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4/7/2012 1:18:10 AM

Halo 4 Gameinformer info...

[b]LINK REMOVED, ask someone else where to find it All of the below is NOT my writing, it is a user from the Waypoint forums who claims he has the GI Mag[/b] So I just read the new Game Informer. I just wanted to tell you my take on some of the features they'll be adding or taking away. I won't explain the beginning of the story as I don't think I can do justice to accurately describing it. Of course, if you want to experience and don't want to have that experience spoiled then leave this page. [b]LAST WARNING, THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS[/b] (sorta) [b]Spartan Points[/b] Spartan Points is the new currency system in Halo 4. They will buy things such as armor, armor abilities, Spartan Ops missions (see below), and some [b]Spartan Ops[/b] This was probably my most favorite addition I saw. From how it was described, think fo Spartan Ops like Spec Ops from Modern Warfare but with a storyline. They will span out over several months, encouraging players to return to the game. Game Informer said that Spartan Ops will be comparable in scope and size to the in single-player storyline. [b]Why Reds Fight Blues[/b] I think most of us probably guessed this, but reds fight blues and blues fight reds for training purposes. They fight in something called the UNSC Infinity. The UNSC Infinity is a 3km long ship sent into deep space on a mission. It contains a virtual reality sector that creates the multiplayer experience. [b]Sprint[/b] So not only is sprint in the game, but it is a standard armor ability. You do not need to pick it up, it will always be available. You do not need to buy it with your Spartan Points, you will always have it equipped no matter what. So essentially, you can have two armor abilities. [b]Forerunner Vision[/b] Ever wanted to be super man? Now you can! See through walls with your x-ray vision! I can't say I hate this armor ability, I haven't used it yet. I'm hoping it comes with its weaknesses and it discourages camping. Sorry guys, but camping in Halo 4 will not be a legitimate tactic. [b]Returning Armor Abilities[/b] The hologram, jetpack, and active camo will make a return in Halo 4. It didn't elaborate on the abilities, but you can probably assume they'll be about the same. [b]Elites Not Returning to Multiplayer[/b] Not much detail was given as to why elites will not see multiplayer combat, it was stated in a picture caption. The caption reads, "Competitive multiplayer focues on the Spartan IVs. Elites will not be playable. [b]Grenades[/b] Now the article itself did not talk about grenades, but I noticed in the picture the Spartan had 4 grenade options. I assume the plasma grenade will return as seen from an explosion in the picture and the frag grenade will most definitely return as seen by the Halo 4 first look video. [b]Firefight[/b] Once again, no explanation why aside from a picture caption. The caption read, "Halo 4's campaign is still playable with four players online (in reference to Sparan Ops, ensuring players that Spartan Ops will not replace the campaign coop experience). 343 Industries has no plans to include a dedicated Firefight mode. I'm torn on this, I don't normally play firefight, but I feel like it is a standard necessary feature in the game after Halo 3: ODST introduced it. [b]Regicide[/b] Regicide is a variation of free for all. I think it's similar to VIP. Regicide, as stated by the article, "sets the leading scorer as the king. Every opponent that the king kills raises his bounty; other players have to kill the king to claim the reward." [b]Distraction and Revenge Medals[/b] Don't feel bad anymore for not killing a single person in the game, you can get a medal for being a distraction! Oh, you just got killed and now you're raging at that player? Calm down and get rewarded for hunting down the guy that just killed you! Let me make it clear that I do not necessarily see these medals as bad. They just may reward people that don't actually deserve one. [b]No More Weapon Camping[/b] One the skills that separated veteran players from inexperienced players was the ability to time power weapons' spawns. In Halo 4, this will be near impossible. Weapons drop down in drop pods at random locations around the map. Quoted from the article, "This gives the matches other focal points, and it also helps alleviate the advantage longtime players always used to have over newer recruits; the best weapons are not always going to be found at the same spawn locations." Unless there is a distinguishable skill gap between players, I most definitely do not like this idea. [b]No More Respawn Delay[/b] Immediately after you die, by tapping the X button you are sent back into the match. Now let's contemplate why this might be bad. Let's say Halo spawns are... not so great. A skilled player out BRs/DMRs/whatevers a unskilled player. Now that unskilled player can immediately respawn and find you before your shields even regenerate! I understand 343 is trying to speed up the game, but they must understand the consequences of instant spawns. [b]Joining In-Progress Games[/b] So to solve the quitting problem, 343 implemented the ability to join games that are in-progress. My question is are we going to have the ability to search for games starting up instead? It infuriates me to join a game at the last possible second, not even offering me the chance to play. RIP Halo [Edited on 04.06.2012 6:14 PM PDT]
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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] risay_117 Now people who do not play that often have chance to compete. They may not know where the weapons spawn, and so if they drop hey they know[/quote] Forge, wander around the maps. Or experience. Part of what makes Halo better than CoD is that experience making you a better player is more rewarded. [quote]so the better players are going to be the only ones to survive and reach them.[/quote] If they drop at random at random locations, there won't be a fight for them. Whoever is closest at that given point of time will win. [quote]Insta spawn, will only be for those who just want to get into the game. There may be a lets say a protective zone. Or you could go through the timer to have your health regenerate.[/quote] Even if such stuff exsists, it's going to make objective matches that much harder. It's going to basically require you to spawn kill to get the objective in or out.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teh puma [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spirit of sand So... Troll or not? I NEED TO KNOW MAN[/quote] The way frankie responded... Teh puma thinks it's legit... Unless frankie is the troll... In which case frankie is now responsible for giving a chunk of the halo population heart attacks.[/quote] i nearly committed suicide over this!

