can be very...[i]periodic.[/i]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Atomic Tea [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] defnop552 Guys, I have a fix. [b][i]Read-only[/i] Forums[/b]! [/quote] ...If you can't post....what is there to read?!?!?[/quote] There is 3036 pages of threads in this forum. With 25 threads per page that's 75,900 threads in this forum alone. Some of which have hundreds of pages themselves. Now multiply that out by all the forums available. [b]Read-Only[/b] Bnet for 2012!!!!! :-)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] defnop552 Guys, I have a fix. [b][i]Read-only[/i] Forums[/b]! [/quote] ...If you can't post....what is there to read?!?!?

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  • Guys, I have a fix. [b][i]Read-only[/i] Forums[/b]! I expect this to be the online logical solution and should be implemented by Monday morning. [i]Chop Chop[/i] webteam! [Edited on 04.13.2012 12:05 PM PDT]

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  • We don't need more moderators. We only need to induce multiple personality disorders in the existing ones and give each identity an ALT account. Twice the mods, half the cost!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] a rascal cat Perhaps this could have been put more subtlety, but regardless, it makes sense. There is a big difference between the things we [i]want[/i] and the things we [i]need.[/i] This sounds like one of those things we want, based off personal experiences, observations, and opinions. :) [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ctjl96 Everyone in this thread saying we definitely need more mods are talking out their asses. That being said, so is everyone that is saying we definitely don't. It's pretty in-between, I think; new mods wouldn't be a bad thing, but I doubt we actually NEED them.[/quote][/quote] Oh rascal, so full of wisdom. I think you're right on this one.

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  • Perhaps this could have been put more subtlety, but regardless, it makes sense. There is a big difference between the things we [i]want[/i] and the things we [i]need.[/i] This sounds like one of those things we want, based off personal experiences, observations, and opinions. :) [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ctjl96 Everyone in this thread saying we definitely need more mods are talking out their asses. That being said, so is everyone that is saying we definitely don't. It's pretty in-between, I think; new mods wouldn't be a bad thing, but I doubt we actually NEED them.[/quote]

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  • Everyone in this thread saying we definitely need more mods are talking out their asses. That being said, so is everyone that is saying we definitely don't. It's pretty in-between, I think; new mods wouldn't be a bad thing, but I doubt we actually NEED them.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Recon Number 54 Is that what you [i]really[/i] want? Okay then, fine! I'm back.[/quote] Recon :D You're back, bud!!! How was your vacation!?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] halomaster10144 Please, Webteam: Promote Mythic members to moderators![/quote] Horrible idea.

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  • ITT: "Make me a Mod, Bungie! Me! ME!"

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Slayer [/quote]Slayer how many times have I told you the mains aren't ready for you? You're the crazy mother-blam!- we deserve, but not the one we need right now.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Recon Number 54 Is that what you [i]really[/i] want? Okay then, fine! I'm back.[/quote] I know you don't [i]have[/i] to make news-related threads on the Flood, but I would appreciate it if you started up again, damn it.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Recon Number 54 Is that what you [i]really[/i] want? Okay then, fine! I'm back.[/quote] Welcome back. [url=]Party time, excellent![/url]

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  • Is that what you [i]really[/i] want? Okay then, fine! I'm back.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Big Vokes I remember seeing threads like this back in '09 (or w/e year it was) until they finally updated the moderation roster.[/quote] I swear we see it at least once a year. Mostly around summer too. Community members always want more mods, all I want is new background like the winter one we had a few years ago.

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  • Lawl

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Qbix89 I just need to be more strict.[/quote] omfg please no.

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  • I agree, just not in the way everyone else does or does not.

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  • 0
    Just report it and move on.

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  • But then you would still need a mod to mod you...if you go by skibur's logic lol. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Delta 15t Just moderate yourself. You can be your own Ninja. ~Delta[/quote]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The Slayer [url=]BEST Idea you have ever heard, EVEN better Video[/url].[/quote]I'm laughing at your videos. It's the music that does it.

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  • OP just insulted all the moderators.

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  • I come back after a long break from Bnet and the second thread is about needing More moderators. You all havent changed a bit.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CrazzySnipe55 Christ547 - [b][u]inactive[/u][/b] [/quote] If he were ever going to be active, to be fair, it'd be around this time of year.

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