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4/8/2012 1:50:23 PM

Undiscovered Halo 3 Easter Egg

In the "Bungie Mail Sack 9.0" [quote]Its A Mirage asked the following question: Are there any Easter eggs from your past games that surprised you at how quickly they were found or any that surprised you at how long they took to find? Definitely the IWHBYD skull in H3. But you cheated. There is one Easter egg in Halo 3 that I don't think anyone has found - I stumbled across it in code a while back. It only happens on a specific good luck. Jon Cable[/quote] This has really raised my curiosity. Does anyone have any ideas? [url=]Link to the Bungie Mail Sack 9.0[/url]. Text is just above the video of the Marty Easter Egg on Kikowani Station. This may be *old* news, but I've only just found out about it. [quote][/quote] Update: [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] antony X1000 [url=]Mail Sack 13[/url] seems to expand on this. [/quote] This was in Mail Sack 13: [quote]What is your proudest moment in your time at Bungie? Showing my wife the Easter egg I put in the halo 3 loading screen for her - the one that nobody has found yet. Adrian Perez[/quote] [quote][/quote] Update, again. In [url=]Mail Sack 14[/url], this is what we got. [quote] Xd00999 Can you give us any more hints on Easter eggs we have not found yet? No. I cannot. And you, beloved community, must all stop asking. I am sorry. This revival of Easter egg hysteria is entirely my fault. In a previous Sack, I allowed the panel to tease you with mentions of Halo eggs that have yet to be found. You will never find them all. We cannot give you hints. If we did, those eggs would lose their magic. You simply must stop sending me private messages, and stop dropping these questions into the Sack. The strain of lugging around the extra weight of them just might break my back.[/quote] Looks like no more information for us. We must do the rest of the work, ourselves. Here is what we know, so far. -Easter egg is on a specific day -Easter egg happens in a loading screen. Based on that information, it could happen any day of the year, in a loading screen. But, what is a loading screen? Most of the Halo 3 loading is done in lobby.. I figure, it's when you complete a mission, without scoring on. You come to the screen with the Halo ring filling up. That is the only loading screen I can think of. Activating the Easter egg, seems to be most likely a button combination. How else would you activate one during a loading screen? What we need to figure out -The day -How to activate the egg [Edited on 04.20.2012 11:35 PM PDT]
#Halo #Halo3

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jew man man [/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CH3LS3A L3G3ND [/quote] I was just curious that's all. I have nothing against you guys. [Edited on 04.15.2012 5:39 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Your local moron Can I ask why you guys are interested in finding this personal easter egg?[/quote] Well.Because I like to find easter eggs?And he said it himself.and leaked it its pretty much his fault Can I ask why you asked that question? Also:Im suprised people who look at the ISO have not found this. [Edited on 04.15.2012 4:06 AM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Your local moron Can I ask why you guys are interested in finding this personal easter egg?[/quote] What's wrong with it? Easter eggs are there to be found, no?

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  • Can I ask why you guys are interested in finding this personal easter egg?

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  • Huh.In this video 4:30[url][/url] It says in his message To LoFo,The girls,The boys any idea?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DHTH777 I was wondering about this too when I saw the mailsack. EDIT: Here's a link to the loading screen that I think he means. [url][/url][/quote] That's the one I was talking about. Also, I may be onto something. In the [url=]Halo 2 credits[/url], look at Adrian's note. If that is the right person, his wife (not certain) is called Lauren. Just helping to narrow down the search. If we're able to find her birthday/anniversary. We should check those dates. [Edited on 04.15.2012 2:49 AM PDT]

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  • I was wondering about this too when I saw the mailsack. EDIT: Here's a link to the loading screen that I think he means. [url][/url] [Edited on 04.15.2012 2:27 AM PDT]

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  • It must be good because the chances of someone finding that is very low...