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  • Meanwhile on 343´s HQ Employee 1: Oh crap! Look at that rage, what are we going to do? Employee 2: Yeah, at least Bioware managed to screw up just the ending and not their whole game! Employee 1: Just imagine the death treaths we are going to receive when we announce all of it is true. Employee 2: Hmmm... or we can just burn our current work, pretend it never existed, and start over with the game. Oh and sue the magazine writers for making up the whole thing. Employee 1: That sounds brilliant! Employee 2: Quick! Fill the lawsuit while I start the fire!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ROBERTO jh [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teh puma Well... If franky straight up confirms this in said podcast... Teh puma is fairly certain that this game's main MP will be trash, and he now understands why that guy quit the project a few months back.[/quote] He quit because he was trying to take it down a Japanese influenced type route, change it completely.[/quote] Not that one. The one who said something like "These plans are too ambitious, it just doesn't feel like halo", or something along those lines.

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  • dis is gonna be the BST HALO GAME EVA -Says the 10 year old who has a KD of 0.5-

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] nickpickles All the changes in previous Halos were just elements of the game that evolved (e.g. power weapon pickups -> equipment pickups -> armor abilities). These changes were mostly beneficial. However, 343 is changing core game mechanics of Halo, which is bad.[/quote]Core game mechanics such as? Seems like you're just complaining. Halo's Halo because you're in a power suit fighting aliens. It'd still be Halo without the goddamn multiplayer, which is completely fine. You people are just morons. Might trying growing up.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teh puma Well... If franky straight up confirms this in said podcast... Teh puma is fairly certain that this game's main MP will be trash, and he now understands why that guy quit the project a few months back.[/quote] Teh Puma SMASHHHHHHHHHH!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spirit of sand So... Troll or not? I NEED TO KNOW MAN[/quote] The way frankie responded... Teh puma thinks it's legit... Unless frankie is the troll... In which case frankie is now responsible for giving a chunk of the halo population heart attacks.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ROBERTO jh [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Methew [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ROBERTO jh Except you haven't seen them yet, so you can't prove it.[/quote] That the not-Perks are Perks?[/quote] I'm saying that we do not know how they function or how they relate to anything. We only know something beyond guns and grenades exists.[/quote]Maybe the "Forerunner vision" is something you pick up on the map, like the overshield.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Teh puma Well... If franky straight up confirms this in said podcast... Teh puma is fairly certain that this game's main MP will be trash, and he now understands why that guy quit the project a few months back.[/quote] He quit because he was trying to take it down a Japanese influenced type route, change it completely.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] risay_117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gibsonsg527 Random weapons and insta spawns sounds terrible. I don't have high hope for Halo 4 anymore.......[/quote] How is it horrible. Now people who do not play that often have chance to compete. They may not know where the weapons spawn, and so if they drop hey they know so the better players are going to be the only ones to survive and reach them. Insta spawn, will only be for those who just want to get into the game. There may be a lets say a protective zone. Or you could go through the timer to have your health regenerate.[/quote] Or you could, you know, play with classic settings.