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  • Interesting.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DomDaBomb1997 Why don't you try to get like 100 people and all change the date of your Xbox for three or four different assigned dates and then go about it like that. Easier than waiting a year to find it. Haha[/quote] We'd probably get like 20 people, max. The problem is that not many people care about Halo 3 enough anymore. I'd like to see more following for this, but it's quite unlikely.

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  • Very interesting...Im glad there giving us hints!

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  • Does anyone know how to hack into the game? I don't, as I wouldn't bother asking if I knew how. They would just need to look at the codes for the loading screen and find something that is off. (Hacking is bad, don't do it because they are watching)

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  • Now we all know the radios on high ground play under the cover of night? What if on a certain day they play something else?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] antony X1000 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HDhacker Showing my wife the Easter egg I put in the halo 3 loading screen for her - the one that nobody has found yet. Adrian Perez i would like to say i think i have found it, i'm not sure if i am looking at the right screen, but it's worth a shot. In the video at the :20 second mark, look at the top left of the screen. there is a faint image of a woman in the flash. it's much easier to see on the xbox.[/quote]I don't see anything, are you sure you aren't seeing things? It is supposed to be a message and only appear on a certain day anyway.[/quote] no i am not seeing things. how bout this, go put halo 3 in your xbox and play it, the second you get to the main menu go, look for flashes in the background and then you will see what i mean

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DomDaBomb1997 Why don't you try to get like [b] 100 people[/b] and all change the date of your Xbox for three or four different assigned dates and then go about it like that. Easier than waiting a year to find it. Haha[/quote] 100 People

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  • Why don't you try to get like 100 people and all change the date of your Xbox for three or four different assigned dates and then go about it like that. Easier than waiting a year to find it. Haha

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jew man man [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] antony X1000 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] jew man man Interesting, what's his profile so I can send him one?[/quote][url=]JonnyOThan[/url] He also talks about it [url=]here[/url] and [url=]here[/url]. From those, I'm guessing it has to do with an employee's anniversary or something similar.[/quote] He's JonnyOThan? Wow, I didn't even know.[/quote]Same here, and I even talked to Jonny a few times before. Wow. lol

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  • I hope the button combination is B,A,B,Y haha

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Cobravert About the date. The game doesn't know what day it really is, it gets that from your 360, right? What if you just tell your machine it is '3/16' or '5/14' (yes I know these are incorrect) and see if that works, once a date is discovered? Anyone know this Bungie guy at all enough to discover his engagement date? His GF / Wife's Birthday?[/quote] All I know is the guy is 29. Not very useful.But you learn something everyday

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RigZ Boi Could it be something to do with jumping through the rings on level x (I don't remember it's name) in a particular order on a certain day? `[/quote] Its on a loading screen.

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  • Could it be something to do with jumping through the rings on level x (I don't remember it's name) in a particular order on a certain day? `

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  • About the date. The game doesn't know what day it really is, it gets that from your 360, right? What if you just tell your machine it is '3/16' or '5/14' (yes I know these are incorrect) and see if that works, once a date is discovered? Anyone know this Bungie guy at all enough to discover his engagement date? His GF / Wife's Birthday?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] kosen13 The Easter Egg that guy showed his wife, Reading that made me almost get chills. Someone has to find that Easter Egg, I'm putting in Halo Three sometime soon to do a search.[/quote] Once are able to narrow down a date, I'll be doing the same.

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  • The Easter Egg that guy showed his wife, Reading that made me almost get chills. Someone has to find that Easter Egg, I'm putting in Halo Three sometime soon to do a search.

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  • Even though it probably isn't the thing we're looking for, I watched an hd video of the loading screen, and right before the Halo is made whole, I see something that looks like a dog's face. If I wasn't on a Droid right now I'd link to the video.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] CH3LS3A L3G3ND There obviously is a button combination or a switch.because somebody would of found it by now[/quote] Yeah, they mentioned you had to do something on a certain date for it to work. Which is why its so difficult to find.

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