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  • i still think Regicide and Spartan ops is not a bad idea. 343i should include these if they did not exist. But if they already do, well.....

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  • Well... If franky straight up confirms this in said podcast... Teh puma is fairly certain that this game's main MP will be trash, and he now understands why that guy quit the project a few months back.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Methew [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ROBERTO jh Except you haven't seen them yet, so you can't prove it.[/quote] That the not-Perks are Perks?[/quote] I'm saying that we do not know how they function or how they relate to anything. We only know something beyond guns and grenades exists.

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  • Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm now im sort of convinced, and i don't like it! [url]¤t=img005.jpg[/url]

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  • If more than half of that is true, I'm not going to buy the game.

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  • This thread blew up.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gibsonsg527 Random weapons and insta spawns sounds terrible. I don't have high hope for Halo 4 anymore.......[/quote] How is it horrible. Now people who do not play that often have chance to compete. They may not know where the weapons spawn, and so if they drop hey they know so the better players are going to be the only ones to survive and reach them. Insta spawn, will only be for those who just want to get into the game. There may be a lets say a protective zone. Or you could go through the timer to have your health regenerate.

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  • So... Troll or not? I NEED TO KNOW MAN

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ROBERTO jh Except you haven't seen them yet, so you can't prove it.[/quote] That the not-Perks are Perks?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheAngryMagikarp [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] chaos fighter [url=]I think frank just confirmed the GI. [/url] [url=]343 thread.[/url] Sorry.[/quote]Ouch. Then again, he never said that it was real. Or maybe I'm just in denial. [/quote] I like how for pages GAFers were raging, now it's back to brown nosing Frankie all day erryday. Also it's totally a confirmation.

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  • Halo 4's camo should be Halo 3s.. And they worded it: "Classic Active Camo" so it sounds so.. By the way.. Forunner Vision is on Page 45, paragraph 4.. Let's you spot them camping bastards.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] shortD42 is aBK [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] risay_117 The random weapon drop forces the less skilled players to truly be divided by more skilled players. Also buying new weapons is only going to be a few, and not alot. Another thing is how is the usage of the credit going to work. Is it going to work in a match. Also if you are immediately spawn you will lose your shields, but if you wait you get them full.[/quote] Your logic. I can't find it.[/quote] Really what did i say wrong. If you are not going to give a counter argument do not comment. Also eagle vision is pretty much forerunner vision. Kind of interesting, though does not help camping

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Little Moa [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheAngryMagikarp You do realize this was a troll thread, right? The halo 4 gameinformer hasn't even come out yet. I'ts coming out in may, and last I checked today is April 6th. [/quote] [url=¤t=img005.jpg]This picture disagrees[/url] [url=]So does this one[/url][/quote] taht elite looks like a krogan from Mass effect 3. But at the same time it looks -blam!- awesome.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Methew [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frankie There will be a podcast. Nerves will be soothed. Things explained. Items clarified. I wouldn't worry. Storm before the calm.[/quote] Bull-blam!-. The only way this will get smoothed over is if you backpedal as fast as you can and say it not legit. You smoothed over perks by saying they weren't perks EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE PERKS.[/quote] Except you haven't seen them yet, so you can't prove it.

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  • Random weapons and insta spawns sounds terrible. I don't have high hope for Halo 4 anymore.......

